Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: : Someone Else’S Gym Challenge

Kikyo Gym.

He Duo stood in front of a mushroom-shaped gym, looking at this strange building, hesitant.

The design of this gym is so scary that he doesn’t know where to start complaining.

Excessive windows on the main body of the building are neither aesthetic nor practical because it is sealed. The floors divided on the outer walls with purple paint do not match the gray bricks of the building itself. The whole gym looks like a drunken joke made by a certain architect.

He Duo couldn’t help but wonder if the designer and the Aso family had a grudge.

Pushing open the door of the gymnasium, He Duo was amazed by the scene inside. The whole building is actually hollow, the ceiling is at the top, the protruding part, and the layers of purple paint on the outside are just for…beauty?

Next to the gate is a sculpture that all gyms in the game have. He Duo still can’t understand who the elf on it is.

“Hello! Are you here to challenge the gym?”

The sculpture suddenly made a dull mechanical sound, which startled He Duo a little.

He Duo hesitated for a moment and said, “No, I’m here to step on the spot. Who are you?”

“Stepping on the spot? What does stepping on the spot mean? I’m a staff member of Kikyo Gym. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.” The sculpture explained He Duo’s question and waited for He Duo’s answer.

He Duo knows that the sculptures in the game can indeed speak, but because it is a game AI, it will only repeat one sentence.

He said: “Stepping on the spot means going to a certain place for inspection in advance and preparing for the official arrival later.”

“Oh~ So that’s the case, then why are you stepping on it? Is it because you are not confident in yourself, or in your own elf?” The mechanical sound of the sculpture was a bit harsh, making He Duo couldn’t help but stay away.

He Duo’s expression did not change: “If prudence can also be regarded as cowardice, then I will admit it.”

“Hahahaha.” The playback device of the sculpture instantly gave a distorted laugh, and He Duo covered his ears.

“Come up, there’s an elevator over there! I’ll be waiting for you on the top floor!” The sculpture said these words with a click, and stopped making a sound.


With the prompt of the “staff”, He Duo successfully found the elevator and came to the top floor of Kikyo Gym.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a battle field similar to a football field, surrounded by stands, but without turf, appeared in front of Heido.

The huge battlefield is so empty that He Duo can count the people who are here.

In the center of the venue, a silver-grey-haired man with a stubble face, wearing a flight jacket and goggles, stared at He Duo with a smile.

“Hello! Future challenger! My name is Feng! I’m the owner of this gym!” The middle-aged man exuded a bohemian temperament, not like the gym owner at all, but similar to those adventures in American movies Home is a bit similar.


He Duo was stunned, isn’t this the author of the book I read yesterday!

And the gym owner in Kikyo City should be Aso…

what! Aso his father! The person who was attacked by Sui Jun and finally joined forces with the owner of the Azure Gym, Ah Si, who failed to capture him!

He Duo suddenly remembered the origin of Feng, this man who rarely appeared in the special chapter, did not expect that he is still the owner of the museum at this moment?

“Hello, my name is He Duo, and I’m an elf trainer.” He Duo saluted, and a flower suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

A big metal bird flew down from the sky and landed beside the wind.

Armored Bird!

[Elf: Armored Bird / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 76]

[Characteristic: Strong / Attribute: Steel + Flight / Trainer: Wind]

[Move: Steel Wing lv8/Split lv7/High Speed Star lv7]

[Swallow Return lv7/Metallic Sound lv7/High-speed Movement lv7/Feather Nest lv7/Flying lv7]

Wow! As expected of a veteran gym trainer!

He Duo’s eyes lit up. It was the first time he saw an elf with such a high level. Seven seventh-level and one eight-level moves made He Duo even more amazed.

I don’t know how long it took Feng to cultivate this armored bird to this point. He doesn’t have Heduo’s golden fingers, and he trained it all by himself.

It’s a pity that he didn’t become the Four Heavenly Kings later, and was made the Four Heavenly Kings by Kazuki’s junior.

“It seems that you are very interested in it?” Feng noticed that Heiduo had been looking at the armored bird, and patted the armored bird’s metal wings.

Its wings made a banging sound.

Unlike the heavy appearance, the wings of the armored bird are hollow, allowing it to fly lightly and freely in the sky.

He Duo found that his eyes seemed obvious? Two people already knew they were looking at their sprites.

“I’m just surprised how powerful it is.” He Duo told the truth, level 76 was the highest level he had ever seen.

What level will the champion elf be?

80? 90?

It can’t be full level, can it?

Feng froze for a moment, then laughed and said, “Are you complimenting me? This is not a good habit!”

“…If you think so, I have no opinion.” He Duo couldn’t refute, after all, he couldn’t tell Feng that he could see the energy level of the elf with the naked eye.

