Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 106: Sell It in the College Town!

All the fruit trees on the mountain were ripe. From apples, pears, peaches, and figs, it was all ripe. There were two chestnut trees that were completely covered in chestnuts.

The persimmons on the tree were also frowning very well, but a little late in ripening. It would still take more than a month.

The mountain was full of apples, pears and peaches.

Some time ago during the cherry harvest, Ji Jianguo, Ji Jianye, Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan coveted the cherry trees. Now that they saw these bountiful fruit trees, it could not be described how jealous they felt.

Lao San was really not loyal. He had such a large orchard, and didn’t give any part of it to them. They were family, and not strangers, so why couldn’t he be more considerate of them?

However, these complaints had been spoken about a long time ago. Before the fruits were ready to be harvested, Ji Jianyun did not relax and had no intentions of doing so. He didn’t think there would be such a good harvest either.

Ji Jianyun had to basically invite all the people he could hire because there was not enough manpower.

Even Mother Su from Su Danhong’s maternal family was invited. As for Su Jinjun, Ji Jianyun also meant to ask him, but he did not come. Eldest Su sister-in-law and Mother Su came to help. Mother Su could not believe it when she saw it. She praised her son-in-law's great accomplishments. While Mother Su was like this, eldest Su sister-in-law didn’t speak and was glaring.

How much money did they earn from such a big orchard and such a big harvest?

When Mother Su saw the look in her eldest daughter-in-law, she warned secretly, “Danhong, and her parents-in-law are on the mountain. If you dare to embarrass me with your rude eyes, you will get it from me when we go back!”

Although the relationship with Mother Ji seemed better now, neither wanted to talk to each other in private. This time, Ji Jianyun personally went over and asked her to help them. She had her duties to fulfill as his mother-in-law, and no one could give her the middle finger for it!

Her son-in-law was very capable, so how could she be an embarrassment as the mother-in-law?

Compared to other people, Mother Ji had to say nice things to her if saw her helping. Thus, at this time, Mother Su absolutely did not allow her eldest daughter-in-law to embarrass her. Her eldest son did not come here, which was already rude. If she made a fool of herself, how could Mother Su have any dignity?

Eldest Su sister-in-law felt wronged and said, “Mother, what are you talking about? I didn't say anything.”

“It’s best if you don't say anything and just do the work. When it is over, Jianyun will definitely pay you for it, and you can keep it for yourself. If you don't work with a pure mind, then I'll keep the money. If they have more work available in the future, then you'll never be able to do it again!” Mother Su exclaimed.

“Okay,okay! As long as I get to keep the money, then I'll make sure I won't embarrass you, mother!” Eldest Su sister-in-law said immediately.

As a result, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had an agreement. It was shocking for them to look in from the outside. It was even more shocking when Mother Ji took them into the orchard. The fruit trees were completely full of fruit that was ready to be harvested.

“Jianyun has a bright future. Mother-in-law, you will be blessed in the future!” Mother Su also had to accept the fact that this old woman gave birth to such a promising son.

Mother Ji said, “My life is good, but isn’t your life better too? It used to be a bad life, but isn’t that all in the past? We'll have a happy life in the future. Mother-in-law, don't worry. Jianyun is a mature child, and he won't forget his mother-in-law!”

“Look at what you’re saying. I also have a son, but I know that Jianyun is filial to me. You can't find one like him from any of the villages ten miles away. At the beginning, I liked him. I had never seen such an excellent youngster. Danhong followed him, and that was also Danhong's fortune,” Mother Su said.

It didn’t matter whether Mother Su's words were true or false. Mother Ji felt grateful about it from the bottom of her heart. Her Lao San was definitely a good one, but Mother Ji was not careless. If you say you have a good cabinet, then you must have a good lock. Danhong was the good lock, and she was also the good daughter Mother Su had given birth to. That's why they formed such a good family.

As soon as Mother Ji said this, Mother Su was satisfied. Thus, these two old mothers-in-law, who were usually almost always fighting, complimented each other and developed a better relationship.

They got along from hearing the other side support their child, which made them feel like the mother was not that bad.

Additionally, they were both hard workers, which helped improve their relationship even more.

Eldest Su sister-in-law was being pressured by Mother Su, so she didn't dare to do anything reckless. It was also because of what Mother Su said before. She would work hard, and then she would take the money for herself. This time, she would get a couple of yuan, right? This was quite a lot, and she had to take this chance to keep it for herself so that her mother-in-law would not find an excuse to take her money.

When Mother Ji saw her, she smiled and said to Mother Su, “Danhong's eldest sister-in-law is also a good worker.”

“Oh, her. She’s just alright, not as good as your daughters-in-law.” When it came to eldest Su sister-in-law, Mother Su knew that if she did not threaten her, then would she really be working so hard?

Mother Ji smiled and said a few modest words.

As a matter of fact, how could Mother Su be the only one who had given a warning? Before Mother Su came, she had also ruthlessly warned her two daughters-in-law that if they dared to embarrass her, then they would have to go back home!

This consequence was very serious. If Mother Ji spoke, then no one could make a plea. Thus, even if they were very jealous, they would not dare to show it at all.

Before the fruits were ripe, Ji Jianyun had already gone to many places to start a business relationship.

Several shops in town would pick up the fruits from him. Su Jindang was in charge of this because he was physically closer.

Ji Jianyun went with Lao Qin to far away places, such as Jiangshui City. If it was the old market from last time, then they drove the truck. These two big men would sell the fruits there.

At this time, there were not that many people growing fruit. At Jiangshui City, there was no shortage of money, but there was a limit to the fruit market.

After selling fruits for a few days, it was no longer easy to sell. Ji Jianyun contacted several stores to do wholesaling. After these shops had tasted the fruit, they bought a lot of fruit directly. Yet, there was still a lot left. Ji Jianyun made up his mind and brought Lao Qin directly to the college town.

As expected, the college town was more prosperous than Jiangshui City. With a truck full of fresh, ripe, and fragrant pears, apples, peaches and figs, the crowd scrambled to buy it. The price was slightly higher than Jiangshui City’s prices and it sold better.

In the end, it was a college town and an essential place in their province.

Although it took a little more effort, the profit was a lot more after deducting the cost of gas from traveling to the college town. Thus, Ji Jianyun decided not to go to Jiangshui City to sell fruits and bring it directly to this college town instead. It didn’t matter how many shops there were in Jiangshui City, because wholesale price was not very high, and it was not cost-effective.

They brought another full truck over the next day because they saw a business opportunity in the college town. However, they did not go to the same place all the time. Basically, they stayed in a market for a few days until the market was saturated. Then, they moved on to the next market. Business was extremely good. Coupled with the high quality of the fruits, there was nothing bad about what they sold. In addition, Ji Jianyun and Lao Qin were both from the army, and their demeanor was different from that of ordinary men. When customers heard that they had retired due to an injury during their chats, they looked highly on them.

Look, no matter where veterans go, they would encounter success when they couldn't be in the army anymore. Thus, Couldn’t he grow fruit trees to support his family?

There was an aunt who liked Ji Jianyun and asked him if he had a wife. She wanted to introduce her daughter to him, which made Ji Jianyun speechless. Lao Qin was amused, and said that his son was almost one year old.

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