Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: : Hinoki Gym

Juniper Town.

Early in the morning again, Heiduo climbed down from little Lisa’s back, holding the little sparkling fire dragon elf egg in his arms.

“Send you here! Goodbye!” Ji Ke was as resolute as ever, not caring at all that this parting might be a goodbye forever.

He Duo waved to Ji Ke who flew away from afar.

Ibrahimovic was lying on Heiduo’s shoulders, and his two stubby hind legs grabbed the straps of the backpack, as if they were embedded in him.

It’s expression is sullen, as if it didn’t sleep well last night, it said: “Why can’t you hold me, must I hold you? You can sleep until you wake up naturally, why are you torturing me?”

At a glance, you can see that this person is getting up.

He Duo didn’t bother to care about it, he would adjust himself after leaving it for a while, and now the elf egg’s status is higher than it.

Ji Ke had instructed him not to keep the elf eggs in his backpack, it would be more beneficial to carry them around.

Heiduo had never raised elf eggs, so he came strictly according to Ji Ke’s instructions, and she would do whatever she said.

This is a big deal, don’t mess around.

He looked around and found a building with a red roof with red and white **** hanging on it 100 meters away from him.

There are always people coming in and out.

Pixie Center… Hedo’s pixies are very healthy, and there is no need to enter the Pixie Center.

At this moment, he was in the open space beside the center of the elf. Not far away, two people younger than Heduo were fighting.

Because it is close to the center of the elf, the surrounding battlegrounds are very popular, and if the trainers want to fight, they will be here. There is a situation to go to the next door, just right.

When he returned to Hinoki Town, he mainly wanted to get the Hinoki badge. With his current level, it should not be difficult to get the second badge.

Hinoki Gym.

It is a forest museum with a semi-circular transparent roof located deep in the jungle.

Like the outside, it is lush and green inside, and there are all kinds of bug-type elves.

He Duo felt that most of Abi’s wages were used to repair the gym, so how much labor would it cost for a large forest?

Abi stood at the gate of his kingdom of insects, and saw He Duo’s arrival, his eyes lit up, he waved at He Duo, “Here! He Duo! Come here!”

The host of the Insect Gym and the expert on insect attributes is as cute as always, not like a boy, and his shoulder-length short hair is even more attractive.

Hei Duo’s face was smeared by the youthful aura coming from him, and A Bi had a sense of sight from the little girl next door.

When the listless Ibrahimovic saw Abi, his eyes lit up and said, “What a lovely girl! Is she your acquaintance? Why have I never heard of you? It’s too boring!”

It looks very wretched when it laughs, blinding its kawaii skin.

“Have you played Pokemon Gold? Or have you read the special chapter, the Encyclopedia of Insect Attributes—Abi, what a girl, show some respect, they are boys!” He Duo flicked Ibrahimovic’s head with his hand.

Ibrahimovic screamed and covered his forehead: “Abi? It sounds familiar, but it doesn’t matter! How is your relationship? Fool him in women’s clothes! Cute boys are the best! Hurry up! Women’s clothes and women’s clothes!”

Yes, he is another person who is poisoned by the two-dimensional women’s clothing culture. He doesn’t understand the fun of women’s clothing.

He Duo stepped forward and hugged Abi.

“I’m really sorry, I was in Kanto when the incident happened, and I won’t be able to come back for a while.” Abi said sorry to Heiduo first, and the Mole Poaching Group came to the vicinity of Junipi Town. He is a gym trainer. You should quickly return to Hinoki Town to resolve the incident.

But at that time, he really couldn’t make a move, so he had no choice but to give up.

He Duo said that he didn’t care, and Yuan Lu Shark’s mute sound made him understand a truth – the most reliable person in the world is always himself.

“It seems that you have gained a lot these days? They are all newly recovered by you? Uh, good-strong Ibrahimovic.” Abi reached out and touched Ibrahimovic’s chin, and was shocked by the fat on his hand. Meat.

Ibrahimovic, who is fat enough to have a double chin, has never been seen since he was a child.

Ibrahimovic couldn’t understand Abi’s voice, but he could see something from the slightly embarrassed expression on his face, especially when his hand was still on its chin.

Ibrahimovic’s affection for him fell to the bottom in an instant.

Even if she is no longer a human girl, Ibrahimovic is still very concerned about her weight. Heiduo is the owner, so it doesn’t matter if you say it, others can’t!

This guy is always eating while refusing to face his massive increase.

“So I walk with weights every day now, and exercising works wonders.” He Duo made a little joke with Abi.

The two laughed softly.

After the chat was over, Abi led Heiduo into the gymnasium.

As soon as he entered the door, an iron armored chrysalis hung with milky white silk threads suddenly came into Heiduo’s eyes, trying to frighten Heiduo.

Heiduo, who sensed twenty o’clock, didn’t respond, and Ibrahimovic was so frightened that he almost lost his mind.

“I-I-I-I-I, can I hit it!”

Abi looked back in surprise: “What is it talking about? Is Ibrahimovic’s cry complicated?”

