Red Alert 1895

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 – Taiwan’S Achilles’ Heel

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“Next, let’s analyze what difficulties we still have in fighting the Japanese army. If we find difficulties, we should find them early and solve them early,” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui asked everyone to quickly analyze, what difficulties are there in Taiwan’s resistance against Japan, so that they can be resolved. It is better to deduce it now than to deduce it again after the war starts. After all, it will definitely be beneficial to the future if the problem is discovered and solved early. As for the next step, everyone is also analyzing what problems the Anti-Japanese War will encounter next.

“Master Wang, we will fight against Japan in the future. If the imperial court cedes Taiwan, then we cannot agree. As long as we don’t expose our strength in advance, the Japanese army will inevitably land from Taipei and prepare to attack and occupy Taiwan from north to south. And our Taiwan elite The land in Taitung and Hualien in the southwest is also dominated by mountains, so as long as we keep the northwest here, the problem will not be too big. And our Hsinchu County happens to be It is located at the node where the Japanese army attacked the south from the north. Hsinchu County is an inevitable battlefield, and if we defend Hsinchu County, the Japanese army will definitely not be able to attack from the north to the south. However, Xiao He defeated Xiao He, and Hsinchu County is narrow here. It is a good place for us to stop the Japanese army. But for us, there is also a great crisis.” Hu Wei said.

Hu Wei then took out the map, and then began to compare. Although Taiwan seems to have a large area, it is mainly dominated by mountains, which cannot accommodate too many people. Taiwan is divided into two parts. The north is centered on Taipei, which is relatively flat. And with such a large area, there is a lot of room for the Japanese army to maneuver. If Wang Guorui and the others fought against the Japanese army in Taipei, there would inevitably be loopholes everywhere.

The location of Hsinchu County is ingenious, because Taipei’s attack in the direction of Tainan must pass through Hsinchu County. However, Hsinchu County has relatively little flat land, and it happened to be stuck in the place where the Japanese army must pass through when attacking from north to south. But the terrain here is relatively narrow. Although it can’t reach the point where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men can’t open it, it can be defended here with a small number of troops. Unlike the Taipei generation, no amount of troops is enough. If the battlefield was established in Hsinchu County, the Japanese army’s strength would not be able to deploy, so Wang Guorui’s inferior strength could be greatly reversed.

Therefore, the battlefield to stop the Japanese army must be chosen in Hsinchu County, and there is no other place to choose. What’s more, Hsinchu County is also the territory of Wang Guorui, the county magistrate, and can be controlled completely. So Hsinchu County is the best place to choose, there is no other place better.

“However, we have a fatal spot in Hsinchu County, and this is also the fatal spot of our Taiwan. Although it is of great benefit to us to deploy troops here to stop the enemy, it also limits our strategic depth. Our troops will The subordinates must be less than 100 meters away from the coast, and they are almost fighting close to the sea, and we suddenly have an enemy that we must face.” Hu Wei wanted to explain, but Wang Guorui said it right away.

“Navy, you are talking about the navy. We are actually fighting along the coast. In this way, although our army is not afraid of the enemy, because we only need to use a small amount of troops to stop the enemy’s army from attacking. But we will definitely face a place. The enemy, that is the enemy’s navy. The Japanese have a navy, and they can use naval guns to bombard our army in the coastal areas. The naval guns of the navy are at least 100 mm or more in caliber. At least tens of meters down, no grass will grow. And our flesh and blood, I am afraid it will be very difficult to resist. Even if we build various fortifications, we can only resist for a while at most, and it is impossible to resist for a long time. This is our Taiwan Damn it, we don’t have a navy.”

Wang Guorui pointed out the weakness of Taiwan, that is, there is no navy. The harm caused by not having a navy is huge, because the enemy’s navy can completely fire from the sea and then bombard Wang Guorui’s soldiers on land. And the naval guns of the navy are at least more than a hundred millimeters, and how can human flesh and blood resist such a powerful cannon? Although some fortifications can be built, these fortifications cannot withstand the enemy’s naval guns for a long time.

And everyone also became silent, because this is actually Taiwan’s Achilles’ heel, and there is almost no solution. Since the destruction of the Beiyang Navy, China actually has no navy, and the Japanese navy can come to attack China’s land at any time. Now if the Japanese army uses the navy to support the army’s offensive, it will really be fatal. Although Hsinchu County has a narrow terrain, it is conducive to defense. But there is a disadvantage that it is too close to the coastline. The Japanese navy can use artillery to bombard it at any time, so that the army on land cannot resist. Although Wang Guorui didn’t realize the power of this kind of naval gun, he deeply knew that this kind of artillery could not be resisted by human beings, not even the Red Police soldiers.

