Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: :Trouble

“Ah! My baby bear!”

Among the three boys, the boy who secretly released the baby bear wailed, and hurriedly ran to the baby bear that flew out.

Krista was a little stunned. She didn’t expect a baby bear would suddenly appear beside her, but the situation made her understand the joints instantly.

“You dare to attack! I’m going to tell your parents! Tell Brother Aso!”

She roared, and like an old hen protecting her cubs, she sheltered the little lip baby behind her.

Milip Baby was also stupid. It only felt a gust of wind suddenly passing by its ear, and it didn’t know anything else.

The two boys on the opposite side heard that Christaer was going to sue the parents, and their faces turned green instantly. They didn’t understand that the original negotiation was going well. What the **** was that fool stealing!

“It’s nothing to do with us! Don’t talk nonsense!” A little chubby who was in the lead yelled at the little friends beside him.

The little friend understood and shouted: “Yes, yes! It has nothing to do with us!”

After all, the two immediately turned their heads and ran away, leaving the fool behind.

nonsense! Don’t run and wait to be scolded?

After the leader escaped, the remaining little boy glanced at the Electric Shock Monster and Krista angrily, and wisely did not confront her head-on, but picked up the baby bear and ran away, leaving a word.

“You wait for me! I’m going to tell my parents!”

Immediately, there were only Kristal, the crying girl, the silly lip-smacking girl, and the gray-faced electric shock monster left on the field.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Sister Chris.” The girl apologized while crying, she felt that something bad had happened.

“It doesn’t matter, they were looking for me, I should say sorry to you. Why don’t you go home first? I’m here!” Although Christa was young, she showed an unusual responsibility.

After she drove the girl away, she turned her head and smiled at the electric shock monster: “Thank you very much, the electric shock monster, if it wasn’t for you and my lip-smacking girl, it would be dangerous.”

“Beep!” The Shock Monster reluctantly returned a smile, but in his heart he was wailing how many math problems he had to do at night.

After Krista thanked him, she thought about going to find Asu. The boy was born with a new face. It was estimated that he had turned around recently. If his parents were not good at talking, he would be in danger.

But before she could leave, a car drove in front of her.

The little boy who had not left for a long time walked out of the car arrogantly, followed by two men and women dressed in extraordinary clothes.

Krista’s face suddenly turned pale.


He Duo put down the book and exhaled, his heart full of joy.

This book is of great value and has given him a lot of important inspiration.

Although it is in the form of a diary, it records a variety of techniques for survival in the wild, reminding readers of what can and cannot be done.

Among them, there are many local customs, mountain and river landforms of various cities in various regions.

For those who do not travel, this book is a read, but for Hedor, it is of immense value.

“Which master is this Feng? I don’t know what his real name is.” He Duo admired the author named Feng. His writing was not very good, but it did not affect reading, and his description ability was excellent.

There is an exclusive festival called Dragon King Festival in Yanmo City, which is very lively. Dragon attribute trainers from all over are famous to come to Yanmo City on that day. In order to get the annual Dragon King Festival, it is said that the weather will be good for the whole year. the title of Dragon King.

It is said that Du has won the title of Dragon King for four consecutive years. If he wins this year, it will be five years in a row, and he will have the right to engrave his name on the highest point of the dragon’s cave, and obtain the title of Eternal Dragon King.

But this is not what attracts He Duo. What He Duo cares about is what is written in the text. A new female champion in the Shenno area is very interested in the Dragon King Festival and has the intention of winning the title of Dragon King.

Shenao female champion, that’s not Zhulan! Isn’t it Shirona and Sister Cabbage!

My idol!

When He Duo saw it, he noticed the time of writing in the diary. It was the 13th of November last year, and the time of the Dragon King Festival was on the 10th of October every year.

In other words, you have a chance!

He Duo glanced at the date, it was May, and there were still five months left, which was quite sufficient!

Priceless! Priceless!

He Duo put the book back, not knowing if it was because he was familiar with it, he already remembered the content clearly.

I don’t know if there is such a good thing…

Just as Heiduo was flipping through the pages, the quarrel from outside caught Heido’s attention.

He frowned, pricked up his ears, and heard Kristall’s arguments.

Isn’t the Shock Monster with Kristal!

He immediately lost his mind to read and went straight out of the library.

Digging is not a good habit.

Shuangye, who was sitting on a small chair, opened his eyes and chased after him silently.

“It’s your son who first attacked my Milip baby! It’s your son who is wrong! Why do you want me to lose money!”

Christa argued angrily.

In front of her, two adults, a man and a woman, sneered and said, “You said my son attacked first! Where’s the evidence? Can’t you get it out? My baby bear has traces of lightning flashes! It’s lying in the hospital now. Here, the hospital charges us 100,000 yuan, and you have to pay for it!”

