Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: : Abi

The gate of Kikyo Gym.

“It’s not the first time I’ve seen evolution. I’ve also evolved in battle, but it’s the first time I’ve seen a trainer like you who evolved two elves at one time.” Feng and Aso stood together, looking at He Duo A huge purple python and a wasp with a lance next to him said with a smile.

He Duo was noncommittal, the evolution of the elf is a normal thing, not to mention that in the case of so many leaps and bounds, it is normal to gain experience that satisfies evolution.

After saying goodbye to the two, He Duo returned to the Elf Center and waited in the lobby for the electric shock monsters to finish their treatment.

The person on duty today is Yuan Lu Shark. This little guy was sulking because he didn’t have the chance to play. He grabbed He Duo’s trouser legs and stared at He Duo with his eyes.

Originally, the energy level of the round land shark ranked second, but now the latter two have caught up, but it has become the last one.

This made the round land shark unacceptable as a dragon-type elf.

It has to be the strongest!

“What a hurry! What a shame!” He Duo pinched Yuan Lu Shark’s cheek, the rough skin made He Duo not dare to exert force, and the gloves on his hands were still a bit expensive.

The round land shark struggled, stretched out its small claws to pinch Hei Duo’s face, and made a “kaka” sound from its mouth.

“Yo! You’re still not convinced after a few words, what can you do with such short claws?” He Duo laughed at the round land shark’s arm only twenty centimeters long, so angry that the round land shark broke away from He Duo’s hand, He grabbed He Duo’s trouser legs and climbed onto He Duo’s shoulders, biting He Duo’s hair with a **** mouth.

Oh shit!

He Duo was in pain, the little guy’s mouth was not serious or serious, he felt that his hair was being pulled up by the roots.

“Let go! You will eat all my hair!” He Duo “pulled” the round land shark off his head and reprimanded him well.

The round land shark was aggrieved, and he was bribed by Hei Duo with salsa fruit and dragon eye fruit while he refused to accept it.

The former is the fruit it likes to eat the most, and the latter is the fruit it likes to eat with salsa.

Shasha fruit has no special effects, but it is very popular with ground-type elves. Its taste is rough, and the pulp is fine like sand, with little moisture.

Dragon eye fruit can improve the defense of the elf when its physical strength is exhausted. The taste is bitter and astringent, but when combined with shasha fruit, it can relieve the bitter taste and taste quite refreshing.

The round land shark has no hobbies, and the mixed salad of these two fruits is one of the few things it can fold.

By the way, there are all kinds of crystal clear gems. Different from the kind of chicken blood goose soft stone that the electric shock monster likes, the round land shark especially likes transparent gems, and it won’t even glance at the opaque ones.

But that kind of luxury Heiduo can’t afford, even the cheapest evolution stone costs 3,000 yuan, which belongs to the high-end goods that Heiduo can’t afford.

“Your elf has returned to health, please keep it.”

Joey came pushing a cart with three Poké Balls and an envelope on it.

He Duo put away the Poké Ball, and Joey handed the envelope to He Duo.

“This is the bonus for the successful challenge of the gym, please make persistent efforts!”

Joey smiled sweetly. To be honest, it was too late for Heiduo to get his first gym badge at his age.

People of this age who don’t have a gym badge generally go the other way and don’t become trainers, they may be co-ordinators, breeders, nurses (rangers) or performers.

“Thank you.” He Duo saluted Joey, Miss Joey is one of the cornerstones of social stability, and every Joey is worthy of respect.

With the bonus, the elves are restored to health.

At this point, Heiduo is about to say goodbye to Kikyo City, and he plans to go to Manjin City next.

As the largest city in the city, it must be very prosperous.

Moreover, Ruby lived in Manjin City before he came to Fangyuan. His father also passed the gym trainer exam in Manjin City, and was finally assigned to Chenghua City and became the gym owner.

Ruby’s father’s name is Qianli. He is a character He Duo likes very much in the special chapter. He is good at using the elf with ordinary attributes, and represents the elf as a lazy man, a hyperactive ape, and a leave king.

If you can learn something in his hands, that would be great.

Route 36.

With his back to Kikyo City, Heiduo strode toward the shooting star. At this time, if you turn your head to look, you can vaguely see the spire of the Tower of Trumpet Buds.

When he was leaving, Aso rode an owl and came to thank him. Although Heiduo didn’t know what he was thanking, he was here to see him off.

He came with Kristal and her mother, both of whom were holding large boxes of bean paste tea cakes in their hands, and the Electric Shock Monster in the Poké Ball made an anxious sound.

Their overly enthusiastic attitude makes He Duo a little embarrassed. He Duo rarely sees such people on Earth. The “light” and “heat” emitted by them make He Duo extremely ashamed.

Even the frosty leaves that were onlookers were divided into a box.

