Red Alert 1895

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 – Directly Under The Troops (On)

The time soon came to March 20, 1895, and it was two months since Wang Guorui crossed over. And now Wang Guorui has established a unit with two infantry regiments and one artillery regiment, and then Wang Guorui will wait for the formation of the last infantry regiment, and then he can complete the first batch of army building planned. As for the second batch of army building plans, it can only be implemented after the war between Taiwan and Japan begins, but now Wang Guorui will also start to form some special troops.

“Everyone, the purpose of our meeting today is to form some units directly under the headquarters of our Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army. Everyone should know that the establishment of Westerners is different from that of ours. Every level of their army will organize some units directly under it. , These troops generally have some special purposes, they are all technical arms, and can play a very good supporting role. And we also need to set up some special troops now. Let me read about the troops directly under our current headquarters. If you have any comments after listening to it, feel free to mention it.”

“Firstly, we are going to form an artillery regiment. Chen Liyan is already responsible for the formation of this. The artillery regiment has two howitzer battalions, namely the first howitzer battalion and the howitzer second battalion. Each howitzer battalion has two subordinates with six 75mm guns. The howitzer company of the millimeter howitzer, and there is also a transport transport company responsible for transporting ammunition. There is also a cannon battalion, which is probably the same. The whole battalion has twelve 75mm cannons. Finally, there is a transport transport battalion responsible for Deliver the shells.”

In this artillery regiment, apart from the red police soldiers in the artillery, the other transportation units are all composed of natural soldiers, and they are all transported by military dogs in the red police system. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of this artillery regiment should not be underestimated. Those military dogs are extremely powerful. They can help transport artillery and ammunition in normal times, and they can also participate in vigilance once they stop. It is almost impossible for troops to come in, because if someone If you touch it nearby, those dogs will bark wildly, and the soldiers of the artillery regiment who have received the early warning can immediately prepare for battle, and it is difficult for the enemy to succeed. Taking a step back, these military dogs can also personally participate in combat when necessary. Those small-scale troops without automatic weapons will definitely suffer a big loss when they encounter this group of mad dogs.

“Then the second is to set up an engineering battalion to be responsible for building various engineering facilities. The engineering battalion has two engineering companies responsible for building various military facilities. The equipment mainly includes multi-functional engineering shovels, and a small number of people have pistols for self-defense. A pontoon bridge company with boats and some tools for building pontoons, responsible for building bridges or transporting things in some small rivers.”

The engineer battalion is actually relatively rare among the red police arms, because people or soldiers in this era actually have some ability to build fortifications. And those ordinary people were also confiscated by the government as corvée, responsible for helping the government build various facilities. Although they built civilian facilities, they had a lot of experience, so they didn’t need too much guidance from the Red Police. And each company of this engineering battalion has only one two-star engineer in charge of the non-commissioned officer who is responsible for engineering design guidance, and the entire engineering battalion is only five red police soldiers, and they are all non-commissioned officers, not officers. It is the unit with the lowest proportion of red police soldiers in Wang Guorui’s unit.

“The third is a military dog transportation battalion. This transportation battalion is responsible for various temporary transportation tasks. Since we don’t have horses, we can use military dogs for transportation. These military dogs Chen Liyan should also know That’s right, these military dogs have been improved by the people of the Gaoshan people. They are all extremely obedient and powerful military dogs. These military dogs can fully undertake the task of transportation, and can also participate in combat when necessary , so please rest assured.”

According to the reminder of the military dog, Wang Guorui can use this military dog transport battalion to transport various supplies. And with these very sharp military dogs, it is impossible for any enemy to approach within hundreds of meters without making a sound. As long as an enemy approaches within a few hundred meters, the military dogs will immediately start barking for warning, and the people in the transport battalion will definitely be ready for battle immediately. The Japanese don’t even think about sending small troops to attack and harass the supplies. After all, small troops will most likely be discovered when they come, and they may not be able to match hundreds of military dogs. As for the large troops, it may be difficult to come over. After all, Wang Guorui’s large army is not vegetarian, and will not allow the enemy’s large army to detour to the rear to attack. With these military dogs to help transport, it can be said to be extremely safe and save a lot of defense forces. In this way, more power can be put into the frontline operations. The effect of this military dog is still good, and it is a panacea.

