Red Alert 1895

Chapter 969

Chapter 972 – Out Of Old 0

? Seeing Wang Guorui’s calm look, Zhu Erdian became terrified at this moment. Zhu Erdian thought he was on a diplomatic occasion for many years, and he had seen many good people, bad people, capable people, mediocre people, mixed people, and birds, but it was the first time he couldn’t see through this Wang Guorui. Because this Wang Guorui didn’t play cards according to common sense at all, this is simply the most troublesome. Zhu Erdian knew that Wang Guorui was definitely an out-and-out political hooligan. He did not play cards according to common sense, and ordinary political rules and political means were useless to him. Zhu Erdian didn’t know how to measure the emperor Wang Guorui. Not only Wang Guorui controlled the army, but Zhu Erdian didn’t have any good methods.

In the face of this kind of political hooligan, the best method is to use force to defeat him, so that all his methods will be useless. Because the biggest characteristic of a political hooligan is that when the rules are in his favor, he will choose to use the rules to make profits. But once the daily political rules are not good for her, then he will break the so-called political rules without hesitation. This kind of person treats the general rules like a joke, and then completely ignores the consequences. As long as it is good for him, he will do it.

Zhu Erdian thought that he couldn’t judge what Wang Guorui was thinking, although Zhu Erdian knew rationally that Wang Guorui should be able to see that it would be no good to fatten Germany up. As long as you are a mature politician, you can see that for China, whether it is the United Kingdom or Germany, they are actually “raccoons of the same feather”, and there is no difference. Even if Germany replaces Britain as the world leader, it may not be much better for China. This is like the Huns, Wuhuan, Jurchens, Mongols, etc. In fact, there is no difference for the Han people. They are all enemies of the Han people, and for China, the entire West, no matter which country it is, is actually a potential opponent of China. To put it bluntly, even the Dutch are actually potential opponents of China. Of course, the Dutch do not have this qualification, because the Dutch have fallen, so of course Wang Guorui can be friendly with them and marry their queen.

However, there is actually no fundamental difference between the Germans and the British, and it is not good for China to fatten up the Germans. Zhu Erdian judged from the rationality of a politician, the most suitable method for Wang Guorui was to maintain balance. Either open a house to Britain and Germany together, or simply refuse both sides. Of course, it is also possible that Wang Guorui can use China’s huge market of 400 million people as a regulating valve to indirectly adjust the national power between the British and the Germans.

Of course, Wang Guorui had to make some sacrifices during this process, but these sacrifices were worth it. As long as the economic and national strength balance of European countries is maintained, the Chinese will be able to have both sides in exchange for more benefits. At first, Zhu Erdian judged that Wang Guorui had this idea, because this approach was easy to infer. After all, Zhu Erdian was a veteran diplomat, and he was no stranger to this kind of political means. As long as there are some signs, Zhu Erdian can guess it. Wang Guorui is a conspiracy, a complete conspiracy, and Zhu Erdian has no solution.

“Your Majesty, do you really think so?” Zhu Erdian asked nervously again.

Wang Guorui took a sip of tea lightly and replied: “What do you think? It depends on who benefits us more from China, so I will give more quotas to whoever can be more friendly to China, then I will also You can be more friendly to him. We are like this in China. When friends come, we have good wine, but when jackals come, we also have shotguns. So, you see whether you want to be friends or jackals. I hope you don’t force me, if you force me Going too far, huh! Although our China has not accomplished enough, it has more than failed!”

“Your uncle, you still have such a rascal way of playing!” Zhu Erdian cursed again in his heart.

Wang Guorui has said so much, but in the final analysis, it is just one sentence. Anyway, I am “more than enough to succeed.” If you don’t agree to my conditions, then I will support your enemies. Zhu Erdian really felt terrible. The bad cards in China’s hand were actually played by Wang Guorui. In terms of fundamental strength, Wang Guorui is definitely not the opponent of Britain and Germany. What he relies on is that it is impossible for Britain and Germany to cross the ocean so far to carry out an expedition. If so, he is not afraid. Britain does not have the ability to send millions of troops, so Wang Guorui is not afraid.

Wang Guorui can naturally use his best cards and use them as blackmail. Take advantage of the contradictions between the British and the Germans, and then use their own domestic market as a regulating valve to indirectly adjust their strength. If someone is weak, Wang Guorui doesn’t mind opening up part of the market and sacrificing part of his own interests to “feed” them, so that he can narrow the gap with the strong one. Of course, the level of this kind of feeding must be controlled to the extent that China can If China cannot accept this level of “feeding”, it is naturally impossible to go deeper.

Moreover, Wang Guorui can use the market to negotiate conditions with them, such as giving some outstanding domestic students the opportunity to study abroad, or some high-tech technologies. This can largely make up for the shortcomings of their own high-end scientific and technological talents. This is the so-called market-for-technology method. Of course, these conditions are not the only ones, there may be other conditions, which can be specified according to the situation at that time. Of course, this can be adjusted according to the acceptability of the two countries or the merchants there. It can even deliberately introduce competition, and then directly divide the markets of various provinces in the country one by one, the more refined the market division is, and then all walks of life are also divided. Treat this market share as a piece of cake, and then use it as a transaction.

And Wang Guorui can use the power of the government to carry out compulsory division. After such a fine division, those foreign businessmen can obtain enough benefits, but it is completely within the controllable range. Although this seems to have lost part of the market, it is still in the hands of China and will not be controlled by foreign countries. This matter can be detailed again, but this refinement is to be divided by the subordinate business department, and even a special coordination committee can be set up to be responsible. And this division of the market will not allow local governments to join.

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