Red Alert 1895

Chapter 36

Chapter 35 – Pre-War Mobilization

On June 3, 1895, after the Japanese army delivered Taiwan, the Japanese Army Guards Division, under the cover of naval artillery fire, began to attack and land on Taiwan. Taiwan’s Shiqiuling Fort and Keelung fell one after another, and more than 200 soldiers and civilians in Taiwan were killed or injured. After the defeated soldiers entered Taipei City, Taiwan Governor Tang Jingsong disguised himself as an old woman and fled. Qiu Fengjia, the leader of the rebel army, also fled to Jiaying, Guangdong one after another after hearing that Tang Jingsong had escaped. Next, the Japanese army entered Taipei City under the leadership of Taiwan’s local gentry Gu Xianrong.

“Huh, Gu Xianrong, now you are the first person in Taiwan to be a traitor. And there is no justice in this world. You have been a traitor all your life, but in the end you became one of the five major families in Taiwan. In later generations, you His son became a bigwig in Taiwan’s business circles, and even became the chairman of the SEF. The sky has no eyes. Decades later, the Japanese army was defeated, and the Gu family escaped the punishment of the traitors. Since you escaped a catastrophe in history , then this time I will replace the Taiwanese people in the original history and punish you!” Wang Guorui thought.

Taiwan has already arrived in Taipei City, and it will arrive in Hsinchu County in a few days. According to the original history, Hsinchu County was conquered on June 19. With Wang Guorui in this world, history will inevitably undergo great changes. . And Wang Guorui must let the Japanese army stop in Hsinchu County and severely block the Japanese army.

Wang Guorui began to defend here, where he had already dug a position, and this time Wang Guorui first had to mobilize before the battle to boost the morale of the soldiers, so that they could have the courage to fight the Japanese army.

“Soldiers, you are all good sons of our Taiwan. Do you know how cruel Japanese pirates are? During the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates invaded our southeast coast. Every time they passed a county, they would massacre the city. We Chinese people had enough Millions of people died at the hands of the Japanese pirates. No grass can grow anywhere in the Japanese pirates’ borders. They killed all the way, and never showed mercy. They plundered and plundered, even the seventy-year-old old lady was not spared…”

Wang Guorui started to talk about how fierce the Japanese were, and how Chinese people were killed by Japanese pirates during the Ming Dynasty. And these words have aroused the hatred of many people. After all, there are “millions” of Chinese people killed by the Japanese. This can be said to be very shocking.

Millions of people, this was a very tragic massacre in ancient times. Of course, the Manchus themselves would not talk about the massacres when the Manchus entered the customs. The Manchu Qing also deliberately destroyed the materials of the Manchu massacre, so the vast majority of Chinese people have forgotten how the Manchu massacre was carried out when they entered the customs. Even in later generations, they would not talk about the massacre when the Manchus entered the customs, but the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese was hyped.

And after most Chinese had forgotten about the massacres of the Manchus, it was obviously shocking that the Japanese massacred millions of people.

“Also, let’s not talk about the far ones, let’s talk about the near ones. The Japanese pirates slaughtered 200,000 Chinese people in Lushun. This is only Lushun, and they killed more than 800,000 people in Liaodong. The people of China, the situation is really tragic. The Japanese army is a full-fledged beast army. They have never had any benevolence and morality. Once they capture Taiwan, all of us in Taiwan will be slaughtered and treated as slaves. At that time, we Countless people in Taiwan would rather live than die! How many people do we have in Taiwan, at most two million, isn’t that enough to be killed?”

“And they also like to have killing contests. In Lushun, there were two Japanese second lieutenants who once held a killing contest. Whoever was the first to kill a hundred of our civilians. Later they failed to compare the results, and they killed many Chinese civilians again. There are hundreds of people who died in the hands of these two beasts alone! They even boasted that they killed a hundred people, which is really worse than beasts!”

Wang Guorui tried his best to publicize the brutality of the Japanese army, but…

“Hahahaha…” Tanya suddenly laughed.

And Zheng Hong next to him took the initiative to ask: “Sister Tanya, what are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing, this guy is really good at talking nonsense! Although Lushun was massacred, there were only 20,000 people at most, but he actually added a zero to the end, so it became 200,000 people. This In this era, I really doubt whether Lushun can accommodate 200,000 people.”

“As for the 800,000 people in Liaodong, it’s even more unclear. Although there were massacres in Liaodong by the Japanese army, they definitely did not exceed 100,000. This guy actually increased it by ten times. It’s really bragging!”

