Red Alert 1895

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Taiwan

“Master magistrate, how do you arrange government affairs today?” a teacher asked.

But the very young magistrate scolded: “Don’t bother me, I don’t have time!”

“Yes, yes!” the master said quickly.

The magistrate was leaning on the chair, apparently extremely agitated in his heart. And no one knew that this young magistrate was no longer the original magistrate. Although it looks the same on the outside, the soul inside his head has become another person’s.

“How did I, Wang Guorui, travel to this place, and it’s still an era of cheating. In less than half a year, the Japanese army will land in Taiwan. What should I do then!” Wang Guorui said with a sigh.

Wang Guorui, an otaku in later life, likes to play video games. And he was just yesterday, he was playing a very old game, and suddenly a lightning struck during the red alert, and he was electrocuted and passed out. After waking up, there was a person calling himself Lord Zhixian continuously, which made Wang Guorui completely dumbfounded. But not long after, he inherited the memory of this body, and he finally realized what happened to him.

Wang Guorui crossed over, and traveled to Taiwan in 1895, and became the county magistrate of Hsinchu County, Taiwan. The location of the magistrate of Hsinchu County was actually donated by Wang Guorui. His family is a relatively wealthy family in the mainland, and later spent money to donate an official. But in this era, official positions are worthless, and Wang Guorui wanted to be an official, that is, he came to Taiwan, which is still called Tianya Haijiao, and became a county magistrate. After all, there aren’t too many people competing here, so naturally it came over very smoothly.

But Wang Guorui is really helpless. Although he is not just a daydream in later life, what will he do if he crosses over, but that is just Ye Gong’s love for dragons. Now the result is that he has really time-traveled, Wang Guorui is really speechless. And there is also a problem with the time of time travel. This time was already January 15, 1895 AD. At this time, the Sino-Japanese War was in the late stage, and the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were on the verge of defeat. After the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Taiwan was completely ceded and became a colony of Japan.

Wang Guorui was really depressed because the time traveled was wrong. If it could have been done a few years earlier, he might still have a chance to save the ending of the Sino-Japanese War, but now it is the end of the Sino-Japanese War, no matter how powerful Wang Guorui is, it is impossible to save the ending of the war. And next, will it be ceded along with Taiwan?

“No, I absolutely cannot let Taiwan be ceded just like that!” Wang Guorui slapped the table and said.

Although Wang Guorui was an otaku in later generations, he was also an angry youth. He especially hated the Japanese because his great-grandfather was killed by the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War. And his grandfather told him how cruel and ruthless many Japanese were since he was a child, so under such circumstances Wang Guorui had a very dislike for the Japanese. Now that I have come to Taiwan, there is still half a year left before the Japanese are about to invade Taiwan, so of course Wang Guorui is not reconciled.

“Master!” Wang Guorui shouted.

This master is Wang Guorui, because he is young and will not be an official, so he took the initiative to hire a master locally. This master doesn’t even have much talent, that is, he makes a living by helping Wang Guorui handle official documents. But this master has a unique skill, that is, his memory is very good, and all the materials he has read are hard to forget. So the former Wang Guorui also attached great importance to him, and the current Wang Guorui has just traveled here, and he also attaches great importance to this situation. After all, a familiar person is very useful to Wang Guorui.

“Lord magistrate, what’s the matter?” Master asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: “How many troops do we have in Taiwan? Now that the Japanese pirates have gained the upper hand in the war, and the Japanese navy can land on Taiwan at any time, how many combatable soldiers do we have in Taiwan to defend against the enemy?”

The master was also very surprised, usually Wang Guorui didn’t care about these things, but now he took the initiative to care? However, it is not impossible for Wang Guorui to care about these things now. After all, the Japanese army can attack Taiwan at any time, so it is normal for Wang Guorui to care about his own life and official position.

“As far as I am concerned in Taiwan, all the soldiers and horses in Taiwan are useless, that is, Liu Yongfu’s Black Banner Army is not bad. But the Black Banner Army is outdated and does not have many firearms. They all hold big knives Come to fight. And if you face the Japanese army like this, then I’m afraid the situation will be worrying!” The master also said helplessly.

