Red Alert 1895

Chapter 37

Chapter 36 – Call Me (On)

After a few days of rest, after the Japanese army captured Taipei, they immediately continued to send troops to attack south of Taiwan. And if you want to attack the south of Taiwan, you must go through Hsinchu County, which is Hsinchu County where Wang Guorui is the magistrate. The first Japanese army dispatched was the Fifth Battalion of the Fourth Brigade of the Second Brigade of the Japanese Guards Division. The Japanese troops of these guard divisions are troops stationed in Tokyo for a long time to surround the Japanese Imperial Palace, and they are all cronies of the Japanese Emperor from top to bottom. These guard divisions were selected from the elite of the whole country, so they are also very proud. This time they represent the emperor to take over Taiwan, but this time they have expanded their territory, which is a great achievement! So they all worked very hard one after another, obviously to strive for meritorious service.

“Captain Matsumoto, as the vanguard of our Fifth Battalion this time, we will definitely be able to take down Hsinchu County, and then go all the way to Tainan and occupy the entire Taiwan. At that time, Captain Matsumoto will be the number one hero in Japan, so he will be honored as a marquis.” Isn’t it close at hand?” said a traitor guide.

“Yoxi, yoxi, you can talk! This time, our big Japan has defeated hundreds of thousands of mainland troops. Can’t we defeat some people from Taiwan? These people have not undergone much training, we can definitely Sweeping them easily. And we landed and captured Taipei this time, with a loss of more than a hundred people. The capital of Taiwan was conquered with only a loss of more than a hundred people. These Taiwanese troops are simply a group with poor combat effectiveness!” Captain Matsumoto said .

However, if this Matsumoto knows that in the original history, when the Japanese army landed in Taiwan, almost no losses were lost, and although more than 4,000 people were lost during the entire process of capturing Taiwan, most of them died of illness, and only more than 100 people died. is to die in battle. And this time the Japanese army landed, directly losing a hundred people, which is much better than the original history. This is the result of those old-fashioned rifles provided by Wang Guorui. Although those old-fashioned rifles are much worse than the rifles of the Japanese army, their lethality is still better than that of cold weapons. The losses of the Japanese army are much greater than those in the original history. few.

“Captain Matsumoto, I heard that Hsinchu County is located in the throat area from Taipei to Tainan in Taiwan, but it is a very important place. Anyone who wants to go from Taipei to Tainan needs to pass through this Hsinchu County. And Hsinchu County is narrow , there are mountains next to it, so it is an important area to guard our Taiwan. As long as Hsinchu County is conquered, then our next attack on Taiwan can be said to be a matter of course. Once Hsinchu County is conquered, then we can completely win Taiwan in advance ” said the traitor guide.

The Japanese army’s plan was actually very simple, that is, to attack from Taipei to Tainan. After they captured Taipei, they took a break first, then went on to attack Taoyuan and Hsinchu, and finally fought all the way to Tainan, thus completing their plan to capture Taiwan. And they all seriously underestimated the combat effectiveness of Taiwan’s army. They believed that the combat effectiveness of Taiwan’s army was nothing more than that, so naturally they saw all Taiwan’s troops very clearly.

“Hmph, when we landed, a single squadron defeated Taipei, which was defended by thousands of people. Now we have a brigade of a thousand people, and we can completely defeat tens of thousands of enemies. Victory!” Captain Matsumoto shouted.

“Yes, yes, the Imperial Japanese Army is invincible!” said the traitor guide.

Soon, Wang Guorui was waiting for the arrival of the Japanese army in the headquarters on the mountain road next to Hsinchu County.

“Wangzhi County, just now the scouting team in front of us received news that the Japanese army is less than five kilometers away from our ambush circle!” Liu Feng said.

Liu Feng was in charge of intelligence and investigation, so now he took the initiative to report intelligence to Wang Guorui, and he was also responsible for the investigation of the Japanese army’s movements.

“How many are there?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Liu Feng immediately said: “They have about 1,000 people, that is, an infantry brigade of the Japanese army. According to the organization of the Japanese army brigade provided by Wangzhi County, if nothing happens, they should have a brigade running squad with two 70mm caliber brigades. Cannons. As long as we can catch them by surprise, we can completely prevent their artillery from showing their strength, and our artillery can take the opportunity to bombard them violently, and they will definitely suffer heavy losses.”

This bit of military common sense, Liu Feng has also made up for it during this time, so he probably knows the essence of this battle. This battle is nothing more than a sneak attack, and then make the enemy’s artillery unable to exert its power, and then use their own artillery to violently bombard the opponent, so that they will inevitably be beaten and suffer heavy losses. Without the advantage of artillery, the advantage of the Japanese army is completely gone.

