Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 125: Alfalfa Shack

When Su Danhong told Ji Jianyun not to be angry, she was in fact a little angry.

They were planning on letting the two elders have a good New Year celebration, but who knew that Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan would start a fight.

In the past, she thought they were just a little bit petty, but now, everything was off the table for them.

Ji Jianwen and Yun Lili came back empty handed for the New Year. This was indeed wrong, but it was also true that they had a mortgage. The working class received a strict salary. They had expenses to pay every month. They didn’t have much left on the loan, but they were anxious to finish it. For Su Danhong and Ji Jianyun, several hundred yuan was nothing. But for Ji Jianwen and Yun Lili, that was not a small amount.

If they wanted to pay it back in a short time, then it was impossible. It's hard to just save a bit of money. (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕩𝕒𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕔.𝕔𝕠𝕞 ♥

But their parents were not really worried about food and clothing, so it wasn’t a problem for them to save a bit of money. Moreover, all the sons were brothers, and there was no need to make it difficult for them to step up as men.

Even if it wasn’t for these reasons, they should have taken more into consideration.

However, once the fight started, Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan didn't take a look at themselves. They brought rice and flour after a year. If Father Ji and Mother Ji lived on this, wouldn’t they starve to death?

It was like this, but they wanted to fight?

“Wife, don't worry about them. I'll just be filial to my parents,” Ji Jianyun took his turn to comfort her.

Su Danhong nodded.

Then, she went into the kitchen. It was late now, and it was time to prepare dinner.

Ji Jianyun went out with Renren in his arms and went up the mountain. Father Ji was smoking silently.


When Ji Jianyun saw his father's sad face, he was not happy either.

“Why did you come up the mountain?” Father Ji quickly put away his pipe. His grandson didn't like the smell.

"Father, don't worry about those things on your mind. You and mother will eat with me. In the future, I’ll provide for you. I guarantee that you and mother will have a better life than anyone in the village!” Ji Jianyun declared.

Father Ji smiled and felt much better. He said, “Your mother and I can count on you.”

“Of course, father. Next spring, I plan on going to the college town again. Also, Danhong and I will go to Jiangshui City to buy an apartment. So next year, I hope father can go with me over there to sell things. Lao Qin and my second brother-in-law are not as good as father,” Ji Jianyun said.

Father Ji nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll go with you next year.”

Last time, when his son and his second brother-in-law went to the city to sell things, it was very sudden. Father Ji was supposed to go, but he caught a cold. The old man didn't have any illness this year, but he was not feeling well during those days.

Because of this, Father Ji was very regretful. After all, he had never been to the college town in his life, and the farthest place he had been was Jiangshui City.

He just worked around the village at all other times.

Ji Jianyun saw that his father had agreed and was relieved. He asked, “How are the sheep these days? Is there enough alfalfa for them to eat?”

“They have a big appetite. Jianyun, I'm going to tell you, you should build another thatch shack1. The land over there is empty. During the winter, just burn a kang. Then, the whole shack will be warm and you can grow more alfalfa,” Father Ji said.

Ji Jianyun went over there with Xiao Renren in his arms, and Father Ji came with him.

Recently, a shack had been built on the mountain for planting alfalfa. The sheeps like to eat this grass. Not only sheep, but also chickens. However, when winter came, the fresh alfalfa would be in short supply. There would only be some dried ones left, but a lot of nutrients would be lost. Thus, they simply set up a shack.

There was also a kang in the shack. As long as the kang was burning, the shack would be warm and the alfalfa could still grow.

But now there were more than 20 young sheep in the sheep shed, and there were four female ones. They ate every day, so it required a lot of grass every day. One shack was not enough.

“Then we'll start building another shack tomorrow, and avoid starving these young sheep,” Ji Jianyun said.

Father Ji nodded in agreement.


At this time, Xiao Renren’s tender voice was heard. He looked at the sheep, and his dark eyes were bright.

Father Ji looked at the little grandson who was dressed like a little fairy child by his mother and smiled deeply. He said cheerfully, “Renren is brave. Yan'er came to see the sheep a while ago and was a little afraid.”

Ji Jianyun was also amused. He looked at how curious his son was, so he held him over the sheep and let him touch the wool. Xiao Renren was very happy.

So the next morning, he yelled “sheep, sheep, sheep” and wanted to go up the mountain to touch the sheep again.

Su Danhong did not dare to carry this boy now. He was very strong like his father. Also, her stomach was big. So now his father carried him and she pushed him with a cart.

“You can't go to see the sheep until you have food,” Su Danhong said.

“Food.” Xiao Renren looked at her.

“Yes, food. We're going to eat food.” Su Danhong smiled when she saw that he was learning from her.

This kid was early. He was two months away from turning one. He could say a word or two now.

Xiao Renren was very happy when he saw that what he said was right. Then, he shouted “food, food, food” a few times. His mother started to give him meat congee to eat. The congee was boiled until it was mushy and it was easy to digest. This was also Xiao Renren's favorite breakfast.

After eating half a bowl, Su Danhong fed him egg custard and the little guy became full. After eating, he began to play with his toys. He had many toys that his father bought for him, including a robot, a small abacus and two children's picture books. They were all very good toys.

Xiao Renren skillfully opened the picture book and began to read it. While reading it, he began mouthing the words.

Su Danhong saw how he was keeping himself occupied and began to eat. As for the child's father, he had gone up the mountain to deliver breakfast and he had not come down yet. Today, she heard that another alfalfa shack would be built. One shack was enough. However, she knew that Ji Jianyun didn’t want his father to be too idle, so he found something he could do so that he didn’t think about other things.

Su Danhong didn’t mind either. After the shack was built, she also planned to plant some vegetables. This year, there was not much land left in her family’s greenhouse, but many new flowerpots had been moved.

According to Mother Ji, if there’s less vegetables, then just eat less and earn more money with the flowers. That's more important.

Su Danhong didn’t know how to respond, but she didn't care. She moved a lot of them to the greenhouse in the backyard.

So this shack was good timing. When it was ready, she could plant a variety of plants and she really liked eating fresh vegetables.

Ji Jianwen came over with Yan'er in his arms. He was quite helpless as he said, “Third sister-in-law, Yan'er is making a fuss to come over.”

“Third aunt.” Yan'er changed how she addressed Su Danhong, but she still kissed her when she saw her.

“Have you eaten yet?” Su Danhong asked with a smile.

Yan’er nodded and said, “I ate. I came to play with my brother.”

Ji Jianwen said, “I’m going up the mountain to help my father.”

Su Danhong nodded. Yan'er stayed to play with Renren, and Ji Jianwen went to the orchard.

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