It was the first time Heido had this kind of treatment.

At this time, he was walking on the main road of Route 36, near the ruins of Alufu.

He Duo plans to go to the ruins to observe and observe, the wisdom of ancient human beings, I heard that it has a certain relationship with the creation legend of Shenao.

The special product [Unknown Totem] in it also made He Duo curious.

This kind of elf that only has [Awakening Power] will generate incredible power after a large number of gatherings, and it can even distort time and space.

In the theatrical version of “Tower of Time and Space”, the two worlds inhabited by Dialga and Paluccia are full of traces of them.

However, when approaching the ruins of Alufu, He Duo found a large number of off-road vehicles and a large group of archaeologists wearing field combat uniforms.


A middle-aged man found He Duo standing in the distance and asked in a loud voice.

He Duo said: “Yes! Can the ruins of Alufu be visited now?”

If it is not open to visit, it would be too disappointing.

I heard that Alufu’s mountain spring water is famous all over the world for its sweetness?

“Of course not. The ruins of Alufu belong to the whole world. As long as it doesn’t interfere with our work, you can visit it however you want.” The middle-aged man said with a smile, then turned to work.

Of course it’s best to visit.

He Duo climbed down the high slope. Due to the change of terrain, the entire Alufu Ruins were not located on the **** as in the game, but sank underground.

There must be nothing to see in the ruins outside, and the important things are in the stone room deep in the ruins.

In the game, as long as you bring Arceus to the ruins of Alufu, a special plot will be triggered.

Entering the ruins, the scenery that catches the eye makes Heiduo have a sense of sight of a mine cave. There are earth-grey stone walls on both sides, and the top of the stone walls is painted with patterns of unknown totem shapes.

After half an hour.

He Duo sighed and emerged from the ruins.

Sure enough, the places that are open to visit have been explored, and those that are not open are tightly sealed or not developed at all.

These excavated remains are not as big as a block in Kikyo City, and it is estimated that there are still many stone chambers buried under the rock formations.

Suddenly, the sound of conversation not far away caught He Duo’s attention.

“Mr. Abi! Are you going back today?”

A young man wearing an explorer’s hat smiled at a “girl” sitting on an off-road vehicle.


He Duo looked at the “girl” and instantly remembered that there was an indistinguishable male and female gym owner among the eight gymnasiums in the city.

When Ah Jin met Ah Bi, he was immediately attracted by his beautiful face and mistook him for a woman.

“That’s right! Because there are too many challenge reservations for the gym, I have to go and issue badges to them.” A Bi smiled, and beside him sat a giant insect covered in green with two scythes.

Flying mantis…

As one of the representative elves of Abi, this guy who did not evolve into a giant pincer mantis has a very terrifying [Lian Slash]. During the exhibition game of the master of the gym, he once used Nazi’s sucker golem (Magic Wall). puppet) into a corner.

Of course, there is no lack of Nazi digging holes because of water.

But the flying mantis’ unusually fast slashing still left a deep impression on Heido.

The two were chatting, and Heiduo hesitated whether he should go up and say hello. After all, he was the master of the gymnasium who wanted to challenge. If he sold well in advance, he might learn something.

Just as he hesitated, a figure walked to Heiduo’s side.

It was Abi, the worm attribute expert stretched his neck and sniffed lightly on Heiduo’s body. UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to smell something.

“Ah, hello! My name is Abi, and I’m the gym trainer of the Cypress Gym.” Abi cheerfully extended his hand to He Duo and smiled.

“…Hello, I’m an elf trainer, and my name is He Duo.” He Duo and Abi shook hands lightly.

Different from the tenderness in his imagination, A Bi’s hands are a bit rough. I don’t know if it is because he often holds the insect net. A Bi’s tiger’s mouth has thick calluses.

When Abi heard Heiduo claiming to be an elf trainer, he smiled and said, “You shouldn’t have challenged the Cypress Gym, do you want to get the gym badge? I can play the elf battle with you here, if you win , I can give it to you right away!”


And such a good thing? He Duo was dumbfounded. The flying wing badge he had just obtained today, did not expect to get the insect badge in such a short time?

“…No, I don’t think I’m ready yet.” He Duo finally chose to refuse.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, A Bi’s face immediately showed a look of disappointment.

“Eh… I still want to see your giant stinger.”

Big sting bee!

He Duo was surprised, how did Abi know that he had a large needle bee?

He couldn’t help lowering his head and glanced at the confused round land shark, which was obviously placed outside today.

“I smelled it through my nose.”

As if he could see He Duo’s doubts, Abi explained with a smile.

Abi said: “Because I have a lot of research on worm-type elves! Everyone calls me the ‘Encyclopedia of Insect Pixies’! I can’t understand the smell of giant needle bees!”

Yes! There are also introductions related to Abi in the special chapter!

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