You must know that for this “head blow”, Wang Guorui transferred an infantry regiment and an artillery battalion. The artillery battalion has twelve cannons, and the firepower is more than six times that of the opponent. In addition, ordinary infantry also has a lot of grenade launchers and heavy machine guns, which are almost armed to the teeth. And the Japanese army in this period is not comparable to the Japanese army in World War II. If it was the Japanese army during World War II, then the troops of Wang Guorui would not have much advantage. However, the Japanese army of this era did not have enough machine guns, not even grenade launchers and light machine guns, and the firepower density was no match for Wang Guorui’s troops.

And this time Wang Guorui intends to teach the Japanese army an unforgettable lesson here. First of all, he must eat a brigade of them, so that he can give the Japanese army a “blow in the head” and boost the morale of Taiwan’s soldiers and civilians in resisting Japan. After all, at this time, although everyone was encouraged, they were still uncertain about the future of the Anti-Japanese War. Only by being able to get off to a good start can the morale be boosted and the soldiers have the confidence to carry out the next resistance against Japan. Morale and confidence are very important, more important than current weapons and equipment. As long as the soldiers have nothing to fear when they see the Japanese army, it will be considered a success.

“Report, the Japanese army is less than two kilometers away from us!” The scout shouted.

“Explore again!” Wang Guorui said.

The scout quickly ran away, ready to continue to inquire about the movements of the Japanese army. At this time, the Japanese army was not far away from the ambush position, and they were all continuing to advance, obviously not paying attention to the possibility of an enemy ahead.

“Captain Matsumoto, Hsinchu County is in front of us, and there are mountains next to it. Maybe the enemy will also set up an ambush here. Do you want to investigate?” a Japanese army staff officer said.

But the captain Matsumoto said disdainfully: “What is there to be afraid of? We don’t have to worry, our imperial Japanese army is invincible. We have even defeated hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops. A small Taiwan can take us How about it? Even if they are all old-fashioned rifles from ninety years ago, we will not be afraid. Our weapons are much more advanced than theirs, so we don’t have to worry about the enemy’s weapons at all!”

The Japanese army still marched forward unprepared. They didn’t think that the Taiwanese army could be so strong. Anyway, even the capital of Taipei had been conquered, so what other city could they not be conquered? As for this Hsinchu County, they didn’t take it seriously. And they also felt it from the weapons of the troops in Taipei. Although these Taiwanese troops did not know where they got some old-fashioned rifles, these old-fashioned rifles did not pose much threat to them at all. Their rifles have a longer range, greater power, and higher accuracy than those of the Taiwanese army. Therefore, the Taiwanese army can only rely on the so-called method of blind men and blind horses to fire guns together, and this method is still in the tactics of the era of queuing and shooting, which is not at all suitable for the Japanese army.

“Wang Zhi County, the Japanese army has reached the outer edge of our encirclement and is walking into our encirclement!” Liu Feng said.

“Let everyone restrain the troops, and don’t shoot in advance. If you shoot in advance and alarm the Japanese army, it will be troublesome! The Japanese army is not ordinary people, they are much more powerful than ordinary bandits. If you shoot in advance, then They won’t continue to move forward.” Wang Guorui said.

The most important thing about this kind of ambush is the timing of shooting. If you shoot early, you will inevitably be discovered by the you cannot achieve the maximum effect, and you may even expose yourself. Therefore, it is necessary for soldiers to suppress the idea of shooting, otherwise the loss will be very huge. Fortunately, there are many Red Police soldiers in the army, and the soldiers can be instructed so that they do not rush to shoot. Don’t look at it as just a move to suppress the idea of shooting, but without regular training and a capable grassroots commander, it can’t be done.

When many recruits go to the battlefield, they are often very nervous, and they will be stimulated to shoot. And Wang Guorui is fortunate that he has a Red Police base, and he can get many Red Police soldiers to serve as grassroots officers. These people have been instilled with combat experience, so they can influence and drive the troops to calm down. This is the role of a veteran. Junior officers are very useful.

“The Japanese army has reached the center of our ambush circle!” Someone reported.

“The vanguard of the Japanese army is approaching the end of our ambush circle!”

“The vanguard of the Japanese army is ready to set out the ambush circle!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Guorui immediately said, “Get ready, give me—”

“Papa papa…”

Wang Guorui hadn’t given the order yet, but immediately there was a sound of popping beans, obviously someone had shot.

“Bastard, after all, he didn’t obey the order and fired without authorization. I will punish him! Forget it, it’s too late to pursue the responsibility at this time. Fortunately, there is no mistake! The artillery fires quickly!” Wang Guorui said.

“Boom!” The artillerymen immediately began to fire shells, and then the shells immediately bombarded the Japanese army along a parabola.

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