Red Alert 1895

Chapter 967

Chapter 970 – Good Means

?Wang Guorui has learned from the policy experience and lessons of later generations. In later generations, countries have adopted a strategy called market for technology. In fact, exchanging technology by market means exchanging some technology with foreign companies with advanced technology through the vast Chinese market. If you want to enter the Chinese market, you must use your own high-tech technology to “bid”. , Whoever has the better technology is willing to come up with more advanced technology, so that he can come in to do business and guarantee their certain degree of monopoly. However, after China understands the technology inside, it can then develop its own high-tech and catch up at the fastest speed, so that it can catch up with those technological gaps and narrow the technological gap to the greatest extent.

This method of market-for-technology failed in the automobile industry of later generations, but succeeded in the high-speed rail industry. The high-speed rail industry has successfully exchanged the market for technology, and then gradually seized the market back after domestic scientists and enterprises have thoroughly grasped the technology, and even used local government support and various supports. The referees have gradually regained the part of the market occupied by those foreign countries. This is the success of high-speed rail. But the car just had an idea, so the result…

Some people in later generations analyzed that the biggest difference is the control over the “market”. There are serious problems in the strategy of exchanging the market for technology in the automotive industry. Local governments in various places compete with each other. Instead, in order to compete with each other for an automobile factory, they finally lowered the conditions themselves. People simply don’t worry, let your local government fight internally, he will watch the show on it, and throw out some outdated technologies casually, so that you will open the door to the country.

But the high-speed rail is different. The central government is responsible for the high-speed rail, so the local government cannot intervene. In this way, power is firmly held at the top, and then those foreign companies cannot carry out the strategy of “breaking each other”, and the result can only be negotiated with the central government. In this way, it is easy for the Chinese government to “two peaches kill three men”, and they compete with each other so that they spit out advanced technology. Although they may not be the most advanced, they have also obtained the greatest benefits of the other party’s bottom line, allowing Chinese technology companies to gradually understand those and then fight for the market in turn.

So this shows that it is not necessarily impossible to play bad cards. As long as the bad cards are well combined, there is a chance to get the most benefits. At least you won’t lose too badly. Just win the next game up. If it is a general situation, it will be difficult for China to catch up if it only relies on its own research and development of technology through ordinary means. The only way to do that is to take a shortcut and let the foreign devils spit out the benefits themselves. Although China is not as high-tech as the other side, it may not be able to catch up quickly if it is purely natural, but it can use the best conditions in its hands to shorten this distance. Maybe there was a gap of 100 meters at first, and then it became a gap of 10 meters, so the hope of catching up is much greater. What’s more, in the Chinese market, China can be both an athlete and a referee, and the difference of ten meters is hardly a difference.

Wang Guorui learned the experience and lessons here, and let him know that China’s huge market is the biggest advantage, whether it is in the late Qing Dynasty or in later generations. If the market card is used well, it will be enough for Yan Takako to spit out a lot of benefits. However, the precondition is that the authority of the central government must be strong. Otherwise, if the local government is allowed to do things blindly, there will definitely be problems, and they will be rectified instead.

“Minister Zhu Erdian, you want me to open the door to your UK, and then increase quotas for your UK, and we can give you all of them. However, you must promise us some conditions!” Wang Guorui said.

Zhu Erdian immediately said: “We can hand over Hong Kong to you, but you must open the market of our British Empire, fully open, and not set up trade barriers!”

Wang Guorui patted Zhu Erdian on the shoulder and said, “Old Zhu, you have been a diplomat for many years and have lived in China for many years. You don’t think I’m a fool, do you? Son, as long as I give an order, Hong Kong can directly become ours. I just don’t want to tear you apart completely and leave you with this last shred of face. After all, although we have conflicts, the people still have There are a lot of business contacts, so I also left some face for you, let you take the initiative to hand over, don’t force you to continue to use force. I bombarded Hong Kong, but I just gave you a warning. If you don’t accept the warning, then we You can take it back directly, so we don’t have to be polite.”

“What are you staring at, kind of biting me! We don’t want to go to war because of this, do you also want to go to war with the British Empire? For a Hong Kong, as for you going to war with us? If you dare, then I will dare to fight The Germans open up their markets, so what do you think?”

Hearing that Wang Guorui was going to open the market to the Zhu Erdian immediately calmed down. Now the Germans are a huge industrial productivity, but they have a lot of products. But the colonies all over the world have been occupied, and the Germans are worrying about not having suitable markets and resources! If Wang Guorui China completely opened its market to Germany, it would be a disastrous consequence for the British. If Wang Guorui adopts the method of “feeding the meat to the eagle” by opening the market to Germany, it will be incomparable to the promotion of qualified industries in Germany’s economy. Once Germany can monopolize the Chinese market, it will take a few years for Germany’s economy, industry, etc. to develop greatly, and even its national strength will rapidly increase many times. Once the Germans monopolize a market of 400 million people, various industries in Germany will take off rapidly in a very short period of time, and the take-off speed will definitely be more than ten times faster than in the past.

At that time, Germany’s armed forces will definitely spend more, and the naval arms race will definitely be even bigger. And once the British lose the market in China, hundreds of thousands of people in the country will lose their jobs, and once hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs, the people in the UK will definitely bring about a series of consequences, affecting more than millions of people. Don’t think that ordinary workers are completely weak. Although the capitalists are powerful now, they were based on the fact that they were able to pay wages so that those workers could barely “live”. But once the workers are completely unable to “subsist” and are unemployed, then they don’t care whether you are a capitalist or not, they will directly smoke you.

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