Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: :Fraud

Akin moved suspiciously away.

“Heido!” Ah Zhan greeted Heido and asked him to step forward.

The two stood still on the battlefield.

“The elf I sent is this chrysanthemum leaf!” A Zhan was aggressive and confident.

Chrysanthemum leaves trot forward, jumping with short legs, naive.

Without a word, He Duo opened the Pokeball of the round land shark.


The crowd murmured and surprised.

They whispered and explored each other, as if asking for the elf’s name.

“What kind of elf is this!” A Zhan asked Heiduo curiously. Instead of guessing by himself, it is better to ask the master directly.

He Duo said: “The round land shark, the land shark elf, the ground attribute plus the dragon attribute. It mainly lives in the caves in the tropical area of Shenao.”

Although He Duo could memorize the information about the round land shark verbatim, he didn’t need to tell A Zhan in detail, just give him a brief popular science.

“Eh! Dragon attribute? It must be very strong, right?”

As a fan of Dragon Messenger Du, A Zhan immediately became interested when he heard that the round land shark has the dragon attribute.

“You’ll know if it’s strong or not!” He Duo didn’t answer A Zhan’s question directly.

Whether the elf is strong or not depends not on its attributes, but on whether the trainer can exert its strength.

Haven’t you seen the splendid elves in the world of the special chapter!

In the special chapter, Sakagi uses the giant needle bee and the dragon army of Tou to be evenly matched, and uses the Boss Cordola to destroy the Deoxys!

Akin used the newly born Pokerby to defeat Bangiras (Bangira), and used Pokerkis to face Arceus head-on!

Old man Gu Liu can capture the wind king one-on-one with just one messenger bird!

Although the quasi-god is powerful, he cannot ignore other elves.

Just talk about a little elf in the Chengdu area that is basically not mentioned – the iron gun fish.

Its evolved octopus barrel has one terrifying trait: mood swings.

The effect is to increase the level of a random ability by 2 levels, and decrease the level of another random ability by 1 level.

Coupled with the deep skill pool of the octopus barrel, even if its racial value is not so ideal, it makes it one of the banned Pokémon online battles.

Of course, mood swings are the main reason it was banned.

The corner of Ah Zhan’s mouth drew an arc and said, “That’s good! Let’s guess coins!”

Rely on the front and back to determine the first hand.

“I choose flowers!” A Zhan said first.

Heiduo spread his hands, indicating that he had no opinion.

The coin was tossed high into the air, spinning wildly.


A Zhan took it with the back of his hand and covered it with the other hand.


He turned it over suddenly and found that the coin was the side with the number on it.

Started by Heido.

“Then I’m welcome, go and dig a hole!”

Heiduo pointed to the ground, and then, in the surprised eyes of A Zhan, the round land shark cut open the flat ground and drilled down like a mole.

This move is one of the core moves of the round land shark. Don’t look at the fierce bite land shark, which can go into the water and fly into the sky (animation setting), the land is always the object that it is more familiar with and adapted to than the other two.

Ah Zhan hurriedly reminded: “Pay attention to the ground under your feet! It may jump out from under or behind you at any time!”

Chrysanthemum Leaf got the order and hurriedly lowered his head.

It looked a little uneasy.

But it waited for a long time, and the round land shark did not come out, and it suddenly panicked.

Ah Zhan looked in his eyes and said, “Since it doesn’t come out, force it to come out! Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf, use the call for the hole it dug out! Call until it comes out!”

With the countermeasures, Chrysanthemum Leaf shook her calf and jumped to the hole dug by the round land shark just now.

“It’s now!”

He Duo shouted!


The ground in front of Chrysanthemum Leaf suddenly dented, and then shattered, and a large amount of gravel was stuck on Chrysanthemum Leaf’s face.

In order to get to the cave as soon as possible, Ju Cao Ye increased his speed to the extreme, when the round land shark suddenly appeared, it couldn’t stop its pace at all.

“whispering sound!”

The round land shark slammed into Chrysanthemum Leaf’s body and slammed it into the sky.

“Don’t panic! Use the Flying Leaf Knife!”

A Zhan is not in a hurry, digging a hole is a ground-type move, and it shouldn’t hurt or itch for grass-type chrysanthemum leaves.

The chrysanthemum leaves in mid-air reacted, and the bright green leaves above their heads fluttered like the propellers of a helicopter.

Several sharp, crescent-shaped leaves flew towards the round land shark at extreme speed.

“Dragon’s Fury!”

The blue-blue energy was spewed out by the round land shark with its mouth wide open.

Flying Leaf Knife and Dragon Fury collided.


With a muffled sound, the two energies collided to produce a little smoke and dust, and an impulse threw the chrysanthemum leaves away.

“Go ahead and dig now!”

Hei Duo grabbed the gap when Ju Cao Ye could not see the specific situation, and let the round land shark dive into the ground again, waiting for the opportunity.

The smoke cleared, and Chrysanthemum Leaf lost its target again.

But this time Chrysanthemum Leaf was no longer at a loss, it immediately ran to the hole dug by the round land shark, and made a harsh cry in its mouth.

Of course, this time it didn’t run with all its strength, it gave itself time to react.

