Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7216

Chapter 7311 Human body self-balance

? “Boss!” Zheng Zha got up.

“How about it, are there any loopholes here?” Lin Feng asked.

“I found eleven loopholes in total, but I didn’t find any signs of being manipulated.” Zheng Zha reported, “But if it involves medical aspects, I can’t find out!”

Lin Feng nodded.

“You will stay here these days. No one is allowed to enter without my permission. As for the medication, I will send someone to bring it over.” Lin Feng ordered.

This time, Lin Feng did not bring Hua Seventeen. After all, this is the President of the United States. Why do you want Hua Seventeen to see a doctor? If there is any accident, you will be in trouble. Those guys, but wishing to have a chance to trouble themselves.

Besides, there is not much time in Hua Seventeen. He is about to die.

It seems a bit too mysterious for Hua Seventeen to know the fate. In fact, this is also very simple. It is not surprising that a person can perceive the length of his life if he pays attention to health preservation and knows his own condition sufficiently.

This science seems to be inexplicable, and I think it is very mysterious, but in fact, it can be explained with Chinese medicine. It’s just that most people in the world are dull, don’t understand it, and can’t explain it.

In terms of clinical cases, there is a domestic saying that if you don’t go to the hospital, you won’t get sick. Once you go to the hospital, this is also a disease, and that is also a disease. Then you spend money on treatment. As a result, people are dying, even if they are finally cured. , People’s life is over.

Before that, you should be alive and kicking, you should eat, you should drink. As a result, as soon as he was cured, he became a diseased seedling, feeling weak and sighing all day long. The doctor will say that if you come a little later, you will die.

This naturally made many people appreciate the doctor’s words. But, why are the same people still alive and kicking without seeing a doctor? How can this be explained? In the words of Western medicine, it means that before the hour arrives, when the hour arrives, he becomes ill.

But the result? One year has passed, three years have passed, five years have passed, and ten years have passed. The person healed before that time died long ago, and in the last few years he was not as good as dead, but the man who was said to be unable to do so was still alive and kicking. Why is this? ?

Western medicine cannot explain it.

But as far as Chinese medicine is concerned, in Hua Shiqi’s words, it can be explained. The simple reason is that the body’s self-balancing system.

What is the human body’s self-balancing system is very simple, it is a set of self-survival system of the human body. If we use Taoism to analyze the human body, then each of us is actually divided into two parts, one is our skin and the other is my shrine.

In modern philosophy, one is the ego and the other is the id. The human mind is the self, and the human body system is the id. Everything that the ego can feel is transmitted through the id.

And this body’s self-balancing system will form a self-protection mechanism after encountering various viruses. If the body is strong enough, it will fight back and kill the virus. On the contrary, if the body is not strong enough, it will balance itself and form a delicate balance with the harm caused by various viruses.

The balance of will make people feel no pain and the torment of the virus, and they will live a healthy life. As for when this system fails, it depends on the employer’s physical condition. If the employer is in good health, he will always live healthy.

What if the employer’s health deteriorates? In the absence of external forces, this deterioration is not sudden, but a slow process. In this process, this self-balancing system will continuously adjust the employer’s self-perception, keeping the employer in a quasi-healthy state. Until this self-balancing system can no longer be maintained.

If during this period, western medicine is used for treatment, it is indeed killing the virus, but the problem is that once you use the medicine, this self-balancing system will be broken. At that time, various organs start to show disease together, which will lead to clinical complications. The result is that even if the patient is cured, it is still sick, and it is difficult to enjoy the joy of life.

So, does it mean that there is no need to see a doctor at all? This is naturally incorrect.

Seeing a doctor is a must. As far as Hua Shiqi’s concept is concerned, everything should be done as soon as possible to see western medicine. Because Western medicine prescribes the medicine fiercely, quickly, and quickly, it is also harmful to the human body. You can avoid harm to the human body as much as possible if you want to in the early stage.

Once the condition drags on for a long time, it will be troublesome. At this time, Western medicine will come to treat the disease again, and if the cut is cut, the patient will lose 70% of the breath without dying, and it will take a long time to recover.

At this time, Chinese medicine is the most correct and peaceful, and can diagnose the patient’s entire physical condition in detail. So, why is it slow for TCM to cultivate a talent? It is because that what Chinese medicine is about is this set of human body’s self-balancing system, how to treat diseases from this set of system.

Nowadays, many Chinese medicine doctors are similar to Western medicine, and they are all applicable. It’s just that the medicines used are extracted from plants, not from the chemical ingredients like Western medicine. This sounds like Chinese medicine, but it’s actually Western medicine. It’s just a variant of Western medicine.

So what should I do if I get sick? For this question, Hua Seventeen could not give an accurate answer. He can only give a reference answer.

If you are sick, you can go for treatment at an early stage. Once the doctor says it is more serious, treat it immediately. So, the first thing is to go to several major hospitals for inspections, especially major hospitals in big cities, and then see what the plan is.

After this, if you must have a major operation, you must make your own judgment based on your physical condition. If it doesn’t hurt or itchy, just leave it alone. On the other hand, if you have felt that something is wrong with your body, then just do what you should do.

Because when the body has feedback to you pain signals, it is to remind you that it is time for treatment. This set of body’s self-balancing system can no longer help you immune. If you don’t go again, it will be too late.

Of course, Western doctors always make a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, the consequences are also self-assessment. Therefore, this post-treatment is very important.

As for why not seek Chinese medicine. In the case of Hua Seventeen, in this chaotic situation, finding a Chinese medicine doctor will delay things. Those Chinese medicine doctors are nothing more than Western doctors who approve Chinese medicine skin. What they have learned is mixed and impure, but it is easy to make mistakes.

For them, it was just a mistake in seeing a disease, but a hurdle in their lives, or even a hurdle in their lives, it was just part of their medical experience. But for the patient, it is the only chance in life.

The two sides are not equal!

It’s too bad!

Therefore, patients can only choose a few more times.

(Today’s two changes are over and continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)

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