Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 No outsiders are allowed inside

At the entrance of the airport hall, there is a mature and dignified beautiful woman with short hair wearing a black down jacket.

It is Chen Mo’s mother, Li Sufang.

After six hundred years, once again seeing the mother in his memory, Chen Mo suddenly had an urge to cry, but he was instantly suppressed.

In fact, in the previous life, when Chen Mo cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm, he returned to Earth once, but that was already three hundred years later.

The relatives and enemies of that year have all turned into dust, and even the country has become an Earth Federation. Chen Mo had no worries and went away.

“Mom!” Adjusting his mood, Chen Mo yelled cheerfully and ran over.

Walking to Li Sufang, Chen Mo smiled and said, “I haven’t seen you in a few months, my mother is beautiful again!”

Li Sufang’s original heavy heart was amused by Chen Mo. He gave him a look of affection, and yelled: “I haven’t seen you in a few months. When did your mouth become so sweet?”

Li Sufang is busy with his business, and sometimes he and Chen Mo can only see each other once a year, but this does not affect the relationship between their mother and child in the least.

“Is my mouth always sweet? It’s because you didn’t realize your son’s strengths!” Chen Mo complained dissatisfied.

“Well, don’t be mean, there are still twenty minutes, let’s go to the waiting room and wait!”


The two moved forward together.

“When you arrive at Yanjing, remember to give your grandma a few more heads. As a whole, she is the only one who loves you the most!” Li Sufang confessed.


Chen Mo had a weird expression. He knew that when he went to Yanjing, he didn’t see his grandma’s body at all.

Twenty minutes later, the plane flew to Yanjing with a huge roar through clouds and fog.

Four hours later, the plane landed at Yanjing Airport. At this time, it was exactly three o’clock in the afternoon.

Li Sufang took Chen Mo into a taxi and headed to the home in her memory that made her love, hate, and despair.

In the suburbs of Yanjing, a group of villas at the foot of Lishan, the entire group of villas is of the kind of three-story small building with a single courtyard.

Except in the middle, there stands a row of two-story small buildings, which form a large courtyard, occupying one-third of the area of ​​the entire villa complex.

Here is one of the six super worlds of Yanjing, the Li Family Land. In fact, this entire group of villas is owned by the Li family.

At the top of the vermilion gate, there is a cluster of white flowers tied with white cloth hanging down on both sides.

On both sides of the gate, there is a pair of elegiac couplets: staying a model for a lifetime of simplicity, and passing on good graces for half a lifetime.

Inside the Li family, plain color has become the keynote of everything.

Li Dongyang, the contemporary patriarch of the Li family, wears a black Chinese mountain suit and sits in the high hall. Although he is over sixty, he is not at all old and has a stern face.

Tomorrow will be the funeral of the mistress, but today, most of the descendants of the Li family have arrived, and Li Liwen, the son of Li’s parents, arranged to rest in the villa area.

Li Sufang, dressed in a black down jacket, and Chen Mo, who was still in school uniform, finally stood in front of the gate of the Li family after more than an hour’s drive.

Fu Bo, the old housekeeper of the Li family, who was in charge of welcoming visitors from all walks of life, looked at Li Sufang, frowning and looking awkward.

“Miss Si, why are you here?”

Li Sufang ranks fourth, so Fu Bo is called that.

Fu Bo has been a steward of the Li family for nearly 30 years, almost watching Li Sufang grow up. No matter how stalemate the relationship between Li Sufang and the Li family was, Fu Bo has been taking good care of Li Sufang. Therefore, Li Sufang also treated Fu Bo. Extremely respectful.

“My mother has passed away, how can an unfilial daughter not come to see her for the last time?” Li Sufang said with sorrow.

Chen Mo stood quietly behind Li Sufang, lowered his head, thinking in secret. From the brief look of embarrassment on Fu Bo’s face just now, Chen Mo guessed that the Li family definitely did not want his mother to come.

Uncle Fu calmly approached two steps and whispered: “The master once ordered that you are not allowed to tell you the news of the old lady’s funeral. Your condolences this time, I am afraid it will be a lot of resistance.”

A flash of anger flashed across Li Sufang’s face: “It is only natural for a daughter to sacrifice to her mother. He can’t stop me!”

Chen Mo secretly applauded his mother’s courage. It seems that it was not accidental that her mother left the Li family back then and built the Meihua Group with assets of hundreds of millions.

Fubo sighed and greeted the others to go. Li Sufang took Chen Mo’s hand with his head up and his chest high, and strode into the courtyard.