One hundred thousand yuan!

Christa’s face turned pale, she couldn’t get so much money after selling it!

Moreover! How can there be 100,000 yuan in medical expenses? Which elf hospital dares to ask for so much? This must be extortion!

The electric shock monster stood behind Christaer, his face was also not good-looking, although it didn’t understand, but looking at the faces of those two people knew that it was definitely not a good word!

“Impossible! You said we have no evidence, what evidence do you have to prove that we did the lightning flash move?” Krista choked, she couldn’t show evidence, and the other party certainly couldn’t show it either!

A man and a woman looked at each other with expected smiles. They waved their hands, and two trembling boys stepped down from the car again.

“We have evidence to prove it! What about you? You don’t have anything. Who do you think the police believe in?”

Just as the scene was deadlocked, a male voice interspersed.

“Oh? Witness? I suspect that they were coerced and lured by the two of you, and those two people should be one of the parties? They are friends with your son, and the evidence is invalid.”

He Duo slowly stepped forward, first glared at the Electric Shock Monster, and then walked to Christaer.

At ten o’clock, he could still hear the conversation clearly.

Whose move is a flash of lightning? He also has a B-number, but now is not the time to blame.

Krista wanted to say something, but Heduo stopped him. He winked at Krista and made a silent gesture.

Krista closed her mouth. She knew that she was young and had a weak right to speak, so she just quietly asked Milip Baby to use her mind to send out the Poké Ball with the wind speed dog. According to the speed of the wind speed dog, she should be able to do it in time. Find Aso and her mother.

He Duo looked at the two men, and the faces of one man and one woman suddenly turned gloomy.

“Little Depressed Third, where did you come from!” The man scolded Heiduo directly. If it weren’t for the many people around, hiding and watching, he would have punched him directly.

What he didn’t know, however, was that Heduo thought the same thing.

When encountering such a fool, only fists can convince him, and reasoning with him is useless.

What is there to say?

Reading is to talk to Shabi calmly and exercise is to let Shabi talk to you calmly.

“You don’t care where I came from! Pengci bumped into your ancestor’s head! I didn’t urinate just like you did!” Heiduo rolled his eyes and cursed back.

When it comes to swearing, is there anything richer than Mandarin?

Although this is not something to be proud of, it can always come in handy when faced with a bad pen.

Sure enough, it was the first time that a man heard such dirty words, his eyes were red with anger, and he opened a Poké Ball.


A creature with a red and bright yellow body, a round torso, a beak like a duck’s beak, and a flame above its head jumped out.

[Elf: Duck-billed Fire Dragon (Beast) / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 41]

[Characteristic: Flame Body / Attribute: Fire / Trainer: Jianzhilang]

[Move: Spark lv4/Smoke lv3]

[Flame Vortex lv3/Flame Fist lv3]

Um? Forty levels of four skills? And three are third-level skills?

Heiduo looked at this duck-billed fire dragon and almost didn’t laugh out loud. So there is such a stunted elf?

I feel wronged, your evolution is so handsome!

He glanced at the duck-billed fire dragon with some pity, and at the same time released the Abo snake~www.readwn.com~ The current level is 20, but the extra attribute is 40 points, most of the Abo snakes with the fourth skill are absolutely No worse than this duck fire dragon!

Black Duo has this confidence.

“Pfft! It turned out to be a dead poor ghost.” The man named Jianzhilang laughed when he saw Abai Snake, and the woman beside him also laughed.

He Duo didn’t take it seriously and said, “Even if I’m poor, I don’t care about the money of the little girl like the two of you who are not smart. Besides, why did you send out the elf? Do you dare to do it? This school? ”

No one dares to do anything in the school, because the school is the bottom line of a society, and it represents the future of countless families. Anyone who dares to mess up will only have a dead end.

And the guy behind Heiduo is not a vegetarian. If this man dares to do something, will Shuangye watch him?

As He Duo expected, Jian Zhilang did not dare to do it. He sent out the duck-billed fire dragon just to put pressure on He Duo and the others.

But it didn’t seem to play its due role, and instead was ridiculed for a wave.

Jianzhilang’s face sank, and just as he was about to say something, there was another voice in the clear sky.

“Put away your little elves! I’m a police officer from Kikyo City Police Station, Aso! Police number 46738! One last reminder! Put away your little elves!”

police! A speed!

Hei Duo smacked his tongue. The efficiency of the Elf Alliance once again shocked him. The speed of the police was absolutely amazing, right?

He and Jianzhilang obediently put away the elf, and then a giant bird landed in front of them with a person.

It is the speed of casual clothes!

A small figure emerged from behind Aso. She dangled her calf and ran to Krista’s side, whispering, “Sister Kris, I brought brother Aso over here!”

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