Praise the Orc

Chapter 142: When I Was Down

Chapter 142: When I Was Down

Edgar used to be a member of the Rebirth Brotherhood. He had a good time.

In the real world, he was the coach of a youth soccer team and the manager of adult soccer clubs.

When work ended, he enjoyed amazing adventures in the world of Elder Lord, where he became a member of the Rebirth Brotherhood and met Robina. That’s how the two became lovers.

But the good days didn’t last.

“I misjudged you, didn’t I?” asked Robina.


Robina’s arrow brushed past his cheek.

Edgar wiped his cheek and stepped forward. His memories became a jumbled mess in his head.

‘Misfortunes come without warning.’

He had to step down from his coach position. The students he coached had a bullying incident, and he was forced to take responsibility for the case because he didn’t have any connections.

While he couldn’t achieve success as a soccer player, he redirected his aspirations toward becoming a world-renowned coach, yet circumstances compelled him to abandon that dream too.

To make matters worse, his parents’ business went bankrupt, so every day was a struggle. He had to face reality head on and didn’t have time to play games anymore.

He started doing manual labor and various menial jobs to make ends meet.

While he initially met Robina through the game, their relationship blossomed after meeting in person. But he was forced to cut the time he spent with her due to his circumstances.

He grew easily irritable, and Edgar, who used to have a leisurely air to him, gradually lost himself.

He grew excessively self-conscious of his pitiful state in comparison to Robina’s untroubled circumstances. He tried to ignore their disparity, but his struggles to pretend everything was alright wore him down and exacerbated his attitude.

Robina quickly noticed the change in Edgar’s behavior.

His timid and anxious attitude, along with his constant demands for her affection, had transformed him into a completely different man.

Thus, Edgar ended up confessing everything.

He told her that he had lost everything and was in deep financial woes.

But Robina’s immediate response was, “What, it was all just because of money?”

Robina, who was from an affluent family and had never lacked anything in her life, couldn’t understand the predicament Edgar was in and how desperate he felt.

“Well, I see it now. It doesn’t matter. Let’s end things,” she said.

Her words stung.

“I don’t love you anymore.”

If she had consoled him and smiled at him like she used to, then Edgar could have gotten back on his feet.

If she had given him more time without ending the relationship, he would have been more motivated to confront his challenges, as he would have had a reason to persevere.

But such things never happened.

Edgar was completely crushed, but the one who gave him a chance was none other than the Heaven and Earth Clan.

One of the higher-ups of the Heaven and Earth Clan, impressed by Edgar’s accomplishments in the Rebirth Brotherhood, suggested he join them.

The Heaven and Earth Clan was a huge clan that ran on a monetary system with financial gains. The clan paid its members, and the position the leader suggested would provide him with a much larger income than he had been earning.

Thus, he ended up joining the Heaven and Earth Clan and was promoted to the position of Maillard branch manager after producing favorable results.

“I wanted to die back then, but I made it through,” muttered Edgar as he took a leap, causing Robina to quickly retreat in response.

But he didn’t wish to engage in one-on-one combat with her. He immediately turned around and slashed other members of the Rebirth Brotherhood.

After all, he was Edgar, a leader of the Heaven and Earth Clan.

Robina, startled by Edgar’s sudden shift, fired an arrow at him, but warriors with shields blocked her attack. They chased after her and tried to completely block her off.

This special unit that had learned all about her tactics from Edgar and had devised techniques to effectively counteract her strategies.

Once they blocked off Robina, they could easily defeat the Rebirth Brotherhood since the Heaven and Earth Clan was superior in military force.

“Try not to kill them!” shouted Edgar. “Execute the concrete method on all of them!”

Edgar had declared the concrete method.

It was a frightening act that prevented players from using their characters. It had been deemed taboo as a tactic of rude players, but it was occasionally practiced in war between conflicting clans.

Players protested and demanded that the Elder Saga Corporation officially ban the practice, but the corporation’s response was always the same: “Players have total freedom!”

“Do you really plan to execute the concrete method on people you used to work with? Are you out of your mind?” yelled Robina.

Edgar paid no mind. “We are the Heaven and Earth Clan!” he roared.

The Heaven and Earth Clan cried out as they pushed back the Rebirth Brotherhood. The individual prowess of the clan’s soldiers was stronger thanks to Edgar training them.

