Red Alert 1895

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – My Volunteers

“The county magistrate has ordered that because of the rampant Japanese pirates, they may land in Taiwan at any time. All Taiwanese soldiers and civilians have the responsibility to protect the country. Therefore, Wang Guorui, the magistrate of Hsinchu County, specially recruited the Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army. I hope that the Taiwanese military and civilians will actively participate.”

The news about Wang Guorui announcing the establishment of the Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army was spread everywhere in the streets of Hsinchu County, and this news was immediately known to many people. And everyone began to care about it. After all, the safety of Taiwan is related to the safety of everyone’s life and property, so everyone has heard the news and asked about it.

“Anyone who joins our Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army can get a monthly salary of four silver dollars.”

This news completely detonated Hsinchu County. Because four silver dollars per month is almost equivalent to more than three taels of silver. In this era, more than three taels of silver every month is a real high military salary. Although the military salary of three or two is nothing compared to the later Beiyang new army. But for the current era, it is a huge attraction. Because ordinary green battalion soldiers are paid less than three taels of military pay, and officers at all levels are deducted seven times and eight times when they drink soldiers’ blood. It is not bad to get more than one or two taels. Therefore, if the military salary of three taels can be obtained, it is definitely a very good income. Therefore, many people were completely tempted.

Now Taiwan is at stake, and the status of the military has been greatly improved, and many Taiwanese officials have begun to attach importance to military affairs. In the past, everyone discriminated against the army, but now those civil servants not only do not discriminate against the army, but instead pay enough for the army, because they still want the army to work hard. In this way, a situation has formed in a short period of time, that is, the status of the soldiers has improved in a short period of time, so everyone heard that the Volunteer Army was formed, and the military pay was still so high, so many people started to do things.

“You won’t deduct the military salary of three or two, and you won’t have much left?” someone asked.

At this time, Wang Guorui took the initiative to come out and shouted loudly: “Fellow folks, Japanese pirates may invade Taiwan at any time, and our Taiwanese officials and people have the responsibility to protect the country. Absolutely will definitely kill. I am here to assure everyone that if anyone has been deducted from military pay or has any drinking blood, I will definitely kill!”

Hearing Wang Guorui’s promise, many people were really tempted, and some people started to sign up. And within a short period of time for these registrations, more than 1,000 people have signed up. And Wang Guorui only planned to recruit about 300 soldiers for the first batch of soldiers this time. And these 300 people will also be incorporated into the guard platoon, and the soldiers of the guard platoon will serve as squad leaders and be responsible for training these soldiers.

Soon, the 300 places were all selected, and the people Wang Guorui ordered also chose those who had no bad habits and were relatively strong. These people would be the first batch of soldiers, and then Getting into the army becomes the foundation.

After the first batch of 300 soldiers were selected, Wang Guorui immediately had someone take them to a remote place, which was next to the base. However, because Wang Guorui built a city wall in this base, the mine barracks and power plant of the main base are surrounded by walls. The only gap is guarded by a squad of clone soldiers to ensure that the secrets inside will not be exposed. And these soldiers will be trained here until they will become formal soldiers two months later.

“Soldiers, you may have different backgrounds before joining the Volunteer Army. Some may be ordinary farmers, some may be hawkers in the market, and some are servants who serve as servants for others. However, today I want to tell you You, you will become soldiers of our Volunteer Army. Our Volunteer Army was established to protect our people. It is a glorious army. It is not an army that oppresses the good and rides on the heads of the people. I am here Once again, the military law of our Volunteer Army is strict. If anyone dares to violate the military law, then don’t blame the military law for being ruthless. At that time, I will recognize you, but the military law does not know you! Do you understand?”

“Got it!” “Got it! Got it!”

The first statement was plain, it was shouted by the clone army, and the second one was divided into two, and it was shouted by the recruits.

“Haven’t you guys eaten? I didn’t hear you!” Wang Guorui shouted.


This time the shouts were very neat and loud, so Wang Guorui was satisfied.

“From now on, you will be the army under the leadership of my Wang Guorui, and you will not be hungry if I have a bite to eat! I paid so much military salary to support you!”

