Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 941

Chapter 934: : Final Arrangement

the beginning of the year.

After being “idle” at home for a whole year, He Duo and Hei Duo consolidate what it means to fall in love with Xiao Lan, and finally can go to Rainbow University for further studies.

But the major is not what she originally wanted to study, mechanical manufacturing and transformation.

It is a major called Modern Mechanics.

It is many times more complicated than simple mechanical manufacturing, and it even has the function of developing new industrial materials.

In short, it is thousands of times more than what Xiao Lan originally imagined.

The schoolwork was so heavy that He Duo couldn’t even take her on a trip.

Books are suddenly more important than boyfriends.

Even taking her out to dinner, this girl was holding a book.

“Is it so good-looking? Studying is heavy?”

No, watching Xiao Lan eat macaroni and read a book, He Duo asked with some dissatisfaction.

“Huh? Hehe.”

Xiaolan raised her head, first glanced at Heiduo in confusion, and immediately realized what he was talking about. She smiled and said, “It’s interesting, I didn’t know these things before!”

Only after systematic study did she realize the beauty of machinery.

And fell deeply into it, unable to extricate himself.

On the one hand, Heido was happy that Yu Xiaolan really liked this profession, but on the other hand, he was very dissatisfied with Xiaolan’s neglect.

They are in love!

Love period!

And Xiaolan naturally didn’t notice He Duo’s stinky face, and obediently closed the book and put it aside, “Okay, okay, don’t read it, look at you like that! Eat something.”

She forked a macaroni dipped in sauce and put it to Heiduo’s mouth.

He Duo bit down viciously, chewed it casually, and asked, “Did you forget something?”


Xiaolan looked confused, He Duo asked her so coldly, she really couldn’t remember what he said.

Forgot what?

Xiaolan looked at Heiduo cautiously, hoping he could give some hints.

Seeing Xiaolan’s appearance, Heiduo was angry and funny.

This girl is usually quite clever, why is she so stupid when she sees a book?

Is IQ all divided into understanding book knowledge?

“Excuse me, Miss Pokédex Holder, how did you promise me when we went to the Jackrolla Islands last year to see the sea view from the cliff and greet the rising sun?”

He Duo sneered and put down the fork in his hand.

Sea view? Chaoyang?

Xiaolan lowered her head to think, and then suddenly remembered that she promised He Duo at that time, and when she successfully enrolled, she would be engaged to him…

what! She actually forgot!

Xiaolan suddenly showed an annoyed expression. Since the beginning of school, there have been too many things, and there is almost no spare time except sleeping. She has been busy for a long time, and she has forgotten it.

As a result, she still didn’t remember when she was free now, only when He Duo reminded her.

This is no ordinary little mistake.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan immediately put down the cutlery and stood up. She was glad that this was a private box. She walked to He Duo and sat down, hugging his neck and saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, the owner of the pavilion forgive me, okay? ”

“I just want to forgive you with just a few words? It’s too beautiful to think about it, right?”

He Duo felt like he had to lose his temper sometimes, or the chick would slap her nose on her face.

It seems that He Duo is really angry.

Xiaolan was a little confused, but after two or three seconds, she calmed down. She shook Heiduo’s arm and said coquettishly, “It’s really not intentional. I didn’t remember it all at once. Can I make up for you?”


He Duo glanced at the door of the box and raised his voice a little, “How are you going to make up for my young and fragile mind?”

As soon as this word comes out.

Xiaolan’s neck and earlobes suddenly turned a peach-like red. With what she knew about Heido, when he raised his voice, he was thinking of something bad.

She gritted her teeth, leaned beside He Duo’s ear and said, “You can do whatever you want.”

After that, Xiao Lan’s face became extremely rosy in an instant, like a ripe red apple.

Although this girl is a master of theory and flirting with the emperor, she is actually too innocent. Now that she can say such things, she must have already made a decision.

Hei Duo got cheap and sold well. He was happy in his heart. On the surface, he said calmly: “This is not the same, let’s not take it as an example.”

Xiao Lan was so angry that she gave him a shove.

But this is not how impatient Heiduo is, but he understands that if Xiaolan can say such a thing, it proves that even if he is kneeling on the ground to propose marriage, she will happily agree.

That’s it.

One for one lifetime.

He Duo sighed and kissed Xiaolan on the cheek.

noon the next day.

Hedo returned to the gym.

What greeted him was Moon Ibrahimovic, Mewtwo, Lugia, and the three individuals, who had four trials.

Of course, except for Moon Ibrahimovic, the other three are doing their own thing.

The guy in Chao Meng said he would stay for a few months, but it turned out to be almost half a year.

“Tell me! What did you do last night! You didn’t return home at night!”

Moon Ibu was serious and authentic.