“You know what? Digging is like a lottery. You never know where and when your enemies will come out.”

He Duo suddenly smiled, then snapped his fingers.

Ah Zhan’s face changed, and he shouted, “Chrysanthemum leaves! Be careful behind your back!”

Behind the chrysanthemum leaves, a piece of soil was slightly raised.


The round land shark broke through the ground, surrounded by blue-blue energy, and its eyes were red.

“Reverse scale.”

He Duo said slowly, he told Yuan Lu Shark to use reverse scales through gestures. He originally thought that Yuan Lu Shark would not understand.

Unexpectedly, the round land shark actually understood?

Reverse scale is both a move and a state.

When the elf uses the reverse scale, it will fall into the reverse scale state, and within 2 to 3 rounds, it will attack in a rage. After a lot of fuss, you’ll get yourself into chaos.

As long as the elves are fans of the humanities, the protagonists will train their elves to resist the negative state of inverse scales.

He Duo also thought about it, and was thinking if he waited until the inverse scale level ten, would it have no negative state?

temporarily unknown.

in the field.

The round land shark pounced on the chrysanthemum leaf, and used its most terrifying weapon right now—the sharp fangs, to tear the chrysanthemum leaf to the brink of bruises.

“whispering sound!!”

The chrysanthemum leaves howled in pain.

“Chrysanthemum leaves! Use poisonous powder! Chrysanthemum leaves!”

Ah Zhan approached and tried to make Chrysanthemum Leaf use poisonous powder.

But the chrysanthemum leaves at this time were completely suppressed, and it was difficult to move at all.

This is a very normal thing.

Although the round land shark is two levels worse than it, with the increase of nine extra attributes, it can completely ignore the level and cause suppression.

Seeing the increasing wounds on its body, Heiduo thought that he couldn’t go too far, so he threw the elf ball and took the round land shark back.

He didn’t have the confidence to use language to awaken the round land shark under the current intimacy and current skill level of the round land shark, which would be too unrealistic.

The safest way at this moment is to take it back into the ball, and the Round Land Shark will naturally wake up after a while.

Besides, when Ju Caoye and A Zhan met for the first time, they couldn’t bully them too much. Listening to A Jin’s words, they still have a Dunjia in their hands!

A Zhan watched Hei Duo take back the round land shark, then he rushed up and picked up the chrysanthemum leaves.

“whispering sound…”

Ju Cao Ye glanced at A Zhan guiltily, and it looked very distressed with its scars.

“No! You are amazing!”

Ah Zhan didn’t dislike the dirt on Chrysanthemum Leaf, put it in his arms, and replied as if he knew what Chrysanthemum Leaf said.

Heiduo watched from the side, walked forward and said, “Yes, you are not weak, and the round land shark is not far behind you. You lose because the moves you can use are too simple. Touch the ground to feel the Orb Shark’s position, if you get an earthquake, the Orb Shark will take double damage under the ground.

“All in all, you still have a long way to go, and today is just the beginning.”

If it weren’t for the dejected look in Ju Cao Ye’s eyes, Heiduo would not have said such a thing.

Any pixie has room for it to grow, and three-year-old doesn’t apply to them.

“嘁…” Ju Cao Ye felt a little better when she heard this.

Originally, it wanted to win this battle and fight for the trainer who met for the first time, but it just couldn’t think of it…

It was put on the ground by A Zhan.

At first glance, the appearance of chrysanthemum leaves is extremely miserable, but in fact, chrysanthemum leaves have not received much damage.

After a while, it has slowed down.

Having said all that~www.readwn.com~ He Duo turned around and left. The following matters had nothing to do with him. While it was still early in the day, he wanted to know how to get to Kikyo City.

【Ding! Round Land Shark Upgrade! The current level is level 8! 】

【Ding! Round Land Shark Upgrade! Current level 9! 】

Two levels in a row!

And the round land shark should have slowed down!

He Duo glanced at the attribute points and found that A Zhan had contributed five attribute points to him.

So he added all to the round land shark.

Whoever earns the bonus.

He walked into the center of the elf and handed the round land shark to the auspicious egg.

Because he didn’t know whether the chrysanthemum grass leaves were used to produce poisonous powder, if the round land shark ingested it, the poisoned state would continue to reduce its physical strength until it died.

To be on the safe side, He Duo decided to show it to Miss Joy, because he was not in a hurry now.

He turned his head and looked, and sure enough, a few onlookers followed, no matter what they came for, they must have something to do with the round land shark.

Sure enough, an unshaven, small middle-aged man leaned up, with a choking smell of smoke on his body.

“Little brother, take a step to speak!”

He had a smile on his face, trying to look kind.

“Don’t borrow it, Gun!”

He Duo knows that people can’t be judged by their appearance, but he is too wretched! He got goosebumps just seeing it.

The middle-aged man’s smile froze, but he still kept smiling. He said, “Don’t be so decisive! I have good things here!”

good stuff? Does everyone have practice?

He Duo glanced at him, and before he could say anything to refuse, Akin’s voice came from beside him.

“Uncle, don’t take out your liars and accomplices, locals can’t fool outsiders?”

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