“Hahahaha, the mouth is quite stubborn!” Feng laughed heartily, and squinted at the armored bird. Could it be so powerful that it can be seen from the outside?

The armored bird spreads its wings, “Hey!”

It has grown to the point where it can understand most people.

No one is not happy because they are praised.

Heduo’s compliments made it very useful, and he couldn’t help but have a little fondness for the boy, and if Zefeng used it to fight Heduo’s elf, he wouldn’t mind putting some water.

“Beautiful!” Feng Xiao scolded and patted the head of the armored bird. He and the armored bird have lived together for more than ten years. The tacit understanding between the two has reached a terrifying state. How can it be unclear what the armored bird is thinking.

The armored bird didn’t care, flapped its wings and ran to Heiduo, and pecked Heiduo’s hand with its metal beak.

He Duo reached out and touched the armor-like bird head of the armored bird, and the touch felt as cold as he imagined.

There are many small scars on its wings and body, and He Duo knows that these are the scars accumulated over the years that have not been treated in time.

This is the case with wild adventures. If there is no team doctor in your team, and you cannot treat your elf’s injuries immediately, scars will be left after treatment. These scars will not cause damage to the elf itself, but are necessary for a training elf. For families, this is to nail them to a pillar of shame called “failure.”

“If you want to watch other trainers challenge the gym, you can go to the auditorium now.” Feng suddenly interrupted He Duo’s interaction with the armored bird, and pointed to He Duo’s back.

He Duo understood, turned his head and found a panting teenager standing behind him, followed by a blue-skinned monster that looked like a dinosaur and a crocodile.

[Elf: Strong Crocodile / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 52]

[Characteristic: Rapid Current / Attribute: Water / Trainer: Shangsuke]

[Move: Frozen Tooth lv5/Crush lv5/Crazy lv4]

[Split lv5/Water Cannon lv4/Surf lv5]

“I’m sorry! I’m the challenger who made an appointment yesterday! My name is Shangsuke! Do you have any plans to fight against me today?” asked politely.

Generally speaking, the challenge gym needs to be reserved in advance, because the owner of the gym is not necessarily in the gym all the time. Moreover, the elves of the pavilion owner are limited, and the elves after the battle need to rest, and the most industrious gym pavilion owner can only receive three to five challengers during the day.

It’s coming the next day.

He Duo has a B number, and walked to the auditorium without saying a word.

Feng chuckled twice and said gently, “Of course, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“That’s great! Mr. Feng, when can we start?” Shang Zhu was delighted. In order to deal with Feng, the famous “Master” in the city, he did a little homework today.

The wind has seen a lot of impatient challengers like Shangsuke, knowing that he must be prepared, but he is very confident in his own strength.

Nasuke was taken to the center of the opposing battlefield by the wind.

“How many badges do you have in your hand?” Feng did not immediately announce the start of the game, but asked Shangsuke such a question.

Gym owners generally decide the difficulty of the battle based on the number of badges the challenger has, and there are few challengers who can make the Gym owner go all out.

When it comes to the number of badges, Shangsuke’s face is full of confidence, he proudly said: “Five! You are the sixth badge I am about to get!”

Shangsuke is very confident in himself, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com feels that this time he will definitely be able to take down the Kikyo City Gym.

“Haha, self-confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is conceited!” Feng retracted the armored bird beside him and took a super ball from his waist.


A body about the size of a human torso, with a wingspan of nearly four meters, shaped like a swift, with extremely long tail feathers like scissors, flapping its wings and stagnating in mid-air.

[Elf: Dawangyan/Gender: ♀/Level: Level 49]

[Characteristic: Perseverance / Attribute: Normal + Flight / Trainer: Wind]

[Move: Flying lv5/Swallow Return lv4/Air Slashing lv4]

[Shadow Clone lv4/Attachment lv4/Parrot Talking lv4]

“It’s the elf that I recovered from the Fangyuan area the year before last! It’s called Da Wangyan, with general attributes plus flying attributes! He’s a very persevering guy! I was just moved by its backbone and recovered it!” Feng touched it. Touching the feathers on Da Wangyan’s chest, the bird’s flight speed and time are closely related to whether it has a strong chest muscle, but unfortunately Da Wangyan does not have the feature of [strong chest muscle].

Shang Zhu’s eyes lit up, knowing a new elf would always make him excited, especially Wang Yan’s gorgeous and handsome appearance, his contemptuous eyes deeply poked his itch.

He decided that the next area he would travel to was Fang Yuan, even if it was for the sake of Wang Yan.

Feng looked at Shangsuke whose eyes were shining, smiled silently, and said, “This is my first elf, it’s your turn.”

Unlike in the game, the trainer only needs to use three elves to challenge the gym, among which the challenger can exchange the elves at will, but the gym owner cannot.

Secondly, the owner of the museum needs to send his own elf first, and the attack is the first shot of the trainer.

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