Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Expensive Western Fast Food

“Haha, Shuqi, they all like to make jokes, don’t mind.” Lin Feng explained that she felt very weak, but Huang Shuqi was not angry, but was blushing and lowered her head in silence, which made her even more charming. people.

“Uh, let’s go to McDonald’s!” Huang Shuqi was silent, and Lin Feng felt embarrassed. When he saw McDonald’s opposite the Computer City, Lin Feng took Huang Shuqi and walked away.

Didn’t it all say that little girls like McDonald’s and KFC? Lin Feng hopes that this can resolve the embarrassment between the two. If just because of Li Zongbao’s joke, the two were divided, then Lin Feng would probably regret it.

“Ah, don’t, Brother Xiaofeng, this is very expensive, let’s not eat anymore, let’s just shop around!” At the door of McDonald’s, Huang Shuqi, who finally recovered, grabbed Lin Feng, looked around, and whispered .

Lin Feng sighed and shook his head. Since Huang Shuqi is a single-parent family, Huang Auntie has no special skills, so she can only work in a textile factory by selling her labor. Although Huang Shuqi is raised up, the life of the mother and daughter is very poor. The dress Huang Shuqi wears is also from two years ago. Fortunately, when I bought it, I picked the one size bigger. Now I wear it just right.

“Let’s go, your Xiaofeng brother treats. Xiaofeng brother has made money now, please eat!” Lin Feng couldn’t help but pulled Huang Shuqi into McDonald’s.

“Enough, enough, a lot.” When Lin Feng ordered food, Huang Shuqi kept pulling Lin Feng’s skirt behind Lin Feng, implying that Lin Feng would not order any more, but Lin Feng ordered hundreds of yuan in one breath. The food, the plate is full of piles.

“Waste!” Huang Shuqi pouted and sat across from Lin Feng, without even looking at the food on the table, staring straight at Lin Feng, silently accusing Lin Feng of waste.

Huang Shuqi’s accusation made Lin Feng bitterly smile, she was a sixteen-year-old girl, and she looked like a little girl.

“Okay, Shuqi, it’s a waste not to eat it. I bought it all, but it can’t be returned.” Lin Feng grabbed a French fries and put it in his mouth.

“100 yuan is enough for me and my mother to eat for a week.” Huang Shuqi also knows that not eating is a real waste, but when he thinks that such a small pile of things cost 100 yuan, he feels distressed. This is too wasteful. ――You can buy a bunch of radishes and cabbage for 100 yuan.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. At McDonald’s there are more than 100 yuan, but it’s really not that much. A set menu costs 28 yuan, and two people are only 56 yuan; another two cups of Xindi cost 13 yuan, which is 69 yuan; and some fried chicken or something. , 100 yuan is not enough at all.

Alas, this foreign fast food is said to be cheap, but compared to China’s national conditions, it is still a bit expensive, not the same as the United States, it is just a temporary stuffing stuff. In China, especially in small cities, eating McDonald’s and KFC has become a high-end consumption.

and many more! ――Lin Feng’s brain suddenly flashed, as if thinking of something, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn’t catch the moment of that flash of light.

“Brother Xiaofeng, why don’t you eat it?” Huang Shuqi, who finally compromised, has started to eat foreign fast food that he has never eaten before.

I have to say that fast food like McDonald’s is still very tempting to most students. Especially the dessert of Xindi is loved by all girls. No, Huang Shuqi finished eating the new land in front of her, and secretly glanced at the new land in front of Lin Feng’s table. When they were young, the two did not stop fighting for one thing, but when they grew up, Huang Shuqi was a little embarrassed.

“Shuqi, take it, I don’t like desserts.” Lin Feng smiled slightly and handed Xindi over.

“Thank you Xiaofeng brother.” Huang Shuqi’s joyful gaze once again verified the rumor that girls love desserts.

Lin Feng thought about it again, but still couldn’t catch the inspiration, so he stopped thinking about it, and began to concentrate on destroying the burger and fried chicken in front of him.

After the two had eaten McDonald’s, Lin Feng decided to buy a piece of clothing for Huang Shuqi. The dress Huang Shuqi is wearing now is too shabby, and Lin Feng is a bit blind to see.

