Red Alert 1895

Chapter 965

Chapter 968 – List Of Trade Treatments (Part 1)

“Your Majesty, I have received an order from China, and I am here to discuss with you the solution to Hong Kong. At present, your Chinese troops have entered Hong Kong, and you have already achieved de facto occupation of the New Territories of Hong Kong.” , while threatening our British expatriates in Hong Kong at all times. We are very indignant about this, so we hope His Majesty the Emperor will order your army to stop shelling.” Zhu Erdian said.

Wang Guorui said: “In China, we must abide by our laws. We in China restrict the carrying of guns, and if you want to carry guns, you must apply for a gun license. Artillery is absolutely prohibited, but you British people are here Hong Kong, our territory, has deployed artillery, and there are many guns, how many of these have gun licenses? So, I can’t think too much about our deterrence against rioters in Hong Kong, right?”

“…” Zhu Erdian was speechless.

Anyway, that’s what Wang Guorui said, that’s what he meant. Wang Guorui didn’t recognize the so-called treaty of the Manchu Qing, and he just pretended that nothing happened. Wang Guorui seemed to be unaware of the treaty between the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. He completely regarded Hong Kong as his own territory and did not take these British people seriously at all. They are required directly in accordance with Chinese laws, so they are now so impolite that they directly say that they are armed thugs. Therefore, Wang Guorui still regards Hong Kong as Chinese territory, and does not take the treaty between the British and the Qing Dynasty seriously. It is even as if this treaty never happened at all, and it is not recognized at all.

“Your Majesty, I think we can still discuss and resolve this issue. We can negotiate to resolve this issue in Hong Kong. Let’s discuss business matters today, especially business matters. We hope you China can further open the country, so that our businessmen can come in and do business as soon as possible, don’t set up any trade barriers, this is not in line with free trade, so we hope you can open the country as soon as possible, and then let us trade freely! As long as you are willing to open the country, we can return Hong Kong unconditionally.” Zhu Erdian said.

Wang Guorui sneered in his heart, Zeng Zhuerdian really opened his mouth like a lion, allowing him to open the country? This is impossible, because China, a huge market with a population of 400 million, is Wang Guorui’s most advantageous bargaining chip. This huge market with a population of 400 million is almost larger than that of Europe. Although the current consumption power of the Chinese population is relatively poor, they are more “daring to consume”. The reason for this is that Wang Guorui has learned the lessons of later generations and established social insurance for some workers and peasants in advance. Regarding these social insurances, only China has them in this era, and there is no similar situation in foreign countries. Europe is currently the time when capitalists are the most rampant and powerful. If the Soviet Union had not been established later, they would not have realized that they should pay attention to the interests of workers, treat workers appropriately, and not exploit them too much.

Wang Guorui has learned his lesson and set up labor unions and even social insurance early before the rise of domestic capital, and implemented various protections for laborers. This is probably the lesson learned from the past. Although this will increase the cost of the factory, it will give ordinary workers a minimum guarantee. Even if they lose their jobs, they can spend some days in peace, and their ability to resist risks is much greater. . Therefore, in terms of consumption, although the current income of Chinese people is generally much lower than that of Europeans, they are more daring to consume than Europeans.

Because Wang Guorui has set up work-related injury insurance for workers, even if a worker has a work-related injury while working, it can be reimbursed. Moreover, a working time of no more than ten hours a day has been established to protect the health of workers. But European capitalists don’t care about this at all. Not only do they have no work-related injury insurance, they don’t even have various social insurances. The daily working hours often exceed twelve hours, and some even have fourteen hours. There are few days off and no social benefits at all. So although on the surface their income is relatively high, their ability to resist risks is very poor. So in terms of consumption, Chinese people are more daring to consume because they have a higher ability to resist risks.

So China, an emerging market, is a huge fat, and of course those Western capitalists want to take a bite. However, Wang Guorui is very clear that what China can currently use to negotiate terms with the West is the huge market. Although this market is useless and does not represent technology, it is Wang Guorui’s biggest card. Such a card can even be more useful than one’s own army, using one’s own army to protect the country and prevent foreigners from entering. Then as long as you control the market so that foreigners have to listen. If they can’t fight, they can only do business honestly.

Wang Guorui knew that it was impossible for China to quickly overtake the West in a short period of time. The equipment aspect was easy to solve, but the talent aspect was the most important thing. China’s talent system is too weak, and there are not enough talents for training. So at present, Wang Guorui intends to use this market to exchange talents. If a country wants to come to China to do business, it often needs to obtain a quota. And these quotas often have to promise some conditions in China, such as allowing Chinese students to study abroad, and even what subjects they study abroad are conditional.

Through the market, many things can be exchanged, especially the opportunity for Chinese talents to study abroad. Those capitalists, of course, don’t mind this, anyway, it’s good to be able to do business. With such a huge market, studying abroad is not a problem, so they are naturally willing to let them study abroad. The matter of studying abroad is not a complicated matter. Anyway, they have money, and the problems that money can solve are not problems. And China’s huge market was artificially semi-closed by Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui is only open to those Western countries that are friendly or agree to some conditions, and still open to a limited extent. Tariffs will also be imposed on some foreign products that are easy to compete with local companies, so as to prevent them from being cheap and too large to interfere with the development and survival of domestic companies.

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