The moment Li Sufang stepped into the courtyard, Chen Mo suddenly felt that countless eyes around him were shooting at him, one after another, like a sharp arrow, and none of them were kind!

I remember that in his previous life, when Chen Mo just entered the Li family land, he was frightened by these hostile gazes.

But in this life, Chen Mo had no sorrow or joy in his heart, and he followed Li Sufang, with his head held high and his expression indifferent. In his eyes, the entire Li family is ants, not to mention these gazes!

In the main hall, a crystal coffin was quietly displayed. Li Dongyang, who was sitting above the high hall, saw Li Sufang and Chen Mo, his face muscles trembled slightly and his expression was cold.

Chen Mo’s uncle Li Liwen, who was in charge of the reception, looked at Li Sufang with a complex expression. When he saw Chen Mo, he showed undisguised disgust.

“Fourth sister, why are you here?” After all, they are brothers and sisters for many years, facing Li Sufang, Li Liwen, this elder brother, really can’t hold back his face.

Li Sufang’s face was cold, and she looked at Li Liwen and said, “Since you call me Fourth Sister, and my mother has passed away, how can I not come?”

Li Liwen was silent, and Li Liwu, the second uncle of Chen Mo next to him, was even more serious. As for the juniors of the Li family, Gu had a sneered expression on his face as he watched the show.

“Since the fourth sister is here, let’s go in and see her mother for the last time!” Li Liwen knew that since Li Sufang got the news, she couldn’t stop her from condoning her mother in any way. He was not talking nonsense at all, and it seemed that he cared about his brother and sister.

“Thank you brother!”

Li Sufang took Chen Mo by the hand and was about to walk towards the mourning hall.

Next to him, a serious-looking Li Liwu suddenly reached out and stopped in front of Chen Mo, and said coldly: “Four sisters, mother’s funeral, as a daughter, you can naturally mourn, but he, an outsider, doesn’t have to enter the mourning hall, so as not to disturb the mother’s rest in peace! ”

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at his second uncle, still without sorrow or joy.

Li Sufang was furious, staring at Li Liwu, and scolded: “He is my son, mother and grandson, how can he be called an outsider? So, the three men and one woman under the second brother’s knees are all outsiders?”

Li Liwu remained unmoved, and said coldly: “If you haven’t entered the genealogy, you are an outsider. With me, he won’t want to step into the mourning hall!”


Li Sufang glared at her second brother, but was speechless. Although the old lady tried his best to persuade Li Dongyang to re-enter Li Sufang into the door wall when the old lady was alive, Li Dongyang also agreed, but for Chen Mo, he never included the genealogy.

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters are at war, the younger sister Li Liyan, who usually has a good relationship with Li Sufang, hurriedly stepped up to complete the battle: “Sister Si, what the second brother said is also the meaning of the father, so stop being stubborn and disturbing the mother. Rest in peace, you and I will bear the name of unfilial piety, let

Other families watch jokes! ”

The eldest brother Li Liwen also persuaded in a deep voice: “The younger sister is right, the fourth sister, you can accept it as soon as you see it. If your father is upset, I am afraid that you will be driven out too.”

Li Sufang weighed it over and over again, clenching her silver teeth, slowly loosening her clenched hands, glaring at Li Dongyang who was sitting in Gaotang, and finally had to give in.

“Xiao Mo, your grandma loved you very much during his lifetime. In the whole Li family, you can deny you, but you can only deny your grandma. Since they won’t let you in, you will be here at the gate of the mourning hall. Grandma’s last journey!” Li Sufang looked at Chen Mo, tears rolling in his eyes.

But it has always been controlled and never flowed out.

Chen Mo nodded his head, regardless of past and present, Chen Mo is grateful to this grandma who has been taking good care of him. Kneeling immediately in front of the door of the mourning hall, facing the crystal coffin, he knocked his head three times sincerely.

Seeing Chen Mo nodded in relief, Li Sufang stepped into the hall, and while walking, took off her black down jacket. Inside, she was dressed in filial piety.

Li Sufang’s brothers and sisters, with a flash of shame on their faces, looked at Li Sufang who was dressed in filial piety, and sighed secretly.

Li Sufang walked very slowly, and every step was like a heavy hammer, beating everyone’s heart fiercely. It seems that he is telling his grievances to the heavenly mother!

Li Sufang walked to the crystal coffin, plopped and knelt down on both knees, her delicate voice with heart-piercing sadness: “Mother, unfilial daughter Sufang, come to see you…”

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