Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 64

063 Combusken Is Promoted, Elite Level! Hongshen’S Old Partner (The Tenth Update Requires Subscription)

If Combusken is hit by this deadly Poison Barb, he will enter the Poisoned Contest Condition and will be incapacitated for one minute.

In this case, Combusken loses.

Ariados’ Contest Condition is not bad, Kirlia has a hard time hitting two.


There was a touch of joy in Hong Shen’s eyes, yes, it was joy.

This is difficult to bring about in the usual battles, especially against the novice trainer, he fights with a very normal mentality.

Regardless of defeat or victory, he actually has a normalized feeling.

After all, the battle in the Pokémon world is either a victory or a defeat. As a gym owner, he has experienced so many things that he was paralyzed.

But today’s battle, he was excited, this was brought to him by Qin Yun.


All the audience felt sorry for Combusken, just when they thought that Combusken was hit, they found that the fatal Poison Barb didn’t seem to hit Combusken, but went straight through Combusken’s body!

Do not!

It can’t be described by wearing the past, but Combusken’s body seemed to be nihilized at that moment, so that the attack directly missed.

“what is this?”

When the well-informed Hongshen saw this scene, the entire 870 people were a little sluggish.

“Combusken, Blaze Kick! 35

Qin Yun wouldn’t give up such a good attacking opportunity because of his sluggishness. Facing the experienced Hongshen, this kind of opportunity is only one time, and it is an opportunity that cannot be replicated.


Hongshen’s response was also very fast, but unfortunately the cooperation between Qin Yun and Combusken was perfect. Combusken had already prepared for the Contest Condition with all his strength, and this kick kicked out her Contest Condition perfectly.

In this case, Ariados can only defend instinctively and subconsciously.


“Rumble! 35

Ground was kicked into a deep pit by this kick, and the flames burned!

Ariados’ miserable Growl came from the pit.

This kick, not only played a great effect, but also hit the key.

With the addition of Burning Fruit and Charcoal, it has reached the late-elite power.

Ariados simply couldn’t handle it.


Hongshen was dumbfounded, and quickly stepped forward to retrieve Ariados, who was lying incapacitated in the deep pit, into the Poké Ball.

Ariados was still burning with flames, but fortunately, Poké Ball could effectively relieve it.

“(abff) Thank you for your hard work, Ariados, the next battle is up to me.

Hong Shen’s eyes couldn’t help but have a strong fighting intent.

No way, Qin Yun was bringing him too many surprises.

That Combusken is really strong, terrifyingly strong.

Obviously it is only the strength of the entry-level peak, but it can display such amazing strength.

This made Hong Shen sigh in his heart, Qin Yun is really an excellent trainer.

“Good job Combusken!”

Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief and finally won two games.

Now it’s two-on-one, as long as Combusken can consume a part of Rival’s strength, then Kirlia can beat Rival and win.


Combusken raised his claws at Qin Yun with a smug look on his face.

At this moment, a ray of light appeared on Combusken’s body, and a strange color appeared in Qin Yun’s eyes.

“Is this a promotion?”

This is not the light of evolution, the light of evolution is pure white, and this light is blue.

And Combusken didn’t want to evolve into Blaziken that fast.

Although there is no Pokémon level in this world, the evolution of Pokémon generally has a range.

Of course, this range is relative, not absolute.

The Pokémon of the Royal Family on Normal, the last stage of evolution is in the middle and late stages of Pokémon.


Hong Shen’s pupils shrank suddenly.

The audience under the stage was boiling. Such a wonderful battle made them wonder if they were watching a professional-level battle.

“This Combusken is so fierce, it’s elite level.

“Fuck, if you don’t say that Combusken is going to be promoted to the elite level, I will ignore that she was the peak of entry before!

“Indeed, Qin Yun’s ability to cultivate Pokémon is too strong. The previous Fomantis was also a Pokémon at the peak of entry, and he also showed his ability to compete with elites in the mid-term.”

“It seems that Qin Yun is not lucky, but really capable.

One time is luck, and two times may be luck, but every time this is the strength.

“Ariados loses power, Combusken wins.”

“The tiebreaker of the fourth inning is on.

When the referee saw the result, he was slow to let him speak silently.

“Qin Yun, you are really strong, you surprised me, you are an excellent young man.

Hong Shen’s face was full of admiration.

“Master of the Red Pavilion, you are overrated.””

Qin Yun was very polite.

Hongshin smiled and then took out the Poké Ball.

“You are really good, but I won’t let go of water. 35

“This Pokémon is my Earl Dervish Pokémon and has been with me through the hardest years.”5

“It’s a pity that its potential is not enough, even if I am very reluctant, it is difficult for it to enter my first team.

Hong Shen’s tone was full of sigh and helplessness.

This kind of thing is very normal. Many people’s Earl Dervish Pokémon potential is relatively normal, and they can only accompany them through the early stage.

After their strength develops, these Earl Dervish Pokémon seem to have completed their mission Normal, not their main Pokémon.

The same is true for Hongshen.

He didn’t want that. But Pokémon potential is really important to Pokémon.

Pokémon with insufficient potential, unless they get some treasure, it is difficult to continue to improve.

“Come out, Pinsir!

【Pokémon: Pinsir】


[Ability: Exceptional (You can use moves to Rival without being disturbed by Rival Ability.)]

[Strength: Elite Advanced]

[Potential: Elementary Potential]

[Skills: Vice Grip, Focus Energy, Seismic Toss, Double Hit, Harden, Focus Blast, Storm Throw]

The primary potential Pinsir, the elite and advanced strength, it can be seen that Hong Shen is really attentive, allowing Pinsir to break through the limits one by one, and successfully promoted to the elite advanced strength.

Hongshen looked at Pinsir with a look of nostalgia. After all, this was the first Pokémon to accompany him.

The first Pokémon, usually more emotional.

Qin Yun looked at Pinsir’s potential and sighed slightly.

Fortunately, he has a hundred-fold amplification system, and when he becomes an elite-level trainer, it can be upgraded to a thousand-fold amplification.

In this case, his Pokémon won’t have this problem.

At least before becoming the leader, there should be no need to consider the issue of insufficient potential.

After all, all of them are top potentials now. This is normal development and can grow into elite potentials.

“Pinsir, let’s keep fighting together.


(PS: The tenth update is here, sorry for being late.)

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