He Duo’s expression remained unchanged: “Don’t pay attention to it, this guy wants to learn human speech, but it’s just nondescript.”

This is an excuse He Duo came up with. As long as He Duo does not answer Ibrahimovic in Chinese in front of others, no one will know that Ibrahimovic is speaking a “foreign language”.

To be on the safe side, He Duo specially bought a lot of preschool textbooks for Ibrahimovic so that he could learn the language of the Pokémon world.

Anyway, it can even speak Chinese with so many syllables and semantics. The world language of Pokémon is sprinkled with water.

“…Oh.” Abi didn’t get to the bottom of it. Although in his opinion, there must be something wrong with the language Ibrahimovic said, he was not someone who was looking for trouble.

The two of them tacitly understood, separated the dense bushes, and walked to a flat battle field.

“Are you ready?” Bi took a pokeball from his waist and smiled at He Duo.

He usually returns to Juniper Town for two days a week, and “cleans up” all the reserved challengers within these two days.

This is a heavy burden on his elves, so Abi often puts some water in. So far, the challenge difficulty of the Hinoki Gym has been evaluated on the Internet as “low”, which is suitable for novice trainers to challenge.

However, no one dared to spray Abi. After all, Abi has a very high status in the archaeological field, and his contribution to the society is not something that the Internet giants can abuse at will.

Besides, is the strength of others really not high?

You must know that the threshold for becoming a gym trainer is to have a top trainer qualification certificate.

Enough to kill a lot of people who are beyond their own means.

He Duo put the elf egg in a safe place and said, “Of course, I am confident!”

He released the electric shock monster.

The restless voice of the fangtooth land shark came from his waist.

“You’re in the lineup! Don’t worry!” He Duo patted the Fangtooth Land Shark’s Poké Ball. To be on the safe side, he had to keep the Fangtooth Land Shark as a back-up.

Hearing that he had a chance to play, the fangtooth land shark stopped.

Abi looked at Heiduo without letting go of Ibrahimovic, and said, “Are you sure you want to fight like this? The game won’t stop halfway because of your lack of energy.”

A slightly more rigorous gym, if the trainer is not physically fit, it will be directly sentenced to defeat.

People will not sympathize with you.

He Duo gave Abi an ok gesture.

“Alright then.” Bi turned on the switch of the Poké Ball.


A purple elf with yellow eyes and yellow eyes jumped out.

Wheel ball!

He Duo raised his eyebrows, this is the degenerate version of the Elf Centipede King that He Duo recommended to A Bi at the beginning, but he did not expect A Bi to have it.

That’s right, centipedes are not a rare elf in the first place. If you buy a plane ticket to fly over and fly back quickly, you won’t need it for a day.

[Elf: Wheel Ball / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 28]

[Characteristic: Poison Sting / Attribute: Insect + Poison / Trainer: Abi]

[Move: Insect Bite lv3/Rolling lv3/Poison Strike lv2]

[Venom Impact lv2/Iron Wall lv2/Missile Needle lv2]

Wow! As expected of a top trainer’s elf!

This is the second time that Heiduo has seen someone else’s elf whose skill level is one level higher than the energy level prefix. The first time it was an armored bird of wind, but it only had an eighth-level steel wing.

But this wheel ball has two three-level moves.

“If it wasn’t for your recommendation, I wouldn’t have met this child. Except for the Flying Mantis, it’s the most eye-catching little elf I’ve ever seen.” Abi smiled and touched the body of the wheel~www.readwn.com ~ Its characteristics are mainly reflected in the spikes on the side of its tires, and it will not be poisoned if you don’t touch that place.

Hei Duo replied with a smile: “Congratulations, but I think you should not be happy so early.”

At first glance, the two third-level moves are a bit scary, but in front of the average fourth-level electric shock monster’s moves, it is still not enough to see, let alone the additional attributes, there are always enough for Abi to drink a pot!

“Hahaha, I like how you look confident!” Abi laughed and said he liked it, but in fact his eyes were full of desire to fight.

He Duo didn’t beep with him, and shouted directly: “Old plan! Electromagnetic floating!”

In order to make Abi’s death clear, He Duo said the trick directly, he didn’t need to speak at all.

So, with Abi’s stunned expression, the Electric Shock Monster flew high into the sky.

“Did the Electric Shock Monster actually have such a move?” Abi’s mouth widened. He has been the owner of the gym for five or six years. He has seen many Electric Shock Monsters. Strange!

He Duo “hum” twice and said, “You haven’t seen a lot!”

As soon as the voice fell, under He Duo’s instruction, the two arms of the electric shock monster spun like a top.

A dark cloud suddenly condensed above the glass-covered Hinoki Gym.

The fine raindrops suddenly fell on the ground.

“Begging for rain???”

Ah Bi’s voice was so loud that it broke, and he dared to swear that it was the first time he saw an electric shock monster that could beg rain!

What the **** is this electric shock monster doing!

“Hum hum hum.” Heiduo was very satisfied with A Bi’s expression. He touched his nose, and some suddenly complained about A Su’s cold face. What’s wrong with making him pretend to be cool? Why so desperate !

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