Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: : Shriveled

“Duduli can’t fight! The challenger wins!”

Feng looked at Duduli, who was covered in frost, and mercilessly sentenced Asu to lose the battle.

“Good job!”

He Duo stepped forward and gave a high five with the electric shock monster.

Ash opened his mouth and was speechless. He took back Duduli and let it rest in peace.

“Hush-huh-” Asu took a deep breath, he had never been so nervous before, it was obviously just an unremarkable battle of elves, but in his heart, it was far more important than the promotion of the police station.

Really embarrassing.

Aso looked at Heido, as a policeman, his psychological quality is not as good as a novice trainer who just came out to travel…

Thinking of He Duo’s identity, Asu clenched the Pokeball in his hand tightly, afraid that you wouldn’t believe it when he said it.

Just as he sighed, he discovered that Heiduo had suddenly released the iron-shelled chrysalis.

The body of the iron-shelled chrysalis emits an evolved blue light.

“Huh?” Ash was stunned.

Opposite him, He Duo was also a little stunned.

He was startled by the series of prompt sounds in his ears and the transparent words that jumped out line by line in front of him.

I don’t know if the system is broken or not, but the Iron Shell Chrysalis has been upgraded to five levels in a row, but the Electric Shock Monster has only been upgraded one level.

It seems that the experience distribution system here is different from the equal share in the game, depending on the contribution?

That’s not right either! Iron-shelled chrysalis certainly made a lot of credit, but the damage was actually caused by the frozen punch of the electric shock monster, and the iron-shelled chrysalis only played a containment role.

And why is the iron shell pupa… No, the experience gain gained by the giant needle bee before is so small, and now it is suddenly so much?

He Duo found that he still had a lot to learn, and a single giant stinger was enough for him to understand.

Thinking like this, the iron-shelled chrysalis beside him had shed its broken carapace, spread out four transparent wings, and lowered two spear-like spikes.

“You’ve evolved again! Giant stinger!” He Duo watched as the giant stinging bee vibrated its wings quickly and flew recklessly on his head.

The Electric Shock Monster held He Duo’s legs and opened his mouth in an O shape.

How can you fly all of a sudden?

“Om!” Big Needle Bee nodded. The evolved body made it feel very comfortable. Except for a little discomfort, the originally heavy body suddenly felt lighter and the vision was wider.

As if everything was under control.

The Big Needle Bee began to fly around the entire Kikyo Gym. Standing in the sky and crawling on the ground were completely different perspectives. He Duo’s encouraging and smiling eyes made him feel happy.

on the ground.

He Duo withdrew his gaze, and instead of returning the giant stinger into the ball, he let it fly by itself and adapt to the new body.

Everything has an adaptation process that no one is born with.

“I’m sorry Aso, let’s continue.”

He Duo looked at Aso who had been watching.

Asu’s face was flat, indicating that he didn’t care. In the few minutes just now, he had done self-adjustment and was not so nervous anymore.

The evolution of the iron-shelled chrysalis gave him a lot of inspiration, reminding him of what he said when he was a child, when Cuckoo evolved into a night owl.

[I want to become a flying master like my father, a top gym owner! ]

When Aso was still a child, he looked forward to the identity of the owner of the Wind Gym. Because everyone in Kikyo City will smile and greet the wind when they see the wind. During the festival, their home must be the most lively.

All adults respect his father, and all children adore his father.

Even in the years when he was training as a police officer, colleagues talked about his father with envy and admiration on their faces.

And Aso, at the moment when Gugu, who grew up with him, evolved into a night owl, the dream of becoming a gym owner sprouted in his heart.

Since when did he forget this dream?

It seems to be the moment when he finds out that the thief escapes the French Open with a pixie, and laughs at everyone who chases him.

A Su suddenly looked down at the Poke Ball in his hand.

Bibi bird. It was rescued by himself from a person who abused the elf, and after being healed, he was released into the forest, but the elf wanted to follow him.

“Can you… help me with the main force?”

Through the sphere of the Poké Ball (special setting), Aso saw Bibi Bird’s firm eyes and felt relieved.


Bibi bird flapped its wings, chirped loudly, and had sharp eyes.

On the opposite side, He Duo and the Electric Shocker were startled, startled by Bibi Bird’s eyes.

“Is there such an effect with sharp eyes?” He Duo looked at the 26th-level Bibi bird in surprise. The sudden heart palpitations just now disappeared, but He Duo could definitely come from Bibi bird.

The electric shock monster turned back, and He Duo gave it a relieved look. The soldiers came to block the water and cover the ground. Their level was low, but the ability value was not low! The attribute is even more dominant!

“Please!” Asu spread his hands to Heiduo.

He Duo blinked his eyes, he always felt that Asu’s state had changed a little, burst out? No, it’s the protagonist’s patent, right?

“Electromagnetic float!”

He Duo gave an order, and then, in the surprised eyes of Asu, the body of the electric shock monster slowly rose into the sky, and the golden light group gathered around the electric shock monster, spinning, like the halo of Jupiter.


