Red Alert 1895

Chapter 990

Chapter 993 – Difficult Selection (Medium)

After seven full days of selection, about fifty people were selected out of five or six thousand people. ≯> This is still an announcement of the general standard, which can only be selected after most of the people are selected. At first, a large group wanted to fish in troubled waters, and then mixed into this pilot selection, but they found that those who did not meet the standards in appearance would be kicked out by the first batch. In this way, a legend soon spread that the selection of pilots still depends on their appearance. And this even made many people feel unconfident and left, but in the end, some people still want to come to participate in the selection. After all, with such a high income, this is simply impossible to measure. Especially the high cost of obtaining wealth one by one, this of course makes many people unable to bear this attraction, so they choose to come here.

And the first batch of people who passed the test were just dozens of people. These dozens of people are also selected from almost one hundred people, and the remaining fifty people will have to accept the second and third rounds of tests. If they fail the test, they will not be able to obtain the study qualification.

“You have passed the first round of physical tests, and the second round of tests is for a cultural test. After the cultural test, you can enter the next round. If you fail the cultural test, you should go back! , You use an article first, and then give your resume as an introduction. Then we will conduct a review, understand?” said the colonel of the final assembly.

And this allows them to write their own resumes. On the one hand, it is convenient for subsequent review, and it also allows them to see how much education they have. Because the current education system has not been fully established, it is hard to say how much cultural potential these guys have. Because they have not experienced the test of more than ten years, it is impossible to test whether they have enough “academic ability”. And this “academic ability” is not “educational background”, but depends on their learning ability. If they still have the ability to learn, then the next step must be to give them supplementary cultural courses. If you don’t have enough “academic ability”, then there is no need to keep it, because the plane is a very high level of education, and if it is a little worse, it will not work.

Perhaps ordinary people don’t know why so many cultural courses are required to fly a plane. First of all, cultural courses determine a person’s psychological quality. Don’t look at this cultural course as if it is not helpful for flying a plane. But first of all, if there is not enough culture, then there will be problems with the psychological quality of the individual at that time, and it is easy to go wrong when flying in the sky. In particular, the pilot’s ability to resist stress and various qualities are very strict, and reading and studying is a way to improve the ability to resist stress. Maybe most people just want to work part-time and dawdle without any long-term plans, so their natural ability to withstand stress is relatively weak.

Of course, this ability to resist pressure does not mean doing things mechanically day after day. This seems to be a strong ability to resist pressure. The real ability to resist stress is not only not being able to mechanically and passively deal with external dangers, but also being able to calmly make judgments and then solve difficulties. At present, judging whether a person can resist pressure may not have an absolute relationship with culture, but it has a very important connection. A person who has not received enough cultural courses is not only prone to psychological problems, but also their thoughts and ideological realm are completely different from those of people with advanced degrees.

Maybe many people think that reading is useless, but reading is enough to change the world view, enough to enable you to have a higher insight. Although this seems useless for flying, but after you fly into the sky, if you want to deal with it