Red Alert 1895

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Army Built On 0 Day

Wang Guorui returned to the magistrate’s office in Hsinchu County, found his master, and announced an order.

“Master, since the connection between Taiwan and the mainland has been cut off, the Japanese pirates can land and invade Taiwan at any time. Taiwan is in danger at any time. If the Japanese pirates land in Taiwan, I am afraid that our people will end up with the same fate.” Very miserable. So I decided to form the Taiwan Defense Volunteer Army, and then start training immediately, ready to resist the Japanese invasion at any time, how about it? As court officials, we naturally have the duty to defend the country. Facing the country?” Wang Guorui said.

The master immediately replied: “Since your lord has this idea, then we naturally have to help you. And now Taiwan has lost contact with the mainland, and not long ago, the governor of Taiwan, Mr. Tang Jingsong, also ordered that all localities form troops as appropriate. Prepare to resist the invasion of Japanese pirates. Although the main force of Japanese pirates is in Liaodong, we have to defend! We have no navy in the Qing Dynasty, so everything depends on ourselves. Forming a volunteer army at this time, that is It is a good thing to conform to the general trend and people’s will! However, how to obtain armaments and weapons and equipment is a very headache. Taiwan did not have much military equipment, and firearms are even rarer. At this time, Taiwan has lost its peace and harmony. There are channels for contacting the mainland, so even if you want to buy it, you can’t buy it! How can you be the opponent of those Japanese pirates with these big knives alone!”

Now Taiwan is also at stake, so everyone in Taiwan will care about their own fate. After all, Taiwan is isolated overseas and has almost lost contact with the mainland, so everyone is even more sensitive. Therefore, people in Taiwan Island are panicked, and everyone is afraid that the Japanese army will send troops to land on Taiwan. This is really very miserable. Whether Taiwan can hold its own is definitely a matter of concern to everyone. Expanding the army at this time, not only will not be suspected, but it can be an expression of patriotism.

“I’ll figure out how to deal with ordnance and military pay. Now you prepare for me quickly, and then start recruiting soldiers. After recruiting soldiers, we will immediately start organizing training. As for the instructors of soldier training, we also have ideas and preparations. You don’t have to worry. A volunteer army must be formed within 100 days. This volunteer army will be the foundation for us to defend Taiwan. If the army’s combat effectiveness is not enough, then who knows if the Japanese army will be able to resist the attack! The Japanese army You should also know about the cruelty. If these Japanese pirates come, then our people will definitely face the result of being subjugated slaves.” Wang Guorui said.

“My lord, is one hundred days too stressful? One hundred days, that is, you can only complete ordinary training.” Master asked.

It was impossible in ancient times to build an army in a hundred days. Because the preparation of ordnance alone requires a lot. Moreover, the training of soldiers will take at least two months, otherwise it will be impossible to obtain results from the training. So the master was also very surprised that Wang Guorui actually wanted to build an army within 100 days, which was a very difficult task.

“Don’t be nervous, you must do it! The Japanese pirates will attack at any time. If we don’t prepare, we will become subjugated slaves! We can let the soldiers step up their training, train for a few more hours every day, and we must make time come back I would rather be a war dead ghost than a subjugated slave!” Wang Guorui said through gritted teeth.

And this master also feels that Wang Guorui is different. The original Wang Guorui was just a very lazy son, but now his temperament has changed drastically, and he has become a person who loves the country and the people. Moreover, the current Wang Guorui is full of passion, and he is not at all the person who was too frightened to speak up when he heard the arrival of the Japanese army. The master didn’t know why there was such a reason. Ever since Wang Guorui fainted suddenly a few days ago, he became very concerned about the country and the people when he woke up. He was no longer the one who came to be an official for the so-called money.

Soon, under Wang Guorui’s order, the master quickly issued an order to start recruiting volunteers. At this time, many people in Taiwan began to form militias, and various armies also began to expand in order to resist the Japanese invasion. As for the combat effectiveness of these militia groups and the so-called green camps, this is actually very deliberate. Even Liu Yongfu’s Black Banner Army, although they have blood and courage, they are probably no match for the Japanese army under the hail of bullets.