—[Heiduo didn’t return to the gym at night, and spent the night outside. 】

This is shocking news for Ibrahimovic Moon.

When Heiduo did not go out to travel and went out to do business, Moon Ibrahimovic basically never saw him go out during the day and come back the next day.

“Doing what? Doing what human beings are born to do.”

He Duo’s expression was flat, but he had a little more unusual temperament on his body.

And for the four sensitive elves, it was no different than putting Wang Zhi and stinky tofu and canned herring under their noses.

Moon Ibrahimovic first heard it, his expression was startled, and then he shouted in a state of collapse:

“Ha?!! You actually started! You actually! How is it possible! It’s not until you get married that—”

“This kind of thing is not well said.” He Duozhi sat proudly on the sofa, picked up the lazy salted fish Lugia, and when the sun shone, he only felt that his bones were crisp.

Lugia raised her eyelids and glanced at He Duo, and wrote down his current state in her mind.

It turns out that this is the so-called boy becomes a man.

Gained knowledge.

Moon Ibrahimovic puffed up, “You actually carried me and her behind your back—”

“Hey! Don’t do anything! What do you mean with her behind your back?”

He Duo suddenly straightened his waist and stared: “You will cause unnecessary misunderstandings like this!”

“…whispering sound!”

Moon Ibrahimovic had a stinky face and stuck out his tongue to He Duo, “I’m not allowed to say shameless! Bah!”

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and ran away, as if a tiger was chasing him.

Entity Three followed, and it was curious about what happened to Heido, but Hedo would definitely not tell it, so it chose to ask Moon Ibrahimovic.

Chao Meng wore an inexplicable eye on his face, flipping through the book in his hand like an old pedant.

He Duo ignored Moon Ibrahimovic and yawned as his mood gradually calmed down.

I was too busy last night, and this morning I sent the tired little Lan home again. I was used to being lazy on weekdays. After relaxing, I felt a little sleepy.

end of the month.

He Duo went to Shenao to see the child who fiercely bit Lu Shark.

Although it has not been mentioned before, the elf egg has actually hatched as early as last year.

He Duo also went to witness its birth with Lie Bite Lu Shark.

It was almost the same as the fierce biting Lu Shark back then, as if he had retreated.

Wu Liuliu has big eyes, likes the habit of biting people’s hair, and loves shiny things.

It’s very similar to his father.

Even the characteristics have been inherited from Mengte—[rough skin], instead of becoming a sandy hide with her mother.

It’s just that the gender is female, and she is the good daughter of the fierce bite Lu Shark.

Bite Lu shark loves it very much. Compared with the giant pincer mantis, which does not know how to be a parent and is basically entrusted to the female giant pincer mantis, it needs to know how to interact with its own children.

In three days, I asked Shanaido to send it to Shenhe Town to be intimate with its wife and children.

Hei Duo likes the round land shark very much. After all, he is the cub of the fierce biting land shark, and he often comes to see it.

The little one thrives on a lot of love as a result.

Even, under the cultivation of Shirona not long ago, it successfully evolved from a round land shark to a fangtooth land shark.

Really happy.

Not long after.

Chao Meng set off again, according to what it said, this time its journey will be a little longer, and it may not be able to return for five or six years.

Since it was not a farewell, He Duo had nothing to say, and sent him away happily.

in a few days.

Individual Three happily stood on the Heteromagnetic Mountain and released the aurora, because Individual One and Two came back, and they completed their agreement with Heduo and guarded the planet for three years.

The three Deoxys began to discuss whether to travel around the world or explore the universe.

He Duo was envious of this.

in early March.

Of the six little brats, three girls head to the Trainer Academy to begin their official trainer journey.

The remaining three boys, Luo Geng, Hongshu and Huijing, chose to become traditional trainers, to improve and hone themselves by challenging gyms and traveling around the city.

Haddor agreed.

And told them that since they chose to challenge the gym, they were only allowed to challenge him when they got the seventh badge.

At the same time, homework is not allowed to fall, and the three must complete the subject tasks assigned by him.

The three boys who tried to learn Hedo and went his old way agreed with a bitter face.

In fact, under the current conditions, they can go directly to the built maglev train without hiking, and they can easily reach various cities.

Coming back once a week is totally doable.

so far.

He Duo is still very satisfied with the performance of these six disciples~www.readwn.com~.

But he didn’t give them any attribute points, after all, their elf was their elf.

Has nothing to do with Heido.

Apart from correcting their mistakes, Hedor never intervened in the cultivation of the elves.

He walks his own way. Although he is his student, He Duo has no idea of helping them walk.

“This is really a lonely old man…”

Looking at the gym where the usual laughter and laughter from the playground were gone, Heiduo was inexplicably moved.

The gym is back to the state it was in when it was just built.

It was quiet, and there was no sound.

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