Red Alert 1895

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Army Establishment

After fifteen days of training, more than three hundred people have completed the recruit training. Uh, within these fifteen days, new Red Police soldiers have been continuously produced, and natural soldiers have also begun to continue to recruit. And these soldiers are expanding at the rate of one platoon leader per day, and in the past fifteen days, they have expanded to fifteen new platoons. They have all been assigned to the army. And these red police soldiers were also mixed into the teams participating in the conscription, and then trained together. As a result, they became small soldier leaders with excellent results, and because of their excellent training results, they established prestige among the soldiers. And now the Volunteer Army owned by Wang Guorui has more than 700 people, and it will be a battalion in later generations. Among the more than 700 people, the Red Police soldiers accounted for about one-third, that is, more than 200 people.

“It’s a pity! There is no officer. It would be great if there is a suitable and capable officer!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui knew that he had developed into a small bottleneck, because Wang Guorui did not have a suitable regiment-level officer. Now Wang Guorui let the three-star elite soldier serve as the temporary acting battalion commander, but this has reached the limit of that three-star elite soldier. If the three-star elite soldier is trained in peacetime, it may be able to bear it. But once the war started, this three-star elite soldier would definitely not be qualified for the position of battalion commander. So Wang Guorui had some headaches, and he didn’t have any suitable candidates to serve as officers. The development potential of the clone soldiers of the Red Police is too small, or even almost no development potential, and it is fixed by nature. Therefore, if you want an officer, it is best to be a natural person.

“Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, let’s talk about it later!” Wang Guorui thought helplessly.

After the first batch of more than 300 soldiers had been trained, Wang Guorui stopped them all, and then called more than 700 soldiers. And some of them have just entered the barracks, and some have been training for several days, but they were all asked to suspend their training and came here to listen to Wang Guorui’s lecture.

“Soldiers and soldiers, starting today, our Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army will conduct a formation. This time, our Taiwan Defense Volunteer Army will organize as follows.”

“Taiwan’s garrison volunteer army is temporarily organized into a battalion. Each battalion has three infantry companies, one artillery company, and one machine gun company. There are five companies in total. And each infantry company is divided into…”

Wang Guorui began to introduce his establishment, and Wang Guorui was not afraid of spies in it, because Wang Guorui had already produced several dogs nearby. If a spy sneaks in, those dogs will also start searching, so ordinary spies can’t sneak in at all. As for those high-level spies, Wang Guorui thought that the Japanese would not send high-level spies to spy on him. After all, it was not that Wang Guorui underestimated himself, but that Wang Guorui was not worthy of the attention of the Japanese, so he sent high-level spies to investigate. So high-level spies won’t come, and ordinary spies can’t hide from the police dogs, so it happens that no spies can sneak in.

And Wang Guorui’s troops will be equipped with an artillery company at the battalion level. This artillery company will be equipped with mortars in the future, but it has not been developed yet. At present, the artillery company only uses grenades. The mortars will not be produced by the engineers of the Red Police until the Japanese are driven away, and then they start farming. If only Wang Guorui designed the grenade It’s not easy already, so the mortar can’t get it out. However, Wang Guorui believes that the grenadier is powerful enough. Although the Japanese army of this era should be taken seriously, it should not be regarded as the Japanese army of World War II. Compared with the Japanese army in World War II, the Japanese army in this era is nothing. Therefore, we must also despise them strategically, and don’t be afraid that their combat power is really invincible.

The artillery battery will be replaced by a grenadier, but the machine gun battery will be a real machine gun. A machine gun company is divided into three machine gun platoons and a supply platoon. The machine gun platoon is divided into three machine gun squads and one logistics squad. Each squad has a Maxine machine gun, and the machine gun company will consist of nine machine guns. As for the infantry company planned in the future, there will also be a machine gun platoon and a grenadier platoon. Such a battalion of Wang Guorui will also have eighteen Maxine machine guns and thirty-six grenade launchers. Such a fierce firepower can be said to be the best in the world in this era. You must know that during the First World War, a German infantry division had only more than twenty Maxine machine guns. But that is an infantry division, and Wang Guorui’s here is just a battalion, so there is a big gap here. The machine guns of just one battalion can catch up with half of the German divisions, and they also have grenadiers that the Germans don’t have as a supplement to the bottom firepower, so they are armed to the teeth.