“Fourth, it is a special warfare reconnaissance battalion. This reconnaissance battalion is composed of elite soldiers. When necessary, it can conduct reconnaissance on the enemy, mobilize, even rescue hostages, and attack the enemy’s key targets. This is all It is composed of elites. Although there are only more than 200 people, I still plan to give them a battalion. And this reconnaissance battalion is a sharp knife trump card of our Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army. When necessary, it can ruthlessly penetrate the heart of the Japanese army. , causing them severe injuries.”

This reconnaissance battalion is the place where the Red Police soldiers are most concentrated. Of the two hundred people, at least one hundred and fifty are Red Police soldiers. And the other soldiers are also the first batch of soldiers to join the army. If they go to other troops, they will be platoon leaders or even company commanders. Wang Guorui also gave them the highest treatment. After all, they were performing the most dangerous missions, so of course the treatment was higher. However, there are only more than 50 people who need to pay, because those military salaries that are nominally issued to the Red Police soldiers, they will secretly put the military salaries into the mining farm in batches, which can be regarded as flowing into their own pockets again.

“The fifth is the Guard Communications Battalion. The subordinates of this battalion are relatively complicated. They are a special agent company responsible for carrying out some special missions. They are composed of relatively elite soldiers, but they are not as powerful as the reconnaissance battalion. The level is mainly responsible for some sub-level tasks. The second is the guard company, which is responsible for standing guard for those of us at the headquarters to protect the safety of our officers at the headquarters. The third is the communication company, equipped with dual Wheel bicycles, and self-defense pistols, responsible for passing orders to various places. The last one is the police dispatch company, responsible for military discipline pickets within the army, and guiding army traffic.”

The composition and equipment of this guard communication battalion are relatively complicated. The special agent company is composed of the elite of natural soldiers, and there is not a single Red Police soldier. The guard company is all composed of Red Police soldiers, and is equipped with a dog platoon, which can prevent people with malicious intentions from sneaking into the headquarters. After all, this is related to his own life, Wang Guoruike has never been stingy. In the communication company, there are some red police soldiers, the proportion is relatively small, but they are all two-star red police soldiers. And these red police soldiers are responsible for delivering important military information, because if they are ordinary natural soldiers, Wang Guorui is afraid that they will betray and sell the important information. Of course, ordinary orders and information are delivered by natural persons. In this era, the communication requirements are relatively low, and there are no radio telegraphs, let alone walkie-talkies, and everything is transmitted by riding or running. However, there are no horses in Taiwan, and those dogs cannot ride, so Wang Guorui was forced to come up with a way to use a bicycle, which is not a solution.

As for the last police dispatch company, only the company commander and platoon leader among their officers were Red Police soldiers, UU reading www.uukanshu. However, even the company commander is just a one-star Red Police soldier, and he can only serve as a squad leader in other units. If this kind of troops were commanded on the battlefield, then the Red Police soldier would definitely not be able to play the role of commander. However, Wang Guorui did not plan to send this unit to the front line, because they were mainly responsible for the picketing of military discipline. The Red Police soldiers are very inflexible in their minds, and they never have much human touch. They are qualified military policemen. They will not show mercy, so Wang Guorui is very relieved. With red police soldiers like them who don’t recognize people and relatives as military discipline pickets, absolutely no one can dare to violate discipline, which is very helpful for maintaining the military’s combat effectiveness.

“Finally, it is a field hospital, which can be regarded as a battalion-level establishment, responsible for treating wounded soldiers.”

In the field hospital, there were three three-star Red Police medics Wang Guorui had recruited at a high price. They could perform some simple operations, and as long as they were not directly hit by a rifle to a non-critical place, they could all take out bullets and suture the wound. But if it was the kind that was hit by a bullet in the abdominal cavity, then there was nothing they could do. But as for those nurses and the like, they were all female soldiers recruited from the local area, not Red Police soldiers. This field hospital has the most three-level red police soldiers, and there are three three-star red police soldiers, which is more than the reconnaissance battalion. However, a good medical condition is very helpful to the morale of soldiers.

“Okay, everyone, if you have any opinions on the establishment of the troops directly under the headquarters, you can share it. If you have any opinions, feel free to ask. If there is any problem with this establishment, you can point it out.” Wang Guorui said.

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