Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Waste

Chen Mo condensedly felt the aura on Li Yue’s body, and finally determined that it was not the spiritual power of the immortal cultivator. Compared with the spiritual power he had cultivated, the aura on Li Yue’s body was faint and pitiful.

If you have to find a word to describe it, you can call it aura.

But even the aura is enough to surprise Chen Mo.

When he was an ordinary person in the previous life, he naturally couldn’t see that Li Yue actually had aura, but later he cultivated into the Yuan Ying realm and returned to the earth, and he did not find any traces of immortal cultivators on the earth.

However, Li Yue in front of him is clearly a cultivator. Even if the spiritual energy is weak, it can be ignored, but it is enough to prove that he is indeed a cultivator.

This discovery made Chen Mo’s heart sink. Since Li Yue is a cultivator of immortality, he must not be the only one who cultivates immortality in the huge Li family, and there is even a sect behind him.

At this time, Chen Mo felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

“Mongrel, die!”

Li Yue smiled grimly, and blasted out a punch at Chen Mo. The speed and strength were a hundred times faster than those of the teenagers just now.

The remaining two teenagers were shocked and looked at Li Yue with admiration at random. Although they were just a sideline of the Li family, they were also qualified to understand some unknown inside stories in the world.

“Unexpectedly, Brother Yue is actually a warrior!”

“It looks like you should cultivate to the outside world to become a master!”

Although the voices of the two of them were not loud, they still passed into Chen Mo’s ears clearly.

Musha? Outland Dacheng? Chen Mo was a little puzzled, and seemed to understand something.

Gently stretched out a hand and grasped Li Yue’s punch accurately. Before Li Yue could react from the shock, a force he could not match at all threw him into the air, followed, ruthlessly. Smashed to the ground fiercely.

If it weren’t for Li Yue’s martial arts cultivation level at this moment to reach the outer realm, he would directly cause his five internal organs to be dislocated, his bones broken, and his life on the spot!

Chen Mo stepped on Li Yue’s chest, like a **** of war, looking at him coldly, with a look of disdain: “This is what you call strength? In my opinion, but so!”

Li Yue was smashed, unable to speak at all. The two remaining teenagers looked at Chen Mo in horror with a ghostly expression on their faces.

One of them reacted first, swallowed and spit, and shouted at Chen Mo: “Chen Mo, let go of Brother Yue!”

Behind his hands, Chen Mo stared coldly at the young man: “Let him go? Yes. However, he has to teach him a little lesson so that he will never forget it in his life!”

Another teenager exclaimed: “If you dare to hurt Brother Yue, the Li family won’t let you go!”

Chen Mo smiled playfully: “Threatening me?”

“I am a person in my life, and I can’t be threatened by others. And I might as well tell you that in this life, the Li family is in my eyes, but ants!”

After finishing speaking, in front of everyone, Chen Mo stepped on Li Yue’s lower abdomen, a spiritual force that was ten thousand times stronger than Li Yue’s own, destroying his dantian.


“Chen Mo, you bastard, I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go!”

Li Yue let out a terrible scream, the sound spread everywhere, and he passed out to death.

For a warrior, the destruction of his dantian is harder than death.

But as far as Chen Mo was concerned, he had already been merciful. If he didn’t want to make it difficult for Li Sufang, just relying on Li Yue’s words just now, he was already a dead man at this moment!

Chen Mo kicked Li Yue to the two of them, and shouted coldly: “Get out!”

The two lifted Li Yue, together with the people who were knocked down by Chen Mo, and escaped the warehouse by crawling around, without the courage to look back.

Chen Mo’s face was plain, without joy or sorrow, as if nothing had happened before. When he walked out of the room, he knew that the good show had just begun.

At night, the Li family was brightly lit.

In the villa where the owner Li Dongyang lived, Chen Mo’s uncle Li Liwen and his aunt Wang Xiaoyun were kneeling in the courtyard. Behind them was Li Yue, who was lying on a stretcher covered in blood and unconscious.

Behind them are the Li family children who were injured by Chen Mo just now, as well as their parents.

Around, Chen Mo’s second uncle Li Liwu, third uncle Li Ligong, aunt, and Li Liyan stood quietly with their family members, with a look of grief and anger.

Li Dongyang slowly walked out of the door and came to Li Yue’s side. He glanced at Li Yue, who was unconscious, with a serious expression.

“Say, what’s going on?” The majestic voice sounded faintly, but with an overwhelming aura, demonstrating the domineering arrogance of this super family patriarch.