“There is a reconnaissance platoon directly under the infantry battalion, which is composed of well-trained soldiers and is responsible for scouting the enemy’s situation. A health team is set up to rescue the wounded.”

This reconnaissance platoon is actually composed entirely of Red Police soldiers, a group of people whose military quality is much better than other natural soldiers, and is responsible for investigating various information. And they can also perform many special tasks, especially at this time when there are not many elite soldiers, the Red Police soldiers will be the most powerful army. As for the health team, it is also dominated by Red Police soldiers. There is a unit option in the red police ordinary soldiers, that is, different units can be recruited. One of them is called a health soldier, and the health soldier can treat ordinary wounds, but there is no way to do it for large wounds. And if you want to do simple surgery, you need three-star medical soldiers. As for the three-star medical soldier, Wang Guorui only recruited one, because it was too expensive, and he couldn’t do the kind of surgery to disembowel him, so there was really no need for too many.

“Each infantry company is equipped with five platoons. Among them are three infantry platoons, one machine gun platoon, and one grenadier platoon. The infantry platoon has three infantry squads, and the infantry platoon has a platoon leader and three signal soldiers. The infantry There are a total of ten people in the squad, led by the squad leader and the deputy squad leader. Each is equipped with a Mauser 98 rifle, a multi-functional bayonet, and each carries five hand grenades and a multi-functional engineering shovel. The squad leader and the deputy squad leader, You can have an extra pistol.”

When Wang Guorui finished talking about these establishments, the natural soldiers were very surprised. Because they have heard so many weapons, they are almost armed to the teeth, which is beyond the imagination of natural people in this era. Among other things, just one gun per person is simply impossible for China in this era. The Huai Army, the most elite army of this era, has not been able to achieve a gun per person. As for the Beiyang Army, this is something that has no shadow, so in the current era of the Chinese army, it is extremely surprising that each person has a gun.

And what kind of grenade is there, this is just a small cannon for soldiers! Such a powerful firepower made those natural soldiers doubt whether they had joined the Chinese army. Moreover, this is not an officially organized army of the country, and it is just a volunteer army, that is, a force that belongs to the militia. If the militias in China are all so powerful, how can foreigners have the opportunity to invade China!

“My lord, can we all take these weapons to fight?” someone asked.

“That’s right, you are all fighting with these powerful weapons. When the time comes, I believe you will be able to defeat those Japanese pirates!” Wang Guorui said.

However, Wang Guorui immediately said: “Now, I will read again about military discipline. No one can leave the barracks without a letter of approval signed by me personally. If anyone leaves the barracks without authorization, we will follow the military law.”

The reason why Wang Guorui could not easily let these soldiers leave was to keep his army formation and secrets as secret as possible, so as to prevent outsiders from knowing. If they knew that they had such a powerful army, UU Reading would definitely not feel lucky, but wondered if Wang Guorui would have wanted to rebel a long time ago. So once it is exposed prematurely, I am afraid that those guys who are outsiders in foreign wars and insiders in wars will definitely take Wang Guorui as their primary defense target instead of reusing it.

“This is great. With such powerful weapons, we must have very few casualties!” Someone said.

And this remark immediately made everyone feel the same. After all, if the weapon is good, then the number of deaths will be much less. This is also why soldiers are willing to join the armed forces. Although they are not afraid of death, none of them want to die! So death can be avoided, and it is better to avoid it. This Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army has very advanced weapons, which just makes them feel satisfied.

“Okay, you have to remember that although the weapons are good enough, you must also strengthen your training. On the battlefield, the only thing that can really protect you is your real military skills. If you don’t train well, then on the battlefield Even if you have weapons, you can’t use them, so you have to die. Don’t be superstitious about weapons, or you will die a miserable death, understand?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Understood!” The soldiers of the Volunteer Army replied together.

Wang Guorui saw the shouts of these soldiers, and immediately shouted: “Dismiss, all officers lead the soldiers to regroup and continue training.”

Soon, the soldiers also began to reorganize and train according to the formation. Everyone must be familiar with the arms they belong to to avoid problems. Only by familiarizing yourself with your position on the battlefield can you achieve the corresponding combat effect and win the war.

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