Red Alert 1895

Chapter 55

Chapter 54 – Before The War

“The governor is here, all stand up!”

Opposite Wang Guorui’s army, the heads of the Japanese army had already started a meeting, and it was obvious that there was going to be a major military operation. But this time the meeting scene was full of chills, the atmosphere was so gloomy that it seemed that it was going to rain, and everyone had serious expressions on their faces, obviously very heavy.

“Now, we announce that we are ready to fight a decisive battle against the enemy in front of us! Our Guards Division will wage a decisive battle with the enemy in front of us to determine the fate of Taiwan. If we win, our Guards Division will completely occupy Taiwan , if it fails, then I don’t know what will happen to our imperial army in Taiwan. Therefore, this decisive battle will inevitably take place, and please work together to defeat the enemy in front of us. Do you have any opinions? “Said Huashan Ziji, the governor of Taiwan of the Japanese army.

However, a Japanese lieutenant came out and said: “Governor, division commander, I don’t recommend a decisive battle with the opposing army now. We don’t know anything about the opposing army now. We will definitely suffer a big loss if we rush to a decisive battle with them.” Yes. And they may know us very well, and even know about the establishment of our army. They are obviously prepared. So when the enemy understands us, but we don’t understand the enemy, if we rush to a decisive battle, then The consequences could be disastrous.”

“Lieutenant Akashi, do you have any comments? What information did the person you sent to investigate find out?” Huashan Jiji asked.

The lieutenant said with a face of shame: “We haven’t found any information yet, and the other party seems to have been blessed by God. They have found out all the people we sent to investigate. And none of us can break into their interior.” , we don’t know what’s going on?”

These Japanese soldiers didn’t know that Wang Guorui’s military dogs could recognize the enemy’s ordinary spies, and ordinary spies could not fool the military dogs. As for high-level spies, Japan has not been able to send to investigate Wang Guorui at present, so that the Japanese army’s investigation is almost useless, which makes them very depressed.

“I can’t wait anymore, time won’t wait!” Kitashirakawa said.

Next, Huashan Ziji took the initiative to say: “We can’t wait any longer. Once the time is delayed, it will be really bad for us, and there is even a risk of annihilation of the entire army. Maybe you should know that one of the opponent’s mistakes The woman who knew what it was actually killed more than 700 people from our second regiment overnight. More than 700 people died overnight. This is a terrible result. They are just one person, one person How many times can we withstand them doing this? If that woman came again so many times, our Guards Division might be completely wiped out. More than 700 people at a time, then our Guards Division has more than 20,000 people, It took more than a month for them to annihilate our entire army! So if this delay continues and they send out this kind of monster again, then we will definitely die more.”

“So, His Royal Highness and I have already discussed that we will have a decisive battle this time. Although this decisive battle looks very unfavorable to us, we can only bite the bullet. The enemy is too terrifying, the longer the delay The more unfavorable it is for us. Especially the ‘banshee’, we don’t know how many of them they have, if they come a few more, then our entire army will really be wiped out. If they die on the battlefield, it is still It can be easier to say. But if we die at the hands of such a monster for no reason, then our soldiers are really wronged. Therefore, if we want to curb the fighting power of this banshee, we must conduct a large-scale battle as soon as possible. Only Only with a large-scale battle can we use the hail of bullets to prevent that banshee from dispatching.”

“And we are not without our advantages. Although our Guards Division has experienced several blows, we still have more than 20,000 people, and our strength is quite abundant. And according to our estimates, our enemy is probably more than 10,000 It’s just people, so we don’t have to worry too much. And our current Guards Division originally had 98 artillery pieces in the entire division, but experienced the destruction of the First Wing, and the loss of the Fourth Wing A brigade, in the end, that was the sneak attack of the witch a few days ago, we lost some cannons. However, our entire division still has seventy-four cannons, so we don’t have to worry too much about our enemies. During this time we found that our The enemy should have about eighteen cannons, so we still have an absolute advantage in artillery. In this way, we can gradually use the superiority of artillery fire to attack the enemy, and we can say that we have the upper hand.”

