Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: : 1 Wave Of Fertilizer


The rocks are broken and the dust is everywhere!

Under the dust and smoke, there was a silk spider lying among the rubble.

It is already incapacitated.

All the friends looked at everything that happened in the field in disbelief, knelt on the ground and covered their heads and cried loudly.

“Impossible! Impossible! There’s no way your Aberdeen will collapse!”

The onlookers looked at He Duo in shock, not by his powerful strength, but by his strong forbearance ability.

This kid actually hid a move for so long!

Is he a novice trainer!

【Ding! Abo Snake upgrades! The current level is 16! 】

【Ding! Abo Snake upgrades! The current level is 17! 】

【Ding! Abo Snake has learned to stare at the big snake! 】

Two levels in a row! Also learned to stare at the big snake!

“Huhuhu.” He Duo ignored all of Sapo’s friends, ignored everyone who looked at him, panting and slowly approaching the equally exhausted Abo Snake.

He lifted the Arbor snake high and circled the field.


At this time, He Duo was excited, because 20,000 yuan was about to start, because Abo Snake brought him surprises again and again.

The onlookers of Team Rocket looked at him with different expressions, some disdain, some sigh, some contempt, some dumbfounded.

Putting down Arbor, Heduo took it back with the Poké Ball, and it was so tired that it became a problem to move.

Unlike the stamina bar in the game that changes unless you are attacked, your every move in reality consumes your strength invisibly.

Not to mention the action of the Abo snake condensing the big rock and slapping it with its tail in the end.

At that moment, Abo Snake was almost incapacitated, but unlike the Orb Spider, which fainted directly, it also had the ability to dodge and counterattack.

Like a dying struggle.

“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it!” All the friends pointed at Heiduo and roared, “I checked your information! It’s obvious that your Abo snake only has the venom of the venom needle! Where did the rock collapse come from! The cypress snake is definitely not the one you received!”

The crowd was in an uproar!

Everyone was looking at Quanyou, but different from the expressions they looked at He Duo before, they looked at Quanyou as if they were looking at a corpse.

Article 18 of the Rockets Rules and Regulations Code:

Non-captain level members do not have the right to inquire about the information of official members! Captains can only view the information of their own members! Violators will be given different punishments according to the circumstances!

In fact, as long as you have the ability to check other people’s information, no one will come to trouble you. After all, everyone will have a day when they want to check their competitors’ information.

But this is an unspoken rule!

Non-existent rules that cannot be stated on the surface!

On the surface, all of them must abide by the rules and regulations of the Rockets unconditionally!

A person like Quanyou who speaks out the unspoken rules is simply an idiot!

This guy is definitely cool!

The crowd of onlookers began to disperse, and the excitement of the Rockets dealing with the illegal members was not so good-looking. In case of a fire, they would have no place to cry.

When Quanyou noticed the departure of the crowd, they thought of their eyes, and their anger instantly cooled down.

His face turned to ashes in an instant.

“You… you’re really awesome.” He Duo had nothing to say to this man.

Is this friend smart or not?

He could be smart enough to trick Hedo without knowing it, or stupid enough to say something he couldn’t say.

A muscular man wearing a black vest with an R marked on his chest walked leisurely to the arena where the two were fighting.

“Captain Lan!”

“Lan…Lan, squadron captain.”

Quanyou’s lips were trembling, in stark contrast to the calm Hei Duo.

Lan ignored all the friends, looked at He Duo and said, “You are very good, it’s a pity that Abo Snake matches you.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, looking a little clueless.

However, Heiduo frowned and responded loudly: “No! Captain Lan, you are wrong! I am not worthy of Abo Snake!”

He knew very well that these two battles had little to do with him, and were entirely supported by Abo Snake’s own excellent physical fitness and powerful strength.

Lan’s footsteps paused, but she left without saying anything.

As soon as Quanyou breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that he was being supported by someone and stood in place with forcible support.

Two serious-faced Rocket soldiers stood behind him, one left and one right.

“You! What are you doing—ah!!”

Before he could struggle, a soldier took out a round stick-shaped implement and stabbed Quanyou fiercely.

All the friends immediately passed out.


“Your bet amount will be credited to your personal account, please rest assured!”

He Duo wanted to take out all his friends’ money, but another soldier told He Duo directly.

Helpless, He Duo had no choice but to nod and say, “Okay.”

It was estimated that it was Lan’s personal guards, and they said no one, which round got a new member of Heiduo to interject.

correct! How about your husband!

He Duo suddenly remembered the initiator of this incident.

He looked around, and after searching for a long time, he found the shivering noble husband in a corner of the training ground.

Tsk tsk tsk, this relative did too badly.

He Duo shook his head, the top priority was to go to the infirmary to let Abaishe recover, but he couldn’t treat the great hero badly.

