Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 104: His Wife Doesn’t Have Much of an Appetite These Days

It took seven or eight days to sell out all the cherries.

Everyone was also very tired. Ji Jianyun calculated the wages of his two brothers and sister-in-law, but he did not for Su Jindang. He had a better relationship with Su Jindang than with his own brothers, so it would be treating Su Jindang too much like an outsider if he did calculate it. Moreover, Su Jindang would never accept it from him.

He gave Su Jindang a bag of cherries and asked him to take them back to second Su sister-in-law to eat. As for Mother Su and that side of the family, Su Jindang didn't have to worry about them. Ji Jianyun prepared another bag for him. He could not treat his mother-in-law’s side too unfairly. Also, he brought over several jin to Zhen Miaohong.

Su Jindang smiled. He brought the bags back home and helped Ji Jianyun deliver the cherries to his mother.

Mother Su saw a big bag of cherries. She liked to eat this fruit a lot. She smiled and said, “Jianyun is so kind. Cherries sell well, so why didn’t he take it to sell? And why did you bring me such a big bag of it?”

Earlier, she asked her son to deliver a bag of strawberries, and now it was this big bag of cherries. This was pretty much about ten jin, right?

“Jianyun has always been so filial. Mother, you can take it. I'll go back first,” Su Jindang said and laughed.

Mother Su let him go back first, and then took the cherries back. All her grandchildren liked to eat cherries, and she divided some of it out. She locked the rest in the cupboard so that she could eat them slowly.

Over the past few days, Ji Jianyun and Lao Qin have both tanned. Lao Qin had always been a bit tan, so it wasn’t obvious, but for Ji Jianyun it was.

“Did you pay Lao Qin?” Su Danhong asked.

“I did, I gave him thirty yuan,” Ji Jianyun replied.

These past few days had truly tired out Lao Qin. Thirty yuan was not a low amount. Jianyun was responsible for the gas costs, while Lao Qin was responsible for helping them move the fruits and sell them. He earned 30 yuan in a few days. Even Ji Jianwen's wages were not as high as Lao Qin’s.

Ji Jianyun washed his face and said with a smile, “Honey, how much did we make this time?”

“If you take out the expenses and wages, we earned more than 400 yuan,” Su Danhong said.

“That much?” Ji Jianyun was stunned and pleasantly surprised.

He collected the money every day, and he knew it was a lot, but he never thought there would be that much!

Su Danhong was amused to see him like this and said, “Yes, you earned it all back.”

More than 400 yuan. This was actually similar to how much she earned for a small piece of embroidery, but for her Jianyun, this was indeed a lot to take in.

However, from Su Danhong’s point of view, the cherries sold so well because they were sold for a cheap price. Weren’t they delicious? They were all very sweet and nutritious. She liked eating them a lot, so she kept some in the fridge where she could eat it slowly whenever she was ready.

Taking into consideration the current selling price, Su Danhong did not feel like she was losing out even though the cherries were delicious.

Ji Jianyun began to calculate the wages for the work of his eldest brother and his second brother's family. It was going to be 20 yuan. There were also his parents, who each earned 10 yuan. Altogether, that would be 40 yuan. Plus, there was Lao Qin’s 30 yuan and gas. That ended up being about 100 yuan.

Thus, they earned about 500 yuan this time.

Of course, Su Jindang also earned some yuan from what he brought to the store to sell.

“The price of cherries will go up next year." Su Danhong said as she watered the flowers.

“Yeah, it’ll go up each year. Did you know? Everyone who bought cherries yesterday came back again today. There were a lot of people who bought a whole basket and left, saying that they would take it to the army and distribute it.” Ji Jianyun said.

This year's cherries were delicious, but the price was not high, so they sold well.

Su Danhong thought, if it wasn’t for how tired, but excited he is, then I wouldn’t want him to work so hard to earn money this way. But as a man, I have to give him room to do his own thing, and can’t be unsupportive. It doesn't matter how tired he is, he will take responsibility for it.

If he wasn’t able to handle it, then he wouldn't have time to toss with her when he came back in the evening. And he clearly did it until she couldn’t handle it, so he was obviously not tired.

When the cherries were sold out, Ji Jianyun was free for a while. Because he had tasted the sweetness of success, he took Xu Aidang and Ji Hongjun to fertilize the cherry trees. It was not time for the cherry trees to recuperate, and he even went to get water to give to the trees.

However, this was work that Xu Ai Party and Ji Hongjun had already completed. This was their job. What work could Ji Jianyun do?

The next few days were busy, even though the pay did not increase. After they were no longer busy, they took a few jin of cherries back home. This was the cost of hard work, but they were all long term workers. This was expected with their work. Even if they were a bit busier than usual, they didn’t have any problems with it.

It was a rare opportunity to work for the Lao Ji family. Aside from how their wives and children had cherries to eat this time, they were given a few jin of Mother Ji’s strawberries some time ago when the strawberries had become ripe.

This could be considered worker benefits.

After they entered June, it became hotter and hotter. In particular, the end of June and beginning of July were very hot. Su Danhong had no energy. She held Xiao Renren, who was also hot, and went to the backyard. Yan'er followed.

“Mom, eat watermelon,” Yan'er said to her.

Su Danhong smiled and said, “That depends on whether you can eat it first or not.”

Recently, she has been unable to eat. Ji Jianyun has been in charge of taking care of all the watermelons in the backyard, while Su Danhong had not been out there for several days.

Yan'er often came to the backyard with her third uncle and wanted to eat watermelon every day.

The watermelons in the backyard were growing very well. Several of them were already very big. With the way they looked, they should be ready to eat in a few days.

Yan'er looked at the big watermelon and said greedily, “Eat watermelon.”

“It’s not ready yet. We'll have to wait a few more days,” Su Danhong said with a smile.

Recently, many trees had blossomed on the mountain. Ji Jianyun had gone to learn beekeeping skills from Lao Qin these days. Right, his comrade, Lao Qin, really knew everything, but the beekeeping skills were not from Lao Qin, but Lao Qin's father.

Lao Qin's father was a little older than Father Ji and had been professional in beekeeping for decades. He had a good impression of Ji Jianyun, so Ji Jianyun went to learn how to keep bees from him. When Ji Jianyun learned it, he gave him two boxes of bees for free to bring back and take care of.

Ji Jianyun was not modest with him. He took these two boxes of bees, brought them back and took them straight to the mountain. Then, he specifically worked on setting up a beehive.

Bees did not easily build a nest in one place, but it was obvious that they liked this mountain. After confirming that it was safe to nest, they settled down in a day. Afterwards, they quickly went out to find flowers and came back to make honey.

Because there were plenty of flowers in the orchard, Ji Jianyun harvested several jin of honey in just a few days. He left a bottle for Father Ji and Mother Ji to mix with water to drink, and he took the rest down the mountain. His wife did not have a good appetite recently. She would definitely like drinking honey water.

tarararawr’s rararamblings: Hi everyone~ Foxaholic has a new coin system that I will be using for advance chapters. You will be at least 2 chapters ahead of regular releases. If you want to read more, go here!

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