Outside the arena, Feng became interested. Based on his experience in traveling across the country, the electromagnetic levitating move was commonly found in the Shenao area, and in the two places of Guandu, very few elves with electrical attributes came up with this move.

A Su looked at the electric shock monsters flying in the sky, and smiled: “Amazing! I really didn’t expect such a strange move in this world. It is indeed the right decision to become a gym owner!”

He began to feel fortunate that he could become the master of the gymnasium, and the city police did not have the opportunity to have such insight.

“But don’t get too happy too soon! The wind is blowing!” Asu raised his hand, and Bibi Bird flapped his wings vigorously, flying to a place higher than the Electric Shock Monster, releasing a gust of wind at He Duo and the Electric Shock Monster.

The dust flew up, and He Duo calmly took out a goggle from his bag. Anyone who has played Pokemon games, who doesn’t know about the goggles?

Sand and dust protection is a must.

In the sky, the electric shock monster’s floating body is somewhat unstable. It has no wings, and its skill proficiency is not high. It is impossible to fly freely in the air like other flying elves.

“Asu, don’t cry too much.” He Duo gave Asu a pitiful look and said loudly, “Plan A! Beg for rain!”

If you talk about the biggest bug of the system, He Duo can tell you responsibly, it is not the extra attribute of 200 points, nor the ability to see the opponent’s skills, but the ability to learn skills without restrictions.

Large tracts of dark clouds gathered in the sky opposite the battlefield. He Duo had tested it, and the rain seeking range of level 3 was about half the size of the battlefield, that is, fifteen meters by fifteen meters.

too small.

It’s hard to imagine the level of rain that can affect a town or a city.

Asu frowned. Unlike in the game, rain has a great impact on the bird elf. Water-soaked feathers will increase the burden of flying. It won’t make it impossible to fly, but it will definitely affect the flexibility.

“Wing attack! Don’t give it a chance to make moves!”

Rainy days will greatly increase the hit rate of electric-type moves, and the electric shock monster must not be allowed to make moves!

“It’s useless, thunder!” He Duo laughed, and the routine of begging rain and thunder was a move He Duo had focused on training with electric shock monsters in the past two days.


The thunder and lightning roared, and a thick and large electric current exploded from the rain cloud, rushing towards Bibi Bird who was close to the Electric Shock Monster!

Bibi Bird’s glowing white wings slammed into the body of the electric shock monster, knocking the electric shock monster down into the sky, and then hit the body directly by lightning!

“Damn it!” He Duo never expected that Bibi Bird’s speed was so fast that he attacked the Electric Shock Monster before it released the thunder, and the damage was high! The electric shock monster was stunned directly in the air!

He Duo saw the electric shock monster rolling his eyes from below!

Ignoring the electrostatic properties of the Electric Shock Monster, He Duo flew and caught the Electric Shock Monster that was falling at an extreme speed. Because the ground was full of rain and dust, his body was covered in mud.

On the opposite side, Aso did the same, and quickly released Nighthawk to let it catch the blackened Bibi bird.

He Duo had a black face, and in his arms was a stunned electric shock monster. There were two scars on its body, one was the white mark of the wing attack, and the other was a small black hole, overflowing with blood.

“wdnmd! Surprising blow (conspiracy)!” He Duo scolded in a low voice, he looked at the move column of the Bibi bird~www.readwn.com~ This move speed, he did not see clearly!

Feng was on the side, smiled and said loudly: “Bibi Bird, the electric shock monster can’t fight! A draw!”

【Ding! Electric shock monster upgrade! The current level sixteen! 】

【Ding! Electric shock monster upgrade! The current level is seventeen! 】

I still take others too lightly.

He Duo patted the body of the electric shock monster and took it back to the Poké Ball, “Rest in peace, I will avenge this revenge on you.”

The electric shock monster’s injury is not fatal, and He Duo does not need to apply for treatment.

A Su’s Bibi Bird was even worse, and was taken away by the staff of the gym and sent to the Pixie Center for rescue.

If it weren’t for the powerful recovery ability of the elf, Bibi Bird’s injury would not have been better for a day or two.

“As expected of the son of the flying ‘master’, I admit that I despised you.” He Duo woke up Abo Snake in the Poké Ball and praised Asu.

He was almost bewildered by Aso who was commanding Duduli just now, thinking that Aso was actually no different from those ordinary trainers.

But in fact, the two are very different.

The Bibi bird in the hands of ordinary trainers is not so fast and moves. He Duo’s 10-point physique just can’t tell that Bibi bird used his wings to attack, and used his claws to use a surprising blow.

There’s no such thing as stealth anymore.

Of course, Heiduo wasn’t stupid enough to accuse Asu of naming the moves he was using, that’s what a fool would do.

Ah Su did not speak, but smiled slightly. This kind of lesson was a wonderful feeling, and he began to enjoy being the master of the gymnasium.

“Asu! The gym owner can’t keep silent all the time.” Feng said, directly interrupting Asu’s behavior of pretending to be X.

He said solemnly, “You have to tell people what’s wrong!”

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