Red Alert 1895

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Poaching

After a few days, Wang Guorui found that Hu Wei managed the army very well. He actually managed the military affairs in an orderly and meticulous manner. Besides the base, Wang Guorui has almost opened up all other places to him. As for the weapons used, they were all taken from the base, and then went around a big circle again before arriving at the barracks, so it looked as if they were brought from the outside. And Hu Wei asked where these weapons came from several times, but Wang Guorui just refused to ask, and Hu Wei had no good solution.

Hu Wei asked where these weapons came from several times, but he couldn’t find out, and then he didn’t want to. He only cares about the training of these troops, but the more he looks at this army, the more terrifying he feels. Because this army not only has ridiculously advanced weapons, but also has a very good level of training. The training methods that he has never seen before at ordinary times can be seen here. He didn’t even think that this simple and easy-to-learn method would have a great effect, which made him look at this so-called volunteer army with admiration. If this level is the militia volunteer army, then there is no army in the whole Qing Dynasty that can be used as a regular bureau.

Hu Wei inquired several times about the Red Police soldiers who were in charge of training, and those Red Police soldiers couldn’t even give a fart with half a stick, which made Hu Wei very depressed. When these Red Police soldiers asked Hu Wei, they just answered “um”, “oh”, “oh”, and the longer ones said “I know” and “I’ll do it now”. Anyway, these Red Police soldiers are simply taciturn, just repeating some words mechanically. This Hu Wei sometimes really wonders if it is a machine, and it is those words that go back and forth.

Hu Wei found that he had nothing to communicate with these Red Police soldiers, so he didn’t say much. However, Hu Wei has also begun to like this place, because the army here has a high level of training and advanced weapons and equipment. Although it is at most the level of a battalion at present, if it is pulled out to fight the army of the Manchu Qing, it may be possible. A team of 10,000 people who defeated the Manchu Qing at one time, if the terrain is good, they might be able to wipe them all out. This is the most terrifying thing. With such advanced weapons and good military qualities, Hu Wei believes that even the most powerful German Army in the West is nothing more than that.

As an officer, what I hope most is to lead a powerful army and then move across the battlefield. This Hu Wei is still very young and has a heart of serving the country. He has been unwilling to be reconciled to Man Qing’s weakness since he was a child, so now that he sees this strong army, he has the idea of wanting to do well in this strong army. If this powerful army can be developed, then the country will have hope. This moved him very much, and he now has the idea of staying here completely. But the only thing that worries him is that this army is just a temporary organization, which belongs to the Volunteer Army. Once the war matters are properly resolved with the Japanese, this army will be disbanded.

“Maybe, I should do something for this army!” Hu Wei muttered suddenly.

Wang Guorui received a letter from Hu Wei, saying that he had something to discuss with him. And Wang Guorui also hurried over, this Hu Wei is his most important military assistant at present. He already knows too many secrets about himself, but the only regret is that he has not completely returned to his heart. But Fade Chen couldn’t let him go, after all, he knew too much, if he left casually and said these things, it would be troublesome.

“Wangzhi County, I plan to write a few letters to ask some of my friends from Taiwan’s Green Camp to come and serve here. What do you think? I found that there is a serious lack of qualified officers here. Those so-called officers are too taciturn, and I think that although they are good at charging ahead in person, their minds are too rigid to be a commander. So I plan to introduce some friends over here, what do you think?” Hu Wei asked.

And Wang Guorui said cautiously: “Officer of the green battalion, can you do it?”

Wang Guorui was really worried about the officers of the green battalion. After all, the combat effectiveness of the green battalion was well known to the whole world. The officers were corrupt, the soldiers lacked training, the weapons were outdated, and the tactics were outdated. Can Wang Guorui trust officers from this kind of army? So Wang Guorui still doesn’t believe it very much. After all, in the memory of the previous life, the green camp is just a super scumbag, it is simply a “fishy team”, not good at fighting, but a group of good players who cheat teammates. If they come to serve here, I am afraid that it is really doubtful whether the combat effectiveness of their troops will decline. If their presence would lower the combat effectiveness of their own army, then Wang Guorui might as well let them not come!