Hearing Huashan Ziji’s words, everyone was relieved a lot. The artillery on my side is very abundant, and this may be the only “advantage” of the Japanese army. The regular establishment of the Japanese Army Division has an artillery wing with forty-eight cannons. The wing below has a mountain artillery squadron and a field artillery squadron, and the brigade below has a brigade artillery squadron with two guns. If such a Japanese army division is organized according to the routine, theoretically speaking, it can have a force of 98 cannons. As Japan’s “Imperial Forest Army”, the Guards Division has a complete set of equipment, including a lot of ninety-eight cannons.

Of course, after the previous battles, the artillery of the Japanese army also suffered a certain loss, and now there are only seventy-four cannons left. However, seventy-four cannons are still a daunting number. According to the firepower, they can completely suppress Wang Guorui’s army.

“Gentlemen, let’s work together to eliminate the enemy in front of us, and then work together to expand the territory for His Majesty the Emperor!” Huashan Jiji said.

“Hi!” The Japanese officers said together.

On the other side, Wang Guorui also began to explain the situation to everyone.

“After Tanya took the initiative to make trouble, the Japanese army might be preparing for a decisive battle with us. Because Tanya is so powerful, the Japanese army might feel scared. If Miss Tanya makes trouble a few more times, the Japanese army might be completely annihilated. So as long as the Japanese army is not stupid, they will definitely fight us. The Japanese army now has 20,000 people, and their first regiment was wiped out by us. The first regiment formed now is all transferred from different troops. The time has not been adjusted clearly, so it is impossible to fight with us. The Japanese army currently has four regiments in theory, and our enemy is the second, third and fourth regiments, and they are complete except for the third regiment. We have cleared up all the regiments. Therefore, many of their troops are missing.”

“As for their other troops, there are probably four technical arms regiments, namely the four regiments of engineering, cavalry, artillery, and four. Their engineering troops only have about 1,000 people, and they don’t have many weapons to fight, so they can be ignored. The supply corps has more than 3,000 people and has almost no combat power, so they can be ignored. As for the cavalry corps, there are about 1,400 people, and Taiwan has many mountains, so it is not suitable for cavalry combat. Cavalry can also be used temporarily Ignore it. And the only thing we fear is the artillery, the Japanese artillery wing and the artillery under it add up to ninety-eight cannons, and only seventy-odd cannons are left after we hit them.”

“On the other hand, for us, only the artillery regiment under Commander Chen Liyan is proficient in operating artillery. In the rear, only one battalion of artillery can use it. In this way, all the artillery we can use is about seventy-four artillery pieces. , no more, no less, exactly the same as the Japanese army. Judging from the number of artillery, no one has an advantage or a disadvantage.”

“However, everyone should pay attention. We have another advantage. That is, we have grenades. Our grenades have a maximum range of 500 meters. If the dense grenade can be used as a light Cannons are used. And we have a lot of Maxine machine guns. Compared with the Japanese army, the firepower of ordinary infantry is much stronger than them. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about our numerical disadvantage. UU reading www. uukanshu.comAlthough we are inferior in numbers, the firepower density of our weapons is stronger than that of the opponent, so we don’t have to be afraid of anything.”

When Wang Guorui’s officers heard this, they also breathed a sigh of relief. The artillery has equal advantages, but the infantry weapons are much better than the opponent, so it seems that this battle is not impossible. This time it was a decisive battle, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing everyone like this, Wang Guorui also began to feel relieved. This time is actually a decisive battle. As long as the Japanese army is defeated, it can be exchanged for about half a year of stable development in Taiwan. Wang Guorui can be sure that the Japanese army will not abandon Taiwan just because of the failure of the Guards Division. After defeating the Guards Division, they entered the next situation, which was a strategic stalemate. At that time, a large number of Wang Guorui’s troops began to “violently” complete, so that Wang Guorui’s army was not much different from the Japanese army. Unless the Japanese army is willing to fight a war that is 100 times more tragic than the Sino-Japanese War, they may not be able to occupy Taiwan at all.

And this battle, in fact, the most important core is to train these officers. If you have been relying on the advantages of weapons to fight, then these officers will not be able to get exercise at all. If a country’s army only relies on weapon superiority to fight without any strategic and tactical capabilities, then the army will fail one day. The advantage of weapons, the enemy will catch up one day, and then it will rely on the ability of soldiers and officers. Therefore, the advantage of weapons can be relied on, but it cannot be relied on. Now this decisive battle is the time to test the fighting skills of both sides, as long as they win this battle, then Wang Guorui’s army can truly be regarded as a “formed army”!

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