Wang Guorui actually had a reason for saying this. Because in this era, the army is also paid by whoever pays them, and they are working for whom. This is also the characteristic of ancient times, and Wang Guorui cannot change this situation in a short time. What Wang Guorui could do was to tell the soldiers that it was Wang Guorui who paid for them to support them, and it was Wang Guorui who paid for them to fight, so they had to be loyal to Wang Guorui. As for the country and nationality, they don’t know that much yet. Although there must be corresponding education in the future, education is still not possible in this era. After all, it is less than 180 days before the Japanese army attacked. In this case, there is not so much time to train them from scratch. national spirit. As for the national spirit, we will talk about it after the Japanese invaders are driven away.

Wang Guorui then winked at the leader of the clone trooper, and the clone trooper immediately understood. This soldier is a three-star soldier who is qualified for the position of company commander. But in this era, Wang Guorui’s chance made him the leader of more than 300 soldiers, and there was no way around this. Now Wang Guorui is seriously short of officers, and there are not enough officers to lead the troops. This can only be paid attention to. Wang Guorui also hopes that some officers will be trained among these soldiers in the future, and let them lead troops to fight for themselves. After all, the innate intelligence of clones is too weak, so they cannot be cultivated as senior military officers.

“I swear to obey Wang Guorui’s command!” the clone officer shouted.

“I swear to obey Wang Guorui’s command!” Thirty-three clone soldiers also shouted.

And those more than three hundred recruits also understood after hearing this, and shouted together: “Swear to obey Wang Guorui’s command!”

After all, Wang Guorui didn’t directly provoke the rebellion, so of course Wang Guorui couldn’t let these soldiers shout that they were loyal to him. Therefore, Wang Guorui puts the “style” at a relatively low level, that is, makes them swear to obey his command, instead of making them completely loyal to him. Unless one day Wang Guorui occupied Taiwan and became a warlord, he would be able to make these soldiers shout their loyalty to him. Now the people of Taiwan still yearn for the Manchu Qing. If a rebellion starts at this time, not only will the people not support it, but Taiwan will also fall into civil strife. In this way, relatives and enemies can only be quickened, and Taiwan’s civil strife will lose its own country’s national defense strength.

“Now, let’s carry out the ceremony of awarding the gun!” Wang Guorui said.

All armies attach great importance to the ceremony of awarding guns. The ceremony of giving the gun represents that a soldier has officially become a soldier, it also represents the trust of your superiors in you, and it also represents that you have accepted the gun, which means you have accepted the responsibility of defending your home and country. Therefore, the ceremony of awarding the gun is a very important ceremony, and it can greatly enhance the sense of responsibility of the soldiers, so Wang Guorui also attaches great importance to this point.

“Soldier, are you ready to accept the responsibility of defending the country?” Wang Guorui asked according to the procedure.

“Ready!” said the clone trooper.

Now clone soldiers and ordinary soldiers are mixed, so ordinary people can’t see it. In the future, UU Reading will join Wang Guorui’s army as ordinary people, and ordinary outsiders will not be able to tell. Anyway, at this time, the situation of cheating household registration in the Manchu Qing Dynasty is not very clear about how many people are in his hands. So it is completely possible to take advantage of this loophole in the household registration, and then you can achieve the situation of misleading. With these clones in the army, it can be guaranteed that the army will not escape from their control.

“Soldier, are you ready to accept the responsibility of defending your home and country?” Wang Guorui asked the second soldier again.

This soldier is not a clone, but when he saw the first soldier shouting like this, he also shouted: “Get ready!”

And Wang Guorui patted him on the shoulder, which represented the importance he attached to him. And the soldier’s heart was full of enthusiasm, because Wang Guorui, the county magistrate, valued him so much, which made him feel very excited.

Next, follow the process like this. And because the number of troops is small now, Wang Guorui also distributed rifles to these soldiers one by one, and then asked them if they were ready. Because if these soldiers can survive, they will all be important people under their own hands in the future. After all, the first batch of soldiers, if the soldiers here don’t die, they can also produce a group of generals.

“Today, my volunteer army is finally established, and they will become my important assistants in conquering the world!” Wang Guorui thought to himself.

Later, on January 20, 1895, this day was also called the Army Day by later generations, because the Chinese National Defense Force, which shocked the world, was officially established today. And this army has become the nightmare of countless foreigners, and they have recovered a lot of blood debts for China.

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