Hu Wei was not angry when he saw Wang Guorui’s suspicion, because he also knew that the reputation of the Green Camp had been tarnished, so he would not be angry. For so many years, people all over the country have known that the Green Camp is just a group of good fighters who bully the people. They can’t fight at all. nothing.

“Wangzhi County, my father is in charge of the management of 15 green battalions in Tainan, and I personally serve as the general manager of one battalion. During this period of time, I visited all 15 battalions, and I know who is suitable. Which people are bad people. I can guarantee that the people I will transfer are all excellent. Although they don’t have much ability to fight with firearms, I can guarantee that they are young and have flexible brains. If they don’t, they can learn. As for you Those ordinary soldiers are not suitable for high-ranking officers.” Hu Wei said.

Wang Guorui thought for a while, and now he is seriously short of experienced officers, especially natural persons. Those new soldiers who join the army are not able to serve as officers, they have just finished recruit training, and they must not be able to serve as officers directly. Although these green battalion officers are in charge of the old army, if it is true that as Hu Wei said, they are all people with no bad habits, young and flexible, and quick to learn new tactics and new ideas, then it is not completely impossible to agree with them to come here serve. Anyway, I don’t have any officers, so instead of going on like this, I might as well choose generals from among the dwarves and pay attention to it. Anyway, Wang Guorui also believes that ability can be cultivated. Don’t you see that so many commanders of our party in later generations are from peasant workers. Why have they received military education? Their starting point was actually inferior to those of the green battalion officers, and not all of them became generals and marshals in the end. So if they can learn and exercise well, it is not impossible for them to be qualified as senior military officers. After all, the “university” of society is the university that can learn the most.

“Brother Hu Wei, can you ask your green camp friends to bring more soldiers over? If you can let those friends come over, I will first guarantee that the number of soldiers will remain almost the same. Of course, we are here according to the establishment of foreigners. You may have to get used to it when the time comes. As for if I can bring soldiers over, I can even give him a promotion. But I have to check carefully, we don’t want those bad soldiers with bad habits.” Wang Guorui said.

Hu Wei asked again: “The soldiers behind, can they use these weapons?”

“I want to guarantee that future soldiers can use the same weapons!” Wang Guorui said.

“Then I believe they will be tempted. After all, many people hope to lead such a powerful army!” Hu Wei said.

Next, Hu Wei began to write the letter, and then prepared to hand it over to Wang Guorui, and then Wang Guorui sent someone to deliver it. But Hu Wei didn’t know that Wang Guorui took the letter he wrote and didn’t send it immediately, but Na came to the Red Police Base.

“System, help me scan these letters with perspective light, I want to see what is written inside!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, under the perspective scanning of the base system, those letters were also projected onto the screen. And Wang Guorui began to check the contents of these letters, UU reading to avoid anything.

“Although some content has been revealed, it is still within the range I can allow and has not crossed the line!” Wang Guorui said.

In fact, Wang Guorui did not completely trust this Hu Wei, so he took his letter and scanned it. Wang Guorui didn’t unpack it. After all, if it was unpacked, someone would know about it. Anyway, I have high technology, so why use such a backward method as unpacking? And although Hu Wei revealed some things, they were all within Wang Guorui’s tolerance.

“Next, let someone send it out. I don’t know how many people can come!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui also hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to let those young and flexible green camp officers come to serve, so as to make up for the shortage of his own officers. Even Wang Guorui hoped that those officers could bring some soldiers of decent quality. Now Wang Guorui has reached a bottleneck in recruiting soldiers in Hsinchu County, and Hsinchu County can no longer provide a sufficient number of soldiers. But Wang Guorui couldn’t take the initiative to recruit elsewhere, because in the Manchu and Qing official circles, they were very territorial. If Wang Guorui went to other people’s territory to recruit soldiers, it would be another bad debt that was unclear. So Wang Guorui didn’t dare to go to other places to recruit directly, that is to say, he thought of this kind of poaching.

If you can dig some people from other people’s troops, you should be able to replenish a large part of your own troops. Even Wang Guorui thought that it would be great if those green battalion officers could serve as green battalion officers and secretly recruit troops for themselves. If it is possible to set up a recruiting network all over the island of Taiwan, it will be very beneficial for the replenishment of its own soldiers.

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