Tan Ya laughed out loud, obviously because it was very funny that Wang Guorui helped the Japanese army so much to “brag”. And the example of the killing contest was actually an example of the Nanjing Massacre in the following decades, not the Lushun Massacre at this time, but it was also used by Wang Guorui to educate these soldiers.

But Wang Guorui also knew that it was impossible to talk about national righteousness and patriotism with soldiers in this era. If you want soldiers to work hard, you must have money. But if you want soldiers to work hard, you must make them feel dangerous. Money alone is not enough for soldiers to work hard, but when it comes to their own safety, they really have to work hard. Don’t you see that many armies during the civil war surrendered after losing, and then helped the new lord to fight the old lord? This kind of mentality is just to eat, and they will not work too hard during the war. But if it’s about your own danger, then you have to work hard.

Wang Guorui deliberately mentioned that the Japanese army massacred hundreds of thousands of people, and then increased the number of massacres to one million, which is enough to make these Taiwanese feel fear. Because there are only more than two million people in Taiwan at present, I am afraid it is not enough for the Japanese army to let go and kill them! No one can have the confidence that they can escape the massacre of the Japanese army, so Wang Guorui just hopes to inspire those soldiers to work hard. After all, resisting the Japanese army is not only about their lives, but also about the safety of their families.

Of course, if it is the era of sensitive information communication in later generations, then these lies are not enough to deceive others. But in this era, not only are the information communication skills poor, but even ordinary soldiers are uneducated, and they believe what their superiors say. Therefore, Wang Guorui tried his best to fool and help the Japanese army “brag”, so that the soldiers believed that the Japanese army had such a cruel massacre, so that the soldiers could really have a deep-seated hatred for the Japanese army.

“Soldiers, can you tolerate Japanese pirates coming to kill you, steal your family, **** your wives and daughters, and then be their slaves for generations to come? Then wait at any time to take your own life and let them be bored Killing for fun when the egg hurts, can you accept it?” Wang Guorui asked.

“No!” everyone shouted.

“Okay, everyone is a hot-blooded man. We Chinese are not so cheap. Our lives are very noble, and we cannot allow Japanese pirates to bully and kill for fun. They want to kill us, but we have to kill them too.” Today, everyone, take up your guns and kill those who dare to invade our Taiwan. They come to kill one, and they come to kill two. We just want to let the Japanese pirates perish in our Taiwan. When the time comes, we will see Let’s see how many lives they have to fill in! We would rather be war dead ghosts than subjugated slaves!” Wang Guorui shouted.

“I’d rather be a war dead ghost than a subjugated slave!” “I’d rather be a war dead ghost than a subjugated slave!”…

Wang Guorui exaggerated the brutality of the Japanese army more than ten times, which made many Taiwanese feel the cruelty of the Japanese army. In fact, this is also a common method in war. Anyway, it is to exaggerate the brutality of the enemy as much as possible, and then fool countless people into it, so that they can resist the enemy with their own heart. UU Reading As for whether the enemy is really cruel, that’s for sure. Some are true, and some are the bragging of those in power. And Wang Guorui also used the poor communication of ancient information, and the low education level of the soldiers, who tended to listen to and believe in the government, so they all believed in the brutality of the Japanese.

“Everyone, enter the position for me immediately. The Japanese pirates are coming, and we will fight hard. You are welcome! Show your strength and come out. You should know that our weapons are much stronger than theirs. I am not afraid to tell you, The weapons in your hands are the most advanced in the world. Even the weapons of the German Army, the world’s largest army, are not as powerful as yours. So, you can rest assured. I spent a lot of money to buy this, You don’t have to save me, beat those devils hard.” Wang Guorui said.

Those soldiers heard that the Japanese’s weapons were not as good as theirs, which brought their morale back a lot. Because Chinese people have a habit of thinking, that is, they think that it is a weapon problem that they cannot beat foreigners. There is certainly a bias here, but this is enough to explain the stubbornness of this kind of thinking. Now that they have heard that their weapons are the best in the world, they all think that they should be able to defeat the Japanese army. Because as long as you hold the most powerful weapon in the world, what can’t you defeat the enemy? Wang Guorui said that the weapons in their hands were no match for the world’s number one army, the German Army. Of course, they regained a lot of confidence.

Wang Guorui saw that the morale of the soldiers had recovered a lot, and he knew that these soldiers were also fooled by the superiority of their weapons. However, the weapons in their hands can produce a very high firepower density, which can give them the confidence to resist the Japanese army.

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