“Let’s go, since it’s out, I’ll buy you some clothes by the way. This is too old.” Lin Feng pointed to Huang Shuqi’s clothes that he had worn for more than 2 years and said.

“Thank you, Brother Xiaofeng, but I don’t have to. The clothes are too expensive. And I usually wear school uniforms at school, and I don’t have time to wear them.” Huang Shuqi said that he refused to buy clothes, and Lin Feng had no choice but to compromise. After returning to the Computer City, Li Zongbao has installed Aunt Huang’s four computers, and after Lin Feng’s inspection is completed, he pays and leaves.

“Be careful, be careful.” Looking at the four computers that were dragged back, Aunt Huang narrowed her eyes. This morning, I helped Lin Feng watch the Internet cafe and realized that the money in the Internet cafe is so good. 5 computers made 45 yuan in three hours. She worked hard in the textile factory for only 18 yuan a day.

This money is so easy to make! ――Aunt Huang exclaimed, while looking at Lin Feng’s smiling face, she was more kind and kind.

“Come on, Xiaofeng will eat first, and then ask you to help install it.” Aunt Huang had already gone to buy roast chicken and preserved egg and lean meat porridge that were only eaten during the Chinese New Year.

“No, Aunt Huang, I just ate outside with Shuqi, you eat first, and I will install the machine for you now, so that you can open the door early to do business.” Lin Feng smiled and shook his head and started debugging the computer.

“You child ” Aunt Huang’s smile became more kind, “Shuqi, are you still hungry? If you are not hungry, go and help your Xiaofeng brother.”

“Yes.” Huang Shuqi obediently responded.

However, although Huang Shuqi wanted to help, looking at the strange computers in the house, she didn’t know where to start. Instead, she interfered with Lin Feng’s normal installation and debugging several times.

“I’m really useless” Huang Shuqi pouted and walked to the corner alone, sulking.

“Shuqi, don’t blame yourself, you can help Brother Xiaofeng when you go to school in the future.” Lin Feng smiled helplessly, walked over and squeezed Huang Shuqi’s nose gently, “Okay, sit here. I can handle this alone.”

“Well, thank you Xiaofeng brother.” Huang Shuqi knew that she couldn’t help much, so she obediently stayed aside, quietly watching Lin Feng continuously install and debug five computers.

Xiaofeng is so handsome when he is serious! And so amazing, so proficient in computers! ――Huang Shuqi suddenly realized that Xiaofeng, who has been playing since childhood, seems to be a little different from usual, and she especially likes to see his expression when he is serious.

Huang Shuqi realized that there seemed to be something in her heart, but she couldn’t describe it.

After a busy afternoon, at the beginning of Hua Deng, Aunt Huang’s Internet cafe finally officially opened. The game fans who had been waiting for a long time on the side immediately rushed in. Although there are four more computers, it is still not enough for the majority of game fans.

“Come on, Xiaofeng, you should be hungry now, let’s eat.” Aunt Huang smiled and brought the three dishes and one soup that she specially bought at the restaurant. The Internet cafe was full when it opened, and Aunt Huang felt as sweet as she was eating honey.

“Oh , there is my favorite cucumber fried ham sausage.” Huang Shuqi quietly watched Lin Feng install the machine all afternoon, and her stomach was already hungry.

“You girl, these dishes are specially used to treat your brother Feng, but you are all alone.” Aunt Huang tapped Huang Shuqi lightly.

“Hee hee, thank you Xiaofeng brother.” Huang Shuqi stuck out her tongue and made a grimace. You’re welcome, and just started eating.

Lin Feng laughed. With Huang Shuqi’s grimacing face, this afternoon’s tossing is not in vain.

“Come on, Xiaofeng, there is nothing to eat, so I’ll just take it.” Aunt Huang handed over a bowl of rice.

“Thank you Aunt Huang.”

“Come on, Brother Xiaofeng, eat pork liver, this is my reward to you.” Huang Shuqi put a chopstick dish to Lin Feng.

“Ha ha”

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