Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Borrow chicken to lay eggs

“I don’t know what Boss Lin needs me to do?” Although Liu Yishan didn’t know what Lin Feng’s idea was, but in middle age, everything is about stability and peace and will not easily make a decision. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Lin Feng smiled faintly. There are four things in his plan for the big fish to eat the small fish.

1. To annex scattered Internet cafes to strengthen itself and increase its initial development speed.

Second, stabilize the price of Internet cafes in the Blue Zone. If they continue to drop like this, Lin Feng will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure. The price of “Chufeng Internet City” will definitely fall, and the profit will drop by 30% for every one yuan drop. This is definitely Lin Feng’s current situation. unacceptable. Therefore, Lin Feng must annex them to prevent them from disrupting the normal market order.

Third, the community of interests. The growth of “Chufeng Net City” is bound to arouse the jealousy of many people. The so-called little ghosts are difficult to deal with. Although Lin Feng and Chu Zhixuan have already arranged the Bureau of Industry and Commerce and the Taxation Bureau, Lin Feng is afraid that some other small people will make trouble, These Internet cafe owners are drawn to their own banners. Under the community of interests, everyone will brainstorm. When encountering troubles, multiple people will have multiple paths.

Fourth, Lin Feng is also afraid that these Internet cafe owners will unite to resist their own “Chufeng Internet City”. Once they unite, only a few network cables can connect all Internet cafes together. Then Lin Feng will be in trouble.

“Boss Liu, tomorrow I will invite all the owners of Internet cafes in this neighborhood to have a meeting together. I hope you can take the lead in agreeing to my cooperation plan.” Lin Feng was afraid that Liu Yishan hesitated and threw a bait again, “Of course to show me Thanks to Boss Liu, after the cooperation is successful, I will give Boss Liu a monthly dividend of 800 yuan per computer.”

Liu Yishan was moved. No one will fight against money, especially Liu Yishan is a person who needs money. Lin Feng gives him a monthly dividend of 800 yuan per computer. He can earn 6,400 yuan in a month for eight computers, and 6,400 if he doesn’t do anything. Yuan income, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

However, the peculiar caution of middle-aged people made Liu Yishan hesitate for a long time before nodding in agreement. After deciding to agree to Lin Feng’s cooperation plan, Liu Yishan also breathed a sigh of relief. During this period of time, the Internet cafe business was deteriorating, making Liu Yishan anxious. Now it is resolved. Although it seems to be annexed, as long as there is money to make, what does it matter if he is not the boss. The most important thing is to survive until my daughter graduates from college.

Next, Lin Feng invited the other seven bosses to move to the “Chufeng Internet City” tomorrow to hold a meeting to discuss the future of the blue zone Internet cafes. Regarding Lin Feng’s invitation, the owners of the other seven Internet cafes hardly refused and agreed. After all, the situation is better than others, and the strength of “Chufeng Internet City” is obvious, and they have to agree.

The next day, the owners of the eight Internet cafes arrived at the “Chufeng Internet City” on time.

“Put the score!” each of the eight owners whispered.

Lin Feng turned a deaf ear to their whispers, but was secretly happy in his heart. In order to welcome today’s party, Lin Feng paid a special sum of money to add a lot of potted plants to the “Chufeng Net City”, making the “Chufeng Net City” a unique and charming scenery. If you don’t look at the students who are fighting fiercely, this place is not like an online city, but like a unique book.

What Lin Feng wanted was a kind of aura. He wanted to tell these Internet cafe owners clearly that “Chufeng Internet City” was definitely not something they could resist.

“Boss, I invite you all to come here today. In fact, I want to discuss the future development and future of our Blue Zone Internet cafes.” Lin Feng’s voice drew the attention of the bosses back.

“Boss Lin has something to say straight.” Everyone looked at each other and waited for Lin Feng’s following.

“Haha, what do the bosses think of my “Chufeng Net City”?” Before the meeting, Lin Feng decided to be stronger today. If he is too weak, he will be looked down upon. He has strong qualifications now, so he must have a strong attitude. Of course, these experiences are also mentioned in the recent book on commercial warfare.

What kind of status determines what kind of outlook on life and values. A person who holds billions of wealth in his hands will never have the same outlook on life as a beggar. This is not a question of humility or arrogance, but of momentum. As a superior, you must have the aura of a superior.

