Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: : Really Greedy!

White mist rises from its body, and the steam boils like a martial arts master in Jin Yong’s novels.

“There are no absolutes in everything, I hope you can remember.” Abi seemed to be able to see what He Duo was thinking, but did not explain why the super horn attack could break the so-called 100% defense.

According to common sense, the super horn should cancel each other out with the hold, rather than the super horn breaking the hold and defeating the electric shock monster at the same time.

Is it a level suppression or a move level?

He Duo was thinking about the problem while wiping the rain on the sluggish Electric Shock Monster with a towel.

He was wearing waterproof clothes, bought specially, not afraid of rain, and a hat.

The backpack is also waterproof. The advertisement claims to be watertight, but it is not that exaggerated, but the light rain still cannot penetrate.

Ibrahimovic is miserable, the fluff all over his body is knotted against his skin, how ugly he is. Before it didn’t dare to disturb He Duo’s battle, but now He Duo was empty, and exclaimed that he wanted him to wipe his hair.

He Duo naturally didn’t want a wet creature against his cheek, took out a towel and a portable hairdryer and spent a minute drying Ibrahimovic’s hair.

Ibrahimovic screamed “woo woo woo” throughout the whole process, He Duo’s movements were too fast, his thinking couldn’t keep up with the body’s reaction.

On the opposite side, A Bi was also wiping his hair, and went to the room to change his clothes. The elf battle was not a life-and-death struggle, nor was it as severe as the Alliance Conference. Whether or not to pause in the middle of the game was entirely up to A Bi’s personal wishes.

“Beep beep.” The Electric Shock Monster grabbed He Duo’s sleeve, and seeing its unwilling face, He Duo lightly patted its head.

“Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. Failure is success. Your path has just begun, don’t worry.”

Even the Electric Shock Monster has not evolved, and the Electric Shock Monster is still just a child.

But even if Heido said so, the Electric Shock Monster was still not very happy. The last time it was in the gym battle, it was considered dead with others, but this time it simply lost!

He Duo silently took back the electric shock monster. This guy was too strong. If he couldn’t beat him once, he wanted to beat him a second time until he could put the loss in the opponent’s mouth.

One win and one loss now…

This Heracross can’t beat it.

He Duo couldn’t help but let out a “tsk” and released the fangtooth shark.


The fangtooth land shark let out a long roar, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

This guy stronger than the raptor looked forward to countless gym battles, and during a week in the fire-breathing dragon valley, he often went back to challenge some powerful fire-breathing dragons.

Now it is already level 30, the same level as a cobra that fishes all day.

Seeing this, Abi took back Heracross.

Heiduo was stunned and said, “Didn’t you say that the owner of the museum can’t exchange elves? Are you?”

“It was a draw just now.” A Bi waved his hand and explained, “I think it’s a bit out of line, but it doesn’t matter.”

The main responsibility of the gym owner is to teach rather than defeat. He just wanted to tell Heido that he won’t be able to win with too many tricks.

Although He Duo has long understood this truth.

He released his third elf.

An iron pupa in dark green armor jumped out.

“What’s the situation? Acting has started?” Ibrahimovic blinked, what can an iron armored chrysalis do? Nothing can be done.

[Elf: Iron Armored Chrysalis / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 40]

[Characteristic: Molting / Attribute: Insect / Trainer: Abi]

[Move: Iron Wall lv5/Silk Spinning lv5/Strike lv4]

Appeared! Net live Sui Jun’s spinning!

He Duo’s expression remained unchanged on the surface, and his heart was vigilant. If he remembered correctly, in the future, this iron-armored pupa will cooperate with an iron-shelled pupa to create a big net that the beast can’t break free.

“Be careful, don’t underestimate the enemy!” He Duo reminded Fang Lu Shark, don’t look at only three skills, or it will overturn!

Come safely!

On the opposite side, A Bi saw the Fang Lu Shark and said with a smile, “It’s the elf from Shenao, right? It’s the first time I’ve seen it!”

Is the information so closed? There are only more than 800 kinds of elves known in the world, and at least He Duo knows only more than 800 kinds. Abi, a person who has lived in the world of Pokémon for so many years, has never even seen a fangtooth land shark?

emmmm, maybe it’s really possible.

People are very busy as ruins investigators.

“Dig a hole.” He Duo didn’t talk too much nonsense with Abi, and directly let the Fang Lu Shark dive to the ground.

As an elf with ground attributes, the underground is its kingdom!

“Humph—cover the ground with spinning silk!”

Under the command of A Bi, the armored chrysalis spit out a large number of white silk threads, gradually covering the entire field.

He Duo didn’t panic, but snapped his fingers.

The fangtooth land shark has two huge ampullae of Lorentz, which can feel the vibrations nearby, and can also help the fangtooth land shark to smell various odors.

It swooped out from the ground, just behind the silk-spinning iron-shelled chrysalis.

“Reverse scale!”

“Iron wall!”

Two voices rang out at the same time.


The sound of metal vibration came from between the fangtooth land shark and the iron armored chrysalis, and the huge momentum directly lifted the iron armored chrysalis out!

“What a lot of strength!” Abi exclaimed, his iron armored pupa has a very special feature that after using the iron wall, the weight will be increased by about five times.