“It’s okay.”

A young lady in a team uniform with a gracious face handed back the Poké Ball with Aber Snake to Heido.

“Thank you.” He Duo nodded at her.

Naturally, there is no such genetically powerful creature as Joey in Team Rocket, so their members are generally senior elf doctors with certain experience.


In this world, the Elf Doctor is also a profession with a very high status.

As you can see Joey, the bad guys dare to blow up the elf center, but they only dare to tie it up in the face of Joey.

They are the reborn mothers of all elf trainers!

Putting the Poke Ball on the buckle around his waist, He Duo turned and left the infirmary.

Although Abo Snake’s physical condition and physical strength have recovered, its mental state must not keep up.

Don’t put it out.

Give it a good rest in the Poké Ball.

Just as He Duo walked out the door, Seliya, a beautiful young lady with silver hair, came towards him.

“I heard!” Serea said calmly, but there was concern in her eyes.

He Duo smiled awkwardly at her.

To be honest, he always felt that the conversation with Seria was extremely embarrassing, like an awkward chat.

He said: “Cough cough! Thank you! Thanks to the Abo Snake, I barely defeated him.”

As a realist player, he didn’t think that human eyes could speak before. In those novels, there are “light eyes”, “evil eyes”, “sadness, happiness and pain in the eyes”, “the eyes flashed” There’s a trace of haze” These things are all playing dog’s eyes and they’re not weird, how can there be so many changes.

Generally speaking, the change of demeanor must be combined with expression and eyes, including Aberdeen and Supersonic Bat.

Their faces also have expressions that change.

But now his idea has been severely cut into a hole by Seria.

He was really curious about how Seliya managed to convey her emotions with just her eyes without changing her expression at all?

“…Congratulations.” Seria said congratulations.

“…Thank you.” He Duo reluctantly replied, and then he couldn’t stand the atmosphere that was gradually entering a deadlock, and said goodbye to Seria.

Seria watched Hedo go away.

Her eyes were a little complicated, but in the end they all turned into firmness.

Sitting in front of the computer, He Duo looked at the extra 20,000 transaction points in the lower left corner of the personal user interface, and lamented the efficiency of those people.

Open the properties interface of Abo Snake.

[Elf: Abo Snake / Gender: ♀ / Level: Level 17]

[Characteristic: Molting / Attribute: Poison / Status: Sleeping]

[Additional Attribute: 3 / Intimacy: 85]

[Move: Dissolving Solution lv2/Big Snake Eyes lv1/Poison Needle lv2]

【Rock Fall lv2/Violent Fang lv2/Bite lv1】

Newly learned a move called Big Snake Staring.

The effect of the move is to paralyze the enemy by 100%, which is a very important move for Abo Snake, because it represents whether A Bo Snake can control the field.

Don’t look at the negative state of paralysis, which does not have the ability to sell blood, but it can halve the speed of the elf and occasionally imprison the elf.

I believe this will be one of the core skills of Abo Snake.

When he opened the personal attribute page again, Heiduo found that the all-friend silk spider actually provided him with five attribute values!

This attribute value is so easy to earn!

Is it a reward for the leapfrog challenge?

He Duo thought about it, and then added all five attribute points to Abo Snake’s additional attributes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The skill level can be increased through exercise, but the additional attributes are difficult to increase. 200 points, and now at 5 points, Abai Snake will work hard to get it. When will 200 points be a head?

Holding back the hand of opening the elf trading page, He Duo has not yet had the capital to train the second elf.

Reality is not a game, as long as you have no brains to brush wild monsters, you can level up and become stronger.

The elf here can cry, laugh, and get tired when he knows the pain. They are not a string of computer data, but the real life that exists around him.

Rockets eLibrary.

Haddor turned seven or eight pages to find what he was looking for.

“Basic Cultivation Rules for Poison Attribute Elves”

“Code for Advanced Cultivation of Poison Attribute Elves”

“Abo Monster/Abo Snake Cultivation Experience – Elementary and Intermediate (by A Ju

“Basic Essentials of Elf Battle”

“The Experience of Past Champions”

“Station and Science”

“Pixie Nutrition”

“Cooking represents the future! 》

“He Made a Nurturer”…etc

The above are the books that He Duo spent a lot of money on, as well as the various videos that came with them.

He spent nearly 1,000 trading points in all of them, and the most expensive ones were the Poison Elemental Pokémon Cultivation Rules and Abo Snake Cultivation Experience.

But Haddor knew that these books were for reference only, and just like the difference between people, there was a world of difference between Arbor and Arber.

They are mainly there to provide inspiration.

“I will definitely nurture you into the world’s No. 1 Aberdeen snake!”

Heduo looked at the Poké Ball on his right and promised in a low voice.

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