Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 convince

“Dad, I want to resign!” Lin Feng frightened his father with a single sentence when his father came back.

“What are you talking about?” Father was stunned.

“I want to resign.” Although Lin Feng’s tone was flat, it was beyond doubt.

“Resign? What are you going to do?” Lin Qixiong calmed down and frowned.

Looking at his father’s familiar and unfamiliar face, Lin Feng sighed. Since childhood, his father has been the backbone of the family. Not only did he support the whole family alone, but he also tolerated his behavior time and time again. No matter what he did, his father seldom scolded himself.

Dad, in this life I will never make you sick again. -Lin Feng secretly swears.

“I want to start a business. That’s only 400 yuan for a month of work, which is too little.” Lin Feng planned to start with work to convince his father. He knew that his father also felt that his job was too bad, and that a young man who became a bookbinding worker was too bad for himself.

“Then what do you want to do?” Lin Qixiong nodded and said.

“I want to open an internet cafe!” Lin Feng said firmly. Nowadays, in Chu City, Internet cafes are still in a new industry, and most of the owners still open arcade halls or video game shops, and there are very few Internet cafes. Before his rebirth, Lin Feng had witnessed an Internet cafe with only 2 computers in its first opening, and slowly expanded into an Internet city with more than 200 computers.

“Internet cafe?” Lin Qixiong had obviously never heard of this new term.

“Well, yes, it’s just a few computers connected to the local area network to play games.” The so-called Internet cafes in Chu City are limited by the bandwidth problem in Chu City (now only dial-up Internet access), and there is no Internet access at all. It’s not an Internet cafe in the true sense, but a computer game room. Lin Feng also plans to open a computer game room that can only play single-player games, and then switch to an Internet cafe when the legend becomes popular.

“How much does it cost?” Lin Qixiong thought for a while and asked.

Lam Fung naturally hopes that the more start-up funds, the better. There are so many Internet cafes that are full of them. Internet cafes are definitely the most popular and cheapest entertainment venue in the future. However, Lin Feng also knew that the home environment was not good, and he did not have much savings.

“30,000 is enough.” Lin Feng silently calculated that it would cost about 20,000 to buy 4 computers, and the money would be almost the same after including the expenses such as applying for a permit and renting a storefront.

“Are you sure to make money?” Lin Qixiong asked in a few circles silently.

“Well, don’t worry, Dad, you will definitely make money.” Lin Feng is absolutely sure of this. No one knows more about the prosperous future of Internet cafes in China than oneself.

Lin Qixiong frowned for a while, then nodded secretly. ——Lin Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that his father had agreed to his plan.

“But there is only 15,000 yuan at home, and 5,000 yuan in the stock market. I only have so much.” Lin Qixiong said with difficulty. The son wanted to start a business for the first time, but as a father he could not fully support his son, which made Lin Qixiong very ashamed.

“Enough, Dad, I will figure out the rest.” Lin Feng knows the situation at home, and now he can spend 20,000 yuan, he is very content.

Hey, the stock market! Lin Feng’s heart jumped, and a message flashed in his mind-Yi’an Technology. Although Lin Feng did not trade in stocks before his rebirth, he still has a deep memory of this China’s first stock that broke 100 yuan. After 70 consecutive trading days, it rose sharply, and then fell sharply. There was no news that year that received more attention than the stock price of Yi’an Technology.

It should be about this time. ―Lin Feng can’t remember exactly when Yi’an Technology began to rise wildly, but it should be at the end of 1999 and early 2000. “Uh, dad, the stock market money will not be withdrawn. You can give me 15,000 yuan. You buy all the stock market money for Yi’an Technology.” Although Lin Feng is not sure about Yi’an Technology When will it soar, but it’s always good to buy early, just as long-term investment.

“Yi’an Technology?” Lin Qixiong frowned and checked on the computer. The current price was 25.8 yuan.

“Well, just buy it.” Lin Feng was secretly delighted, the stock hasn’t risen yet.

“It’s expensive!” Lin Qixiong hesitated for a while. He always only bought stocks of about 6 or 7 yuan, so that it would neither fall too sharply nor rise too sharply, and it would be considered a steady profit.

“Don’t worry, it will go up. The inside information I found online is said to be up to 50 yuan.” Lin Feng had to disclose a little bit, but naturally buckled everything to the Internet.

Under Lin Feng’s insistence, Lin Qixiong reluctantly bought all the money from the stock market at Yi’an Technology, which happened to be able to buy two lots (200 shares).

“Well, I’ll withdraw the money later.” After Lin Qixiong finished buying the stocks, he was ready to withdraw the money. Lin Qixiong would usually do it for Lin Feng as soon as possible.

Father, I will succeed! -Lin Feng swears silently.

The start-up fund of 30,000 yuan was half solved, and there was still 15,000 yuan. Lin Feng could only find his mother who divorced his father. Lin Feng knew that his mother had saved him a sum of money for marriage, which should now be more than 10,000, but he wanted his mother to use it to invest in the business, it really took some words.

Fortunately, Lin Feng is no longer the one before his rebirth. His 29 years of experience before his rebirth gave Lin Feng the absolute confidence that he could persuade his mother to invest the money. Of course, this is definitely not an easy task. My mother is a typical Chinese woman, so stability is good.

Lin Feng also went downstairs, planning to borrow money from his mother’s house.

“Hey, this is.” Just when I left the community, I saw a warehouse that had been abandoned for many years and was being rebuilt next to the community.

“Be careful, be careful, that’s the company’s brand, don’t break it.” A middle-aged man commanded from the side.

Daya Chemical! ― Lin Feng glanced, his face suddenly gloomy.

Before the rebirth, since Daya Chemicals built a factory next to the community and put it into production, no one had ever opened a window in the whole community. No way, the whole air was filled with disgusting rotten eggs, who would dare to open the window.

For this reason, the residents of the community have collectively complained, but it seems to have no effect. In the end, he had to endure the nasty smell of rotten eggs and barely live. Of course, the rich have moved away long ago, and those who have no money, such as Lin Feng, can only continue to bear it.

When I make money, the first thing I do is to buy a large and bright house for my father. ——Lin Feng gave a bitter look at the boss of Daya Chemical, who was commanding in the distance, and then quickly left.

My mother lives in the city, but although she is in the city, she rents a house and cannot afford to buy a house.

After the mother and father divorced, life was not good. Since the factory went bankrupt, he made a living by setting up street stalls. Of course, at this time, the amount of money to set up a street stall is far more than that of the factory to work. A little hard work can earn more than 2000 yuan a month. But this is the case, my mother also rents a house with her stepfather. Lin Feng knew why this was because his mother was saving money for herself and her wife.

In Lin Feng’s memory, just because of his own marriage, his mother often quarreled with his stepfather, and the two finally divorced.

Alas, pity the parents of the world. ――Lin Feng suddenly didn’t want to knock on his mother’s door, which would make him feel a deep sense of guilt. But if you don’t borrow, you don’t have startup capital, how can you use the advantages of rebirth to make money and change your life and your family’s life without the startup capital.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and bit his scalp and entered the door.

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