The owners of the Internet cafe looked at each other, and they all revealed a wave of anger, but they were more helpless. A discerning person knows that “Chufeng Internet City” is much better than their small Internet cafes in terms of hardware and software facilities. Lin Feng’s words are indeed a bit bullying. Lin Feng also knows that his words are a bit offensive, but today’s negotiations are related to whether the “Chufeng Net City” can enter a period of rapid development, so he must overwhelm them with momentum. And let them feel that the future is bleak and they must be merged.

Next, Lin Feng came up with eight contracts, which listed in detail the respective benefits and contributions of both parties in this merger.

As time passed, everyone looked at every word and clause in the contract carefully, calculating how much profit and price they could make in it.

Lin Feng didn’t urge him, waiting leisurely for everyone to read the contract, with a gesture of whether to sign or not to follow you. However, Lin Feng looked relaxed on the outside, but he was really nervous on the inside. This is the first time he has faced negotiations and acquisitions. Although he is fully prepared, his inner anxiety is still unavoidable.

“No, I absolutely disagree with this cooperation plan.” What worries Lin Feng still happened. The first person to stand up was the richest of these Internet cafe owners. His Internet cafe had 12 computers.

“Yes, you give us a computer for only 1 yuan per hour, but you make 2 yuan yourself. This is too unfair, at least half of it.” The others echoed.

Lin Feng felt unhappy and secretly scolded these people for being greedy. They don’t have to pay for electricity or on-site expenses, and they don’t have to worry about whether the business is good or not. They can collect money while sitting at home. On the contrary, it seems that Lin Feng has annexed their Internet cafes, using their computers to make 3 yuan an hour, and only give them a 1 yuan bonus, but Lin Feng also bears a lot of expenses. After careful calculation, Lin Feng and their profit distribution are Six (four) open, Lin Feng six, they four.

“I think bosses, you should be clear about one thing, can your current income be higher than one block?” Lin Fengqiang held his unhappiness in his heart, and said with a smile.

“Uh” The bosses also knew that Lin Feng was right, but they were really unwilling to be swallowed up in disguised form like this.

“No, or you can give us a price of 2 yuan per unit, otherwise we would rather jade pieces than tiles.” The kind of people who worries Lin Feng that hurt others and self still appeared.

Give you 2 yuan, you are crazy about money. -Lin Feng cursed secretly in his heart.

“All the bosses, you all open Internet cafes for money, not for anger. I hope you will think about it.” Lin Feng ignored the man and exhorted.

Everyone pondered for a while, considering whether Lin Feng’s plan was worthwhile.

It’s true that Lin Feng’s cooperation plan has some conspiracy elements in it, but this is a conspiracy on the bright side, it is a conspiracy. I clearly told the eight owners that I was going to annex everyone’s Internet cafes, but the owners of the eight Internet cafes were unable to resist.

Seeing that everyone was a little moved, Lin Feng secretly winked at Liu Yishan.

“Wh, huh, huh!” Liu Yishan had already agreed to Lin Feng’s cooperation agreement, and now he has received Lin Feng’s signal again, so naturally there is nothing to hesitate. As far as Liu Yishan is concerned, as long as he has money to make money, he can make it to her daughter’s college graduation. He doesn’t care if the boss is not the boss.

“Old Liu!” The others were shocked, but they didn’t expect Liu Yishan to sign the contract so soon. In their hearts, Liu Yishan has always been a calm and cautious person.

“Everyone, actually Boss Lin is right. We are asking for money instead of being vindictive. Now we have already cut the price to almost no profit, and the business is still not good. Now Boss Lin has given us this cooperation plan and it’s not bad. You don’t have to worry about it every day. What’s the business, you can collect money while sitting at home, so why not do it.” Liu Yishan said to everyone’s heart that opening an Internet cafe is to make money, so why take anger for the sake of fame.

“Okay, Boss Lin, I also agreed.” With Liu Yishan taking the lead, everyone else signed their names one after another. As for the person who came out to stab him, he had no choice but to sign his name after seeing everyone signing the contract. After all, who can’t live with, and can’t live with money, right?

“Okay, bosses, we’ll see you again in a year, and I will pay you the money on time every month.” Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The successful signing of this contract will be the rapid development of “Chufeng Net City”. A key opportunity.

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