Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 938

Chapter 931: : Promise With The God Of Creation

“You and Zou Xue are the last human beings I put into this world. 』

Arceus’s tone was flat, and he glanced at He Duo at the same time.

“Let’s live a good life in this world. 』

He Duo heard this and was silent for two seconds. Although he had understood the meaning of Arceus’ words, he still asked without giving up:

“I still want to know, why did you choose me? Is it a coincidence, or…”

Now that it is clear who brought him to the other world, some questions cannot be avoided.

For example, was he reborn after death, or was he captured by Arceus while he was alive.

It has nothing to do with what you want to do after knowing it, the main thing is to simply want to know.

It’s your own business after all.

“…people who sleep are often unaware of their actual bodies. Choosing you is naturally a coincidence. Nothing is doomed. After seeing the time and space tunnel, you should understand this. 』

Different world lines represent different possibilities, indicating that in other “worlds”, it is someone else, or another “he” who is brought over.

Arceus in front of him obviously belongs to the “high-dimensional” existence who is high on all world lines and sees all possibilities. It stands to reason that he cannot observe this kind of creature.

Even people can’t talk about biology…

But the fact that there are so many things in front of you is meaningless.

“what do you mean?”

“In the past, due to long-term overtime work, staying up late, and sedentary inactivity, your body was sub-healthy, and your spirit reached the limit. In your sleep, you died suddenly. Besides, I didn’t visit your original world in person, I just brought you over there. 』

Arceus’s tone was flat.

sudden death.

Hei Duo’s pupils shrank suddenly, a word he was very familiar with, because one of his colleagues hanged in front of him like this.

… Feng shui takes turns, and this year it is his turn.

He Duo’s heart was a little bitter for a moment, and all kinds of past events came to his mind.

However, this sentiment came and went quickly.

After all, it was many years ago, and now he has been reincarnated as another person.

Just have the memory of the past life.


Heido let out a light breath.

Arceus nodded sympathetically.

“You can accept it, of course it’s better. It’s getting late, now, let’s talk about business. 』


When He Duo heard this word, he immediately became alert. Those who could be called business by Arceus must be troublesome and troublesome.

Seeing He Duo’s expression, Arceus smiled helplessly:

“Don’t be so vigilant, I have no intention of asking you to do anything. 』

Hei Duo sneered twice, not daring to continue.

“Remember your agreement with Cocobul? 』

The **** lowered his head slightly, his eyes full of seriousness.


Naturally remembered.

Cocobull asked him to remain kind and never use the Lucario evolution stone to harm the lives of others.

Although he later killed a group of people at Fangyuan’s abandoned pier, the only people who planned to attack him were the dead.

The blood on their hands is a crime that is not enough for them to be shot a hundred times, and what they do is absolutely anti-human and anti-social morality.

It can be seen from the physical state of the kangaroo, sure-won and the warrior eagle at that time.

If you don’t sell them, you will probably cut them off.

He Duo really couldn’t bear such a scumbag creature still living in this world, so he made his move.

Of course, the super-evolved Lucario was not used.

Therefore, on this matter, He Duo definitely has a clear conscience.

“I, too, hope you can make a promise with me. 』

Arceus interrupted Hedor’s thoughts.

He Duo raised his head slightly, his expression a little surprised.

“Human beings are extremely easy to change creatures. Ten years ago, the way you think and do things will be completely different depending on the food you are exposed to. But I hope that whether it is ten years, or a hundred years or a thousand years, you can become a kind person. 』

Arceus’ eyes lit up.

“This kindness is not determined by me, nor by you in the future, but by you now. 』

…do not forget the original intention?

He Duo didn’t immediately agree, because he couldn’t be sure that his future self would never change. As Arceus said, people’s three views are formed by their experiences.

Like Liu Bo, his temperament has changed greatly due to the occurrence of certain things.

If he now Dala Lala agreed.

Isn’t it pitting your future self?

Arceus was not in a hurry to let Heduo give him an answer, but just waited quietly by the side.

because he knows—

“Okay, I agree.”

Less than five seconds of thinking time is just a few blinks in reality.

For Heido, this is actually not a difficult question to decide.

His current three views can not be called lawful goodness, at best neutral goodness, refined egoist.

Going further down, he couldn’t accept it himself.

He couldn’t accept that he was a dragon, even if he never slaughtered a dragon.

“very good. 』

Arceus smiled.

Although He Duo himself couldn’t understand, how to see the smile from its strange face.

Neither side mentioned what would happen if they didn’t accept it, as if that option didn’t exist from the start.

At the same time, there is no mention of what will happen if the agreement is violated.

It’s no different from child’s play.

It is like a gentleman’s verbal agreement, which depends entirely on self-consciousness.

This kind of agreement will probably be refuted by many people who are full of contract spirit and pursue rigor, but for Hedor, this is enough.

There’s still a little time left before dawn.

Arceus told Hedo that if he had any questions, he could keep asking.

Haddor asked.

In reality, was the energy in the Thousand Universe wrist pendant used to play the Pokémon world structure just now?

Arceus nodded, its body has fallen into a deep sleep, and now it is only its consciousness in the outside world, so if you want to do whatever you want in the outside world, you need a little help.

Of course, it was not completely used up, and a quarter was left for Hedo.

As for how to use this quarter, how to use it, the right to choose is in He Duo’s hands.

The first time He Duo heard this, he thought of using this power to improve the environment and help the elves who were plagued by human industrialization pollution.

It’s not how great he is, it’s just that in front of the benevolent Arceus, Heduo subconsciously considers the problem from his perspective.

Beside ~www.readwn.com~ Arceus showed a gratified smile.

Afterwards, He Duo asked a few more things that he had always wanted to know but could not get an answer to.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the future.

Arceus has made it clear before that the future is diverse, and knowing only a part of the future is meaningless.

A little bit of different choices will lead to different future forks.

After about half an hour.

Hedor thanked Arceus and said goodbye.

Wake up slowly from sleep.

Coincidentally, he had a face-to-face with the embarrassed and anxious Darkrai.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

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