They succeeded in capturing individual members of the Rebirth Brotherhood. The battle seemed to be ending with victory on the Heaven and Earth Clan’s side.

“I’m gonna rise higher,” said Edgar.

Edgar vowed to escape the torment of his ex-lover Robina and rise much higher than her. He would succeed through Elder Lord. If he continued to rise up the ranks of the Heaven and Earth Clan, he could be a high-ranker some day.

Right then, Edgar heard a familiar voice behind him. It was a deep, rumbling voice.

“It’s time for me to get moving.”

Edgar turned his head.

A huge orc was awkwardly hiding behind a rock, and next to him was a small gnome and a dark elf with their heads peeking out. It was Crockta, but he didn’t recognize the two figures next to him.

The dark elf met eyes with Edgar and dropped the popcorn he had been munching on in surprise. “Ah, we made eye contact...”

“Stay calm,” whispered Crockta to the clumsy dark elf. “You should keep your head up high as my comrade.”

Crockta glanced over at Tiyo who had a habit of walking with his chest puffed out in a cocky manner. As expected, he stood as straight as a rod.

‘Good. A man should be at that level to stand shoulder to shoulder with me.’

Crockta nodded approvingly and then got up.

The orc of justice, the orc of all orcs, the superstar who had a fanclub everywhere he went had revealed himself.

“That’s Crockta-nim?”

“As dignified...!”

The Heaven and Earth Clan stopped as they were executing the concrete method. The faces of the Rebirth brothers who were being tortured by them lit up.

The story of Crockta rehabilitating the three founders of the Rebirth Brotherhood was legendary. Crockta, who had disappeared after heading north, had reemerged in Maillard.

As the rumors said, he was an orc warrior who petrified people with his appearance.

He had a rugged face with a fierce gaze, a robust physique, and a body covered in frightening tattoos. He wore a red bandana that symbolized his passion and determination and carried a massive hunk of metal that was too big to be called a sword!

They were meeting the man who represented the origin of the Rebirth Brotherhood.

“I can’t believe it’s him...!”

“Crockta-nim will defeat all of them!”

The atmosphere completely changed with Crockta’s appearance.

Crockta’s appearance had the same awe-inspiring effect on the Heaven and Earth Clan. They had never fully encountered his aura in its entire glory because they had only seen him locked up in a prison cell.

Right now, he had the presence of a tall mountain looming over them.


But Edgar didn’t cower. Instead, he took a step forward and said, “Quit acting tough when you were whimpering inside your cage not too long ago.”

He couldn’t lose heart. Edgar ridiculed him to paint him in a negative light.

“I will make sure that you and your Rebirth friends will never be able to show your faces in this world again. The Heaven and Earth Clan is invincible.”

Crockta grinned widely. ‘It’s such a waste that a man like him is my enemy.’

Even though Crockta was directing his murderous intent toward him, Edgar was putting on a bold front. Most people would have lost the strength in their legs and dropped to their knees.

“Edgar,” called out Crockta softly. “When you were drunk, you told me that a leader is a fortress.”

Edgar’s eyes quivered.

Crockta was certain that Edgar clearly remembered the night they had drank too much.

“I remember everything you said to me when you were drunk. So I warn you as a friend.”

Crockta raised his greatsword. It was a ridiculously large sword. The number of enemies that sword slashed would amount to mountains of corpses.

“The Heaven and Earth Clan is on the verge of collapse.”


It was a warning akin to a declaration of war.

“I will get rid of them.”

Crockta remembered the countless ruins caused by the Heaven and Earth Clan he had seen on television. War and famine were spreading in Elder Lord. They were increasing the pain of this world without realizing what they were doing.

Edgar shook his head.

“By yourself? Don’t kid yourself?” Edgar made a signal, and the Heaven and Earth Clan members surrounded Crockta.

The Rebirth brothers, in a state unable to fight, could only observe the match.

“You will be able to see for yourself whether I’m kidding or not,” replied Crockta as he gripped his greatsword.

There were quite a large number of them, but he was a warrior who had massacred a huge army on his own in the north. Moreover, he had surpassed the Pinnacle and arrived at the realm of Heroes.

This would be a piece of cake. He could defeat them with a smile on his face.

“Heaven and Earth Clan!” cried Edgar as he charged.