Li Liwen was full of grief, and said solemnly: “Father, Yue’er was abolished by the **** from the fourth sister’s family!”

As soon as this remark came out, the juniors of the Li family didn’t think there was anything, but their elders, as well as those of the Li family, were shocked.

The Dantian was destroyed, and Li Yue’s life, no matter how difficult it is to set foot in martial arts.

Even Li Dongyang couldn’t keep calm, and shouted angrily: “Little beast, dare to take this murderous hand!”

“Liwu, take someone to quickly bring your fourth sister and that little bastard!”

“Yes, father!” Li Liwu expressionlessly turned and left.

“No, I’m here already!” A lazy voice sounded, and Chen Mo, in a blue and white school uniform, slowly walked into the yard with a calm expression on his face.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes focused on the boy in school uniform in the field.

Chen Mo’s aunt Li Liyan was slightly stunned: “This kid, dare to come alone!”

Those people who were close to the Li family showed mockery one after another, looking at Chen Mo’s gaze, as if looking at a dying person!

“Life and death!” An elder of the Li family said coldly.

Li Liwu just took two steps and looked at Chen Mo who slowly walked in. He was slightly startled. Even if he didn’t like Chen Mo, he couldn’t help but secretly praised in his heart at this moment: “How courageous!”

Chen Mo’s aunt Wang Xiaoyun suddenly got up and pointed at Chen Mo and sternly shouted: “Little bastard, the more you say it is your cousin, how can you bear this murderous hand!”

Chen Mo’s uncle Li Liwen was also glaring at Chen Mo, with a gloomy expression.

Seeing this scene, Fu Bo, who was standing at the back of the crowd, looked anxious and quietly retreated.

Chen Mo turned a blind eye to the gazes of these people, but looked at Li Dongyang lightly with a smile on his face.

Li Dongyang slowly turned around, staring at Chen Mo coldly, his voice was not irritated or slow, and he was not angry and majestic: “Kneel down!”

The Patriarch, who has been in charge of the Li family for decades, was angry. Everyone was shocked and couldn’t help but bow their heads.

Although Li Dongyang was not a cultivator of immortality, once the aura of that long-time leader broke out, the temperature of the entire small courtyard suddenly dropped.

However, Chen Mo remained unmoved, still looking at Li Dongyang with a smile, no joy or sorrow.

“Kneel down!” Li Dongyang’s voice couldn’t help but raise a few points.

Everyone was shocked again, glaring at Chen Mo, and secretly said in their hearts: “I really don’t know how to live or die!”

Chen Mo suddenly put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at Li Dongyang, his face slowly became serious: “I am kneeling, let alone you, even the highest status in China can’t bear it!”

The top genius of the dignified Profound Dao Sect, the third-order cultivator of the God Transformation Realm, how can he kneel to a mortal?

Unless Chen Mo is willing, no one in this world can afford to kneel down on him!



“act recklessly!”

Suddenly, everyone in the Li family couldn’t help it anymore, and shouted in front of Li Dongyang.

Aunt Li Liyan, who had always been better with Chen Mo’s mother, was secretly anxious. She didn’t want Chen Mo and Li’s family to be too stiff, so she yelled: “Chen Mo, how do you talk? Don’t you have to kneel down and admit your mistakes to your grandfather!”

Chen Mo didn’t know the true thoughts of her aunt, thinking that she and the Li family were the same raccoon, and said coldly: “I, Chen Mo, have been acting all my life and admiring the heavens and the earth. What’s wrong!”

What’s wrong! What’s wrong!

These four words, like a warning bell ringing, echoed in everyone’s minds, making everyone secretly surprised!

Li Liwen couldn’t help it anymore, and said angrily: “Beast, you are a family member of Li, but you have put such a heavy hand on your cousin of the same clan, and you still don’t admit your mistake? Fourth sister, really teach you a good son!”

Chen Mo dismissed a smile: “The Li family? Now you are willing to treat me as the Li family? Sorry, I’m not rare!”

“Presumptuous!” This time, even Aunt Chen Mo couldn’t help shouting.

Wang Xiaoyun turned around and knocked his head at Li Dongyang, and sternly said: “Father, you have seen it, this little beast has no respect, refuses to admit his mistakes, and even humiliates the Li family in public. Please call the shots for Yue’er!”

Li Dongyang looked at Chen Mo coldly, with a solemn expression, and said every word: “Please family law!”

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