After Wang Guorui heard this, he immediately understood the current situation in Taiwan. In fact, Taiwan’s current national regular army does not have much combat effectiveness, and it has gradually become corrupted and degenerated into those tattered soldiers. It would be impossible for them to fight against the elite Japanese army. And the only one that can fight is the Black Banner Army in Tainan. The Black Banner Army originated from an original peasant uprising. Later, the Manchu Qing court recruited the Black Banner Army and conferred official positions on the leadership of the Black Banner Army. However, the Qing Dynasty was always worried about the Black Banner Army, so it kept squeezing the living space of the Black Banner Army to prevent the Black Banner Army from expanding its scale. Now, after ten years, the Black Banner Army has been suppressed to only three or four hundred people left. Although some people have recovered now, they are no longer the original black flag army.

And there is another point, the Black Banner Army only has 3,000 people, and they don’t have many firearms for them to fight. They all rely on cold weapons to fight, and they will not be opponents of those Japanese rifles and cannons. This kind of cold-weapon troops fighting against the Japanese army’s anti-military troops is simply looking for death, so the Black Banner Army can’t actually count on it.

And history has also proved that the Black Banner Army cannot resist the Japanese army. Historically, the Japanese army eventually occupied Taiwan. Although the people of Taiwan endured unyielding resistance, they were unable to stop the Japanese army from attacking and occupying Taiwan. Wang Guorui is also helpless, now Taiwan does not have any troops to fight.

“Hey, since the Beiyang navy was defeated by the Japanese pirates, the connection between our Taiwan and the mainland has become increasingly difficult. Now there is very little news, and we don’t know what happened to the Japanese pirates. This battle , I think the Qing Dynasty is about to lose again. But before we lost to Westerners, now we actually lose to the Japanese pirates. I really don’t want to! The Japanese pirates were as obedient as our grandson when we were strong. Now It’s really unreasonable to come and bite us!” the master said angrily.

This master’s attitude towards the Japanese is actually the same as that of most Chinese people, he looks down on the Japanese very much. In the past thousands of years, Japan has been a vassal state of China, and it has always been extremely obedient. And China also discriminates against Japan very much, looks down on Japan at all, and obviously regards Japan as China’s slave. But now this “slave” actually turned against his master, and before China started the war, it was believed that China would win and Japan would lose. This is the confidence accumulated over the years, but now after being defeated, everyone feels inexplicably humiliated.

There is no shame in being defeated by someone stronger than yourself. But being defeated by one’s former servant, it really felt extremely humiliating. This kind of feeling is simply not acceptable to a person who has always been aloof and has strong self-confidence in front of the Japanese. So this master is very unwilling, and this also represents the unwillingness of many Chinese and Chinese officials. They all find it difficult to accept being defeated by the Japanese.

“Hey, the mainland can’t count on it either. Instead of counting on the corrupt Manchu Qing government in the mainland, we might as well count on ourselves!” Wang Guorui complained.

In the original history, Taiwan was fighting the Japanese invaders unrelentingly, but the mainland not only did not have a single shot of support, but continued to hold back, allowing the Japanese army to occupy Taiwan more smoothly. With such a pig-like teammate, what war can be fought without failure? Therefore, the support of the Manchu Qing is hopeless. Instead of praying for the support of the Manchu Qing, it is better to think of ways to do it yourself.

But now the connection between Taiwan and the mainland has been gradually cut off. Since the Beiyang Navy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty defeated the Yellow Sea, the entire coast of China has been completely insecure. And because of the war, fishermen along the coast and shipping work have also come to a standstill, so Taiwan’s news channels have almost been interrupted. A lot of the news I got was a full half a month ago. Moreover, the Manchu Qing no longer had control over the sea, so it is almost impossible to support Taiwan, which is far overseas, UU Reading www. So everything depends on oneself.

“God of time travel! You sent me to this time and space, and let me come to Taiwan, so you should let me fight against the Japanese, and then gradually revive China? But you didn’t even give me a golden finger, What are you talking about! Doesn’t it mean that every traveler has a golden finger? Where is my golden finger? Can anyone tell me?” Wang Guorui said.

With no reinforcements outside and strong soldiers inside, Wang Guorui was counting on the so-called gold finger of the legendary traveler. Although he thinks that the possibility of having this probability is very low, this is also a hope, so he still hopes to be able to do so. After all, Wang Guorui really has nothing to do, his innate condition is really bad! If there is no golden finger, then Wang Guorui may really have the idea of giving up resistance. After all, Wang Guorui will not do things that he knows will fail. If there is no golden finger, the resistance against Japan in Taiwan will inevitably fail, so it is better to return to the mainland to find another opportunity to develop!

“Didi, the red alert system is officially activated, please ask the host to find a place where the base car can be deployed.”

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