The average weight of the armored pupa is 9.9 kg, while his is 12.5 kg, five times it is 62.5 kg, which is equivalent to 123 catties!

The weight of a slightly emaciated adult male!

The iron armored chrysalis flew in mid-air, calmly tightened the silk thread with its mouth, and tried to bounce back with the help of the silk thread’s elasticity and toughness!

The silk thread is taut to the extreme in this second!

But a figure wrapped in blue-blue dragon attribute energy suddenly appeared in front of the iron armored chrysalis.

It was shocked to find that in front of itself was the infinitely enlarged golden-yellow dragon pupil of the Fangtooth Land Shark, and the Fangtooth Land Shark had a ferocious smile on its face.


The more violent impact knocked the iron armored pupa directly out, and then when Abi exclaimed “Iron Wall”, he quickly came to the side of the iron armored pupa that was knocked away. The blue-blue and purple fins were like a sickle. Slashed **** the body of the iron armored chrysalis!

The metallic color on the surface of the armored pupa flashed past, and its iron wall was interrupted!


It was directly smashed into a shallow pit on the ground!

“What a ferocious little elf!” A Bi was shocked, the Fang Lu Shark’s quick combo was something he had never seen from a challenger.

If he read it correctly, it should have been the fangtooth land shark that used Dragon’s Dive and Dragon’s Claw in the reverse scale state just now.

But… the iron armored chrysalis can withstand it!

In the field, after three consecutive battles with the fangtooth land shark dragon attribute, he stood on the spot panting slightly, and the rampage caused by the reverse scales still took a while.

But the fact is not as simple as the fangtooth land shark thought. In the shallow pit, the sand and dust dissipated, and the iron armored pupa was waiting for a pair of eyes, staring at the fangtooth land shark indifferently.

It still had scars from the fangtooth land shark, but it still carried it.

The price the fangtooth shark paid for this was—

On top of the sticky worm silk all over the ground, the fangtooth land shark vigorously moved its legs, but its front path and feet were already covered with worm silk.

The fangtooth shark has been restricted from moving!

If you want to solve the very simple matter of worm silk time, as long as it is a fire attribute skill, it will be done. No silk spit out by a worm attribute elf can withstand the fire—probably, maybe.

“When attacking, pay attention to your feet. The iron armored chrysalis spins silk to bind it!” Abi shook his fingers, indicating that Heiduo was too young, and the iron armored chrysalis was more resistant to damage than he thought.

He Duo used another method of fire-killing attribute moves.

“Small problem! Taste the horrors of nature! Earthquakes!”

Rumble rumble!

The front limbs of the fangtooth land shark slammed on the ground, and the invisible vibration went straight to attack the iron armored chrysalis in the shallow pit!

There are two ways to attack the earthquake – one is to break the ground and generate irregular rocks to attack the opponent.

The other is to not harm the land, create vibrations, and attack opponents like Whitebeard’s shaking fruit.

For the time being, the fangtooth land shark has the latter. The former is too destructive to the land, and it is easy to hurt innocent people and harm the world.

As soon as the worm silk of the iron armored pupa spewed out of its mouth, it was shaken to the sky by the vibration made by the fangtooth land shark! Naturally, the worm silk also failed.

At the same time, the spider silk at the feet of the fangtooth land shark was forcibly broken and torn apart, and the action of the fangtooth land shark could no longer be restrained.

There are still about three minutes until the end of the reverse scale.

The worm attribute has three weaknesses, namely flying, fire and rock, and there is just a rock attribute move called [Sharp Stone Attack] in the fangtooth land shark’s skill pool. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The form of this move in the rare diamond is to create flying stones to attack the opponent, but in the later stage, whether it is an animation or a game, it becomes a chrysanthemum that creates thorns to attack the opponent.

To be honest, He Duo likes the sharp stone attack of the rare diamond, but the reality is exactly the same as that in the game.

Countless thorns spewed out of the ground like unearthed bamboo shoots, lined up in a vertical line in front of the fangtooth land shark, and slammed into the belly of the iron armored chrysalis!

This time, even if Abi made it use the iron wall again, the iron armored chrysalis couldn’t hold it anymore.

The “proud warrior” in the worm-type elf rolled his eyes, foaming from his small mouth.

Flying around, vibrating and belly bumping, it vomited out its breakfast!

It’s too much!

“Ah la la, your fang shark is really strong.” Abi scratched his head helplessly, and took back the iron armored pupa. Sure enough, Heiduo’s elf is much stronger than the data, which is really embarrassing. You can’t take the strong elf, and the weak elf is for nothing…

He took out the insect badge that had been prepared for a long time.

No matter if Heido lost all three games or won all three games, this badge must be given out today.

“Slow! I don’t think the battle is over yet.” He Duo stopped Abi from sending the badge, and Heracross still has no experience yet!

The battle with the Iron Armored Chrysalis just raised the Fanged Land Shark one level.

It is also a battle, and the electric shock monster lost to Heracross also has one level!

Ibrahimovic put a [healing bell] on the Fang Lu Shark under Heduo’s order to offset its negative state.

Abi opened his mouth and said, “…Okay, since you insist.”

Anyway, He Duo is a challenger today, and it’s not a big problem.

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