So Wang Guorui knew that these people were unreliable, and he had to rely on himself for everything. And Wang Guorui had to build an army with sufficient training level within a hundred days, otherwise he would not be able to resist the Japanese army at all. And Wang Guorui plans to select some soldiers from real natural persons, and in the future, natural persons must account for the vast majority of the army. There is no way to do this, because who made Wang Guorui’s red police base not capable of producing enough, and Wang Guorui’s resource collection level is not enough for him to use all the red police troops!

According to Wang Guorui’s speculation, to drive the Japanese out of Taiwan, there must be more than 15,000 people equipped with sufficiently advanced weapons. 15,000 soldiers, plus their necessary equipment, if they are all produced at the Red Police base, they must cost 300,000 yuan. But this red police mining vehicle can only get 1,250 yuan every six hours, and theoretically it takes 600 days to make up enough money. But Wang Guorui didn’t have time now, if he waited until 600 days later, Taiwan would have fallen long ago.

What’s more, these soldiers cannot all be ordinary infantry, there must be some machine gunners and some artillery. If there are none of these soldiers, how can they defeat the Japanese army with all kinds of arms? And these machine guns and cannons are even more expensive. A cannon costs more than 1,100 yuan, which is almost the income of a mining vehicle. And more than a thousand yuan is the price of a dozen soldiers. So now there is only half a year left, and the collection speed of the mining vehicles will definitely not be able to keep up with Wang Guorui’s needs.

Then Wang Guorui adopted another method, recruiting soldiers directly from natural persons. If soldiers are recruited from natural persons, they only need to pay a few silver dollars per month, which is less than fifty silver dollars a year. Although they are not like those soldiers who can be completely loyal to themselves at one time, the advantage is that they will not let Wang Guorui consume too much wealth all at once. What Wang Guorui lacks most now is time, and saving the wealth of the Red Alert system means saving time and being able to use the wealth of the Red Alert system to more important places.

In addition, if we continue to rely on the red alert system in the future, what hope does this country have? Therefore, Wang Guorui must beware that one day the red police system disappears, and he can only rely on the army of natural persons in this time and space to maintain national security. Therefore, natural persons must be formed into an army, so that China can continue to be strong.

“It’s been less than 180 days since the Japanese army landed in Taiwan. And the quasi-work of various things, as well as preparations for various resistance, the time is still very tight. Forming an army in 100 days, if there is no Red Police base , that is simply impossible. And at that time, with 5,000 Red Police troops as the backbone, and then forming an army division of about 15,000 people, it can completely resist a Japanese army division.”

Wang Guorui is familiar with the original history. In the original history, the Japanese army would officially land on May 29, 1895, and Taiwan would be handed over to Li Jingfang, the negotiator of the Qing Dynasty, on June 2. Although Taiwan experienced heroic and unyielding resistance, UU Reading finally failed under the overwhelming Japanese attack. This is not because Taiwan’s military and civilians are not brave enough, but the actual conditions are completely incomparable, which allowed the Japanese army to occupy Taiwan.

When the Japanese army took over Taiwan, it dispatched a whole division, and it was also the most elite guard division in the Japanese army. Fifteen thousand troops are actually very few, and it is still a bit stretched to resist the Japanese. Now Taiwan has too few troops capable of fighting, and there are not enough advanced weapons, so it is impossible to resist the Japanese army. And as the resistance deepened, the Japanese army finally launched more troops to attack Taiwan. In order to wipe out the resistance forces in Taiwan, the Japanese army dispatched more than 100,000 troops to attack, almost comparable to the number of Japanese troops dispatched during the Sino-Japanese War.

However, the price paid by the Japanese army was not low, and the head of a guard division of the royal family was also killed. In the process of Taiwan’s military and civilian resistance against Japan, the Japanese army killed a total of 4,800 people and injured more than 20,000 people, almost to a level that was not reached in the Sino-Japanese War.

And Wang Guorui came to this world not only to cause heavy losses to the Japanese army, but also to drive the Japanese army away and occupy Taiwan, making Taiwan the foundation of his own fortune.

With such a powerful enemy, even if Wang Guorui had the Red Alert system, he couldn’t guarantee that he would definitely win. After all, the time was too short. If the Japanese army landed later, Wang Guorui might have to make more preparations, and the possibility of success would be higher. However, the Japanese army only had less than 180 days. Wang Guorui could only overestimate this kind of war as much as possible, and absolutely cannot underestimate it slightly. Therefore, Wang Guorui had to train an army within a hundred days, otherwise it would be impossible to defend against the Japanese attack.

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