“We still have another problem. Let’s take a step back and say that we resisted the Japanese army in Hsinchu County. The Japanese army had a navy and could attack the Japanese army from another direction from the water at any time. You must know that although the Japanese army attacked from Taipei, they did not They must be dead-headed. Once they find that they cannot attack from the north, they can also attack from the direction of Kaohsiung, Tainan! They have a navy and can transfer the army from the water to the Tainan area at any time. If they attack from both sides of Taipei and Tainan, then we will almost be doomed! Even if we can defend, we will be exhausted.” Hu Wei continued to analyze.

This is another very deadly place. If you don’t play well, you will be exhausted, and there may be danger at any time. Once the Japanese army finds that they cannot fight from the north to the south, they can fight from the south to the north at any time, which will go much smoother. After all, they don’t have to be stubborn to land from the north, they can also land from the south! And the Japanese army has a navy, so it is natural to choose this way.

Wang Guorui had a terrible headache. He knew that although the Japanese army and navy were at odds, it all depended on the situation. The Japanese army and navy are at odds, but that doesn’t mean they won’t cooperate. When the matter is related to the major interests of the country, the Japanese army and navy will still cooperate under the coordination of the emperor. This time Taiwan and Japan are bound to be won, so once the army loses, the navy will certainly not stand by and help the army. At that time, the army will be able to mobilize Taipei and Tainan with the help of the navy. Wang Guorui is completely exhausted!

“Then what should we do?” Zhao Xi asked.

Hu Wei shook his head and said: “If we want to really crack the enemy’s navy, the best way is that we also have a navy, and it must be stronger than the enemy. To take a step back, we also need to have coastal defense heavy artillery, and there are also a lot of them. We must deploy coastal defense heavy artillery in Hsinchu County, and Tainan must also deploy coastal defense heavy artillery, so as to prevent the Japanese army from landing. But we in Taiwan do not have these heavy artillery. Each of these heavy artillery is several tons It’s a plan, it can’t be transported away at all, even with those military dogs. Moreover, the Japanese navy can move, even if we have coastal defense heavy artillery, we can’t solve this problem and keep up with the Japanese navy. Therefore, Let’s not say we don’t have it, even if we have it, there is nothing we can do.”

Wang Guorui had a terrible headache. There is no way to restrain the enemy’s navy now, and neither is the heavy artillery. It’s a pity that Wang Guorui can’t build the French cannon in the red police now, so he can’t directly fight the enemy’s navy. Even if you take a step back, if you can build French cannons, how many cannons do you need to be able to defend against the Japanese navy? This may turn the whole of Taiwan into a hedgehog before it can defend itself. On the whole, even with French heavy artillery, it is impossible to truly resist the Japanese navy.

“Fake squid!” Wang Guorui suddenly cursed in his heart.

This is Taiwan’s Achilles’ heel, and it’s really almost an unsolvable Achilles’ heel. Naturally, Wang Guorui couldn’t create a navy, because although he could build a dock, the cost of building a ship was too high. UU Reading Unless Wang Guorui searched hard for Taiwan, he would not be able to get together the shipbuilding necessary to build a navy. It is naturally impossible for Wang Guorui to search for those wealthy households in Taiwan now, otherwise they will have to be forced to rebel. Therefore, we must wait until the war begins before we can consider searching for rich households in Taiwan. But once the war starts, the money is not enough to supplement the army, so where is the money left to supplement the establishment of the navy?

Even if he took a step back, Wang Guorui made a ship, but Wang Guorui didn’t even have any talents! Wang Guorui’s army can also poach people from the green battalion, but the navy has no relevant talents in Taiwan at all. As for the Red Police soldiers in the Red Police system, even the three-star Red Police soldiers can only lead a company. If they are on a warship, they are at the level of a gunner. As for the red police soldiers, it is impossible to be the captain of a ship, let alone the commander of the naval fleet.

“Okay, let’s not talk so much now. Since the situation is already at this point, it’s useless to blame others. We might as well go back and think of ways, and then think about how to break the advantage of the Japanese navy. Let’s go back and think of ways, Ten days later, we came to meet again. If anyone can think of a way, I will reward you a lot. I believe that there are more ways than difficulties, and we must have a way.” Wang Guorui said.

Now Wang Guorui has no other choice, so everyone has to use their ingenuity to find a solution. Wang Guorui also believed in the saying that there is nothing difficult in the world, and he believed that there should be a way. It’s a good event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account on Chinese website (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!

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