Crockta stood his ground as they charged toward him.

They were well organized. Each soldier was trained quite well. They practiced a formation that displayed a thorough understanding of their roles in group battles. With this level of capability, it was understandable why the Rebirth Brotherhood had been helplessly defeated. There weren’t many groups of players with this level of skill.

As he stood still, Crockta zoomed in on Edgar’s face charging toward him.

‘When I fell rock bottom, what I needed the most was for her to hold my hand, that was it.’

Edgar’s face merged with the memory of him speaking inebriated.

‘But she kicked me to the curb. I was too weak. It doesn’t matter. I don’t care about the past anymore.’

Crockta raised his greatsword. He didn’t know how important that woman called Robina was to him. There was no need to know because he wasn’t looking at Edgar from the past, but Edgar who was pointing his sword at him at the present.

He was a man desperately fighting to live in the present and climb upward.

“What a great spirit!” shouted Crockta.

Although Edgar was walking a different path than him and was tormenting this world out of ignorance, Crockta liked him.

“But it’s still not enough! Bul’taaaaaaaaaar!” shouted Crockta as he leapt forward.

A one-man battle against dozens of enemies unfolded. Crockta charged like a tank as he swung his greatsword.

There wasn’t a single opponent who could stop him. Each time he swung his greatsword, the players ripped apart into pieces and turned into white particles after scattering blood everywhere.

It was beautiful.


The members of the Rebirth Brotherhood stared at him, open-mouthed in shock.

Crockta was surrounded by numerous enemies, but each time he swung his greatsword, blood gushed out, and white particles scattered in the air.

‘The Heaven and Earth Clan might really end in his hands.’


“How is it?”

Now, it was just Crockta and Edgar, the two, remaining.

The rest had turned into white particles and disappeared.

Edgar was unable to say anything. Despite the NPC’s exceptional reputation, he hadn’t expected to lose so overwhelmingly.

Crockta didn’t have a drop of blood on him. He was completely fine, but all of Edgar’s comrades had dispersed into white particles.

“...I admit defeat,” sighed Edgar.

It was the end.

He would be demoted at the very least due to this incident. It wouldn’t be easy to get another opportunity.

He had tried to get promoted after capturing and executing Crockta, but all of his efforts had gone down the drain because of that idiot Lee Jung-Min. No, perhaps they couldn’t handle Crockta in the first place.

No, Edgar could sense that the Heaven and Earth Clan would soon collapse.

Having witnessed the extent of Crockta’s powers, Edgar couldn’t think of any way to stop this man. Even if the high-rankers, higher-ups, and the apex Choi Han-Sung came, they wouldn’t be able to stop this man.

“How meaningless.” He believed he had grasped onto a rope and climbed up, but everything had turned to dust.

Crockta called out to him. “Edgar, I declared that I will make the Heaven and Earth Clan fall.”


“Then what will you do?”


He stared at Crockta.

If this man really got rid of the Heaven and Earth Clan, the world of Elder Lord would be turned upside down. Currently, no one thought Crockta could get rid of the Heaven and Earth Clan on his own, but Crockta seemed to know the future somehow.

Crockta grinned. “Edgar, you said you will always serve me as your brother.”

“That was just...”

Crockta drew in closer to Edgar and whispered, “My brother. I will not turn my back on you even if you fall.”


“I will extend a hand toward you.”

Edgar’s eyes widened in surprise. He began to choke up, realizing what Crockta meant. He had yearned to hear that someone would be by his side even if he fell rock bottom. If just one person had told him that, then he wouldn’t have been in such pain.

If someone had extended a hand toward him, then he wouldn’t have accepted the offer from the Heaven and Earth Clan.

“If I had met you just a little earlier...”

Edgar closed his eyes.

He said he didn’t regret it, but he definitely regretted it now.

Edgar called out, “Crockta.”


Right then, Edgar pierced his throat with his sword.


Blood dripped down from his neck, and he began to dissolve into white particles. Before he was disconnected from the server, Edgar mouthed something to Crockta.

Crockta clearly saw it.

Tiyo approached Crockta and slapped him on the back. “That was a great victory, Crockta.”

But Crockta didn’t budge. He was thinking about Edgar’s last words. Without a sound, he had said, ‘Beware of the Heaven and Earth Clan, Brother.’

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