Red Alert 1895

Chapter 56

Chapter 55 – Japanese Attack

“Third Guards Regiment, attack me!”

A Japanese soldier held a command knife and shouted into the distance. Thousands of Japanese soldiers began to charge towards Wang Guorui’s position in a small group, and then they looked frantic, obviously wanting to attack the trench formed by Wang Guorui’s soldiers. As long as they break through this trench, It can also tear a gap, and then a large number of Japanese troops can follow behind, open and expand this gap, and gradually wipe out Wang Guorui’s army. And this tactic is very simple and not complicated, but it must face a lot of pressure.

Wang Guorui looked into the distance with a telescope, and said, “Hu Wei, prepare with artillery fire!”

Wang Guorui’s current tactics are actually the trench warfare of World War I in the later generations, and it is a war of attrition to be precise. This tactic is very rigid and rigid, and there are not many special circumstances. In the final analysis, it was just a troop hiding in a trench to defend, and then fired artillery shells from the rear defense, and finally approached and defended with machine guns, rifles and mortars. And this is often a great loss to the offensive side, but when the defensive side turns into an offensive state, it will inevitably face a lot of casualties. This is trench warfare. At least this was the case before the invention of tanks.

“Prepare for artillery fire! This time, the two battalions will fire!” Chen Liyan, the commander of the artillery regiment, shouted.

This time the Japanese army was not testing, but it was really attacking with all its strength, and it would definitely not be an attack just to test Wang Guorui’s firepower. Looking at the formation of the Japanese army this time, they all attacked with the posture of the main force. So this time, some artillery fire can be properly exposed, causing the Japanese army to suffer greater losses.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery began to fire, and shells began to bombard the Japanese army’s charge queue, and the Japanese army began to be blown into the sky.


Some Japanese troops were blown into the sky by shells, but the Japanese troops were still charging and did not retreat. Obviously this attack was real.

“My lord, the bombing effect of the artillery this time is not as good as it used to be. This time the Japanese army was very scattered and did not gather in one place. They are all operating in small groups. At first glance, they don’t have much firepower. Concentrate, but this can save the vast majority of soldiers. And you see their charge, although one regiment charges at a time, but they all charge in groups one by one, so that they charge in our narrow road Keep enough distance, and then the effect of the artillery is relatively poor.” Hu Wei said.

Sure enough, Wang Guorui felt a little helpless, and the Japanese army had also learned a lot. After experiencing the previous temptations, this group of Japanese soldiers had already learned some methods of avoiding artillery fire. It is difficult for the same method to be effective on the same enemy. These Japanese troops obviously have some experience in avoiding artillery fire, and the effect of Wang Guorui’s cannon bombardment has also been greatly reduced. And when these Japanese troops charged to their place, the loss would never exceed 500 people, and the rest would depend on their own infantry to fight.

“However, isn’t it a refueling tactic when they do this? Although their teams are scattered and the progress of the charge is not large, they charge every time in small groups. Although they can avoid the bombardment of artillery fire, it is not a refueling tactic. Isn’t it a big taboo for military strategists to refuel tactics?”

Zheng Hong, Wang Guorui’s wife, asked this question on her own initiative. She had obviously learned a certain amount of military knowledge during this period, and he knew that the Japanese army was just adding fuel to the tactics. The Japanese army charged in groups of relatively small teams one by one, so that although they could avoid artillery fire, their instant firepower was also greatly reduced. As a military operation, what is important is the simultaneous output of firepower. The more firepower output at the same time, the more advantageous the battle will be. However, the Japanese army’s attack in batches is equivalent to reducing the firepower output of their own side. It is obviously playing a refueling tactic!

But Hu Wei quickly explained, saying: “Madam, in fact, the Japanese army did not understand our infantry firepower. Although the Japanese army knew that we had enough cannons, they did not know the situation of our infantry firepower. Our infantry know very little, they only recognize our artillery. That’s why they make such judgments, because although they disperse their attacks, their firepower is relatively fierce. The Japanese army is still subconsciously treating us as Liaodong The Qing army, they don’t think our infantry firepower is so fierce. They don’t know that we have a lot of Maxine guns and a lot of grenades, so they subconsciously think that every time a squadron size The salvo of firepower is enough to threaten our soldiers. This is the result of our different standards. The Japanese army uses the standards of our other troops in the Qing Dynasty as a reference, so their firepower will be enough. But we ourselves use We use our own firepower as a reference, so they become refueling tactics.”

