Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 317

316 The Humble Royal Dragon Sea (First More)

“Please challenge the challenger to summon a Pokémon to fight within ten seconds.

“It’s really getting harder.”

And all the evildoers have their own way, he believed in Qin Yun.

A dead genius is no longer a genius, just a loss of loess.


Yu Longhai was still as humble as before, his eyes fell on Qin Yun’s ranking, but he didn’t say anything against anyone.

Then there are the A grades of 10 elite peaks, and the B grade tail of 30 elite peaks.

In addition to the Bodhidharma sword standing on the head of each Alliance, that is, the sacred beast of the Alliance, the Alliance did not dare to really fight, at most it was a small fight.

This opportunity was actually won by the principal.

There are many strong people, many weak people, and many geniuses.

“Failure condition, all Pokémon on your side will be destroyed. 35

There are still a few people here who can’t deal with Modu University.

“Qin Yun, I hope you can support the sky.”

Li Canghai also saw Qin Yun’s ranking and smiled slightly.

What is shown on the bright side is the tip of the iceberg.

Yulonghai doesn’t talk nonsense, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t talk nonsense.

“Brother Hai, you are really humble, your family’s dragon warriors are really powerful, far ahead.””

It is precisely because of this that he personally knows some tricks in the Dragon Tower.

This thing doesn’t just depend on your strength. Many times in the face of danger, it depends on your personal ability to control the situation.

If there is a real fight, there are really too many things involved.

It’s not that he doesn’t want Qin Yun to get Dratini, but he wants to see where Qin Yun has gone.

“If that’s the case, then come out together.

This is really important.

a lot of.

There is cooperation between the Royal Dragon Clan and famous schools, universities, and large-scale forces all over the Dragon Country.

(King Zhao’s) I’m sorry, this can’t be fought at all.

In second place was the genius of the Ye family, the second son of the head of the family, who passed the 13th floor.

Because the Yulong family is really too strong.

“When you are going to fight, pay attention to distribute your physical strength and don’t consume too much. 35

Some time ago, he heard someone say that the world might be disrupted, and Li Canghai couldn’t help laughing when he heard the news.

The Dragon Pagoda is the exclusive thing of the Yulong family, and it is a special micro-secret realm.

The Dragon Warrior is currently ranked first and has passed the 15th floor.

It’s like there are a lot of big forces that have some special miniature secret realms, or special products and the like.

The big forces are not complacent, they will exchange some resources with other forces through their own advantages.

“Victory condition, defeat all Raticates and Rattatas.

“Hmph, even the fifth is better than yours.”

As a famous university, Magic Capital University has countless resources in its hands, and naturally it will offend many forces. This is a very normal thing.

Qin Yun’s ranking is relatively low, ranking seventh.

He snorted coldly and didn’t say too much, because it would hurt a lot if he slapped his face.

There are so many Pokémons, although their strength is not very strong, but if they fight, the consumption of female stamina is not low.

In the past few years, he was really the kind of tutor who would directly fight whenever he disagreed, causing a headache for the Magic City University.

It has been better in recent years, and after entering Elite Totem, I have cultivated myself.

He Li Canghai has been here three times because he himself is also a trainer of the fake dragon system.

This is also a quality that a good trainer needs.


The strongest one is the professional level one, with an A-level score.

The battle begins.

“Pokémon can summon an infinite number of them, as long as you have them.”

Therefore, this dragon tower will simulate various combat situations to see if you can reasonably allocate your physical strength and fight according to the circumstances.

After all, after death, no matter how evil you were before, it is useless.

But outside, you can see the number of layers they passed through.

Bangira, Gardevoir, Pikachu, Blaziken, Lurantis, Heracross.

Reasonable allocation of physical strength to fight is very important.

The screen turned to the ninth floor of the Dragon Pagoda.

But he didn’t tell Qin Yun about this little trick.


For this reason, the principal of Modu has also educated many times.

Under such circumstances, no Alliance would actually do it at all.

Six Pokémon appeared neatly in front of Qin Yun’s eyes.

“Note: Each floor of the Dragon Tower will recover 10% of all Pokémon’s stamina after clearing the level, please allocate your stamina to fight.

The fifth-ranked one is also currently on the ninth floor, and the time to go in is not too long.


“Li Canghai, it doesn’t seem like you came from Modu University?”

If these things are used by themselves, they may overflow, and it is not worthwhile to sell them directly, so they will be used in exchange for some benefits.

The corner of Li Canghai’s mouth rose slightly, because Qin Yun’s ranking jumped one place, and now he has reached the sixth place, climbing the 9th floor of the tower.

Their Magic Capital University will use the places in the secret realm of Absolute Beginning to exchange the number of times of the Dragon Tower with the Yulong family.

The current number one is the Dragon Warrior.

Li Canghai is the director of the admissions office of Modu University, and he knows many secrets.

Li Canghai smiled, and his eyes looked at the place where Qin Yun’s name was, his eyes were like torches.

“Little apprentice, after all, he is a member of our Royal Dragon Clan. He has climbed this dragon tower many times, and he already has experience, so his speed will naturally be faster.

Qin Yun warned that the difficulty of this dragon tower is largely due to the distribution of physical strength.

Qin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the Dragon Pagoda’s prompt, it seems that this Dragon Pagoda still needs skills.

Otherwise, Li Canghai would not have such a big face.

Although Li Canghai was regarded as the No. 1 figure at Modu University, he could be regarded as the No. 1 figure outside, but in the Yulong family, his words were really useless.

The dragon pagoda, Li Canghai also passed through.

How many trainers died in the secret realm?

Outside the Dragon Tower, you can’t see the performance inside.

He was a little surprised at why Qin Yun was ranked so low, could it be because of the recovery of Dragon Tower’s stamina?

Li Canghai is not the kind of person who doesn’t speak up, his temper is actually very hot.

“If that’s the case, this Qin Yun is a little too scary. He has such a cautious mind at such a young age, and he will become a great player in the future.

Qin Yun’s eyes glanced away, with a dignified look in his eyes.

The reason is very simple, each Alliance has too much hidden strength.


Six rays of light flashed, and six Pokémon appeared directly in front of Qin Yun.

“Your people are also ranked fifth, and they can’t get Dratini.”

Li Canghai and the others were invited to a hall where they could watch the customs clearance of the Dragon Pagoda.


“That’s right, the principal values ​​you.”9

As far as their magic capital is not as simple as it looks on the surface, they don’t know how many retired gods are hidden in secret.

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