“Oh, I see, the Japanese army is going to be in trouble!” Zheng Hong said.

The Japanese army quickly rushed through the area covered by the artillery fire, and successfully charged to the dead end of the artillery fire. And the Japanese army could see the positions of Wang Guorui’s soldiers in the distance, and they were already preparing to fight. And then the Japanese army began to pull the bolt, and then began to fight.

“Get ready for the grenade!” Zhao Xi, the leader of the third regiment, said.




The small grenades of the grenades also started to fire, and then hit the Japanese army hundreds of meters away along a parabola.


A mortar shell exploded, and five or six Japanese soldiers began to be killed. And the rest of the Japanese army felt evil, because they never thought that any artillery could kill them at such a short distance. If it is a howitzer, the power is too small. A howitzer has a killing radius of at least 20 meters, but this one is only seven or eight meters. Moreover, the howitzers did not adjust their aiming angles so quickly, but now these grenade launchers adjusted their angles very quickly, completely following the Japanese army’s charge.

“Baga, what kind of weapon is this?” A small Japanese army leader said angrily.

This kind of weapon completely made the Japanese army unable to find the north, because this kind of grenadier just made up for the firepower gap of about 100 meters to 300 to 400 meters, and made the Japanese army pay a lot of sacrifice every time they took a step forward.

“Long live the Great Japan! Come to me!” shouted a small captain of the Japanese army.

The attack of these grenadiers not only did not make the Japanese army timid, but made them continue to charge violently, obviously to charge to the dead end of the grenadiers as soon as possible again. They thought that as long as they rushed to the front of Wang Guorui’s soldiers’ positions, they would be safe. According to the law on the battlefield, there are two ways to avoid the enemy’s artillery attack. One is to hide as far as possible, and then retreat quickly. Another method is to rush to the front so that you can reach the dead end of the enemy’s artillery shooting, so that you can avoid the enemy’s artillery fire.

“Come on!”

The Japanese army charged even more quickly. After all, they were all troops of the Japanese Guards Division, the most elite troops in the Japanese army, and they would not collapse so easily. Now the casualties of the Japanese army are only more than 600 to 700, which is far from the point where the Japanese army will collapse. It’s less than a quarter for the entire United, so it can still hold up.

“Maxine’s electric gun is ready!” Zhao Xi said.

“Crack!” The Maxine machine gun began to pull the bolt, and then aimed at the enemy in the distance.

“Come closer!” “Put in some more, don’t shoot so early!” “Put the Japanese army within 100 meters, and they can only shoot within 100 meters!”

Zhao Xi already had a plan, that is to put the Japanese army in close range to fight, so that the effect of killing the enemy is the best. Zhao Xi obviously knew that the Japanese army did not know that they had enough machine guns on their side. And this kind of opportunity to annihilate the enemy is just a one-shot deal. This time with a machine gun, the next time the Japanese army charges, they will be prepared. Therefore, this time, we must annihilate as many Japanese troops as possible to achieve the best results.

“Come on! They are right in front of you!” The Japanese soldiers shouted one after another.

“The rifle fires!” Zhao Xi said When the Japanese army charged to 200 meters, Zhao Xi ordered the rifle to fire. With the firepower of the rifle, Zhao Xi can be sure that it is not enough to collapse the Japanese army, so he can safely and boldly let the Japanese army charge. As long as there is a Maxine machine gun, it is impossible for the Japanese army to rush over.

“One hundred meters, the machine gun hit me hard!” Zhao Xi roared angrily.

“Da da da da da…”

The Maxine machine guns of several machine gun companies of the third regiment began to shoot out scorching flames one after another, and the Japanese army began to face the blows of machine guns like a torrential storm.


These machine guns shot down the Japanese soldiers row after row like cutting leeks, and then they couldn’t get up at all. The caliber of the Maxine machine gun was eleven millimeters, and if it was hit by a Maxine bullet, it was almost certain death.

“Commander, their firepower is too fierce! We can’t rush through!” said a staff officer of the Japanese army.

The captain of the Japanese Army’s Third Regiment looked at his subordinates who fell to the ground like they were cutting leeks, and hated him so much, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Now the Japanese army is very headache. If they can have a portable artillery or a portable machine gun that can be carried with them, it may be able to save a lot of battles.

“Retreat!” The captain of the Japanese Third Wing ordered helplessly.

Soon, the first attack of the Japanese army was disintegrated by Wang Guorui’s troops. The Japanese army did not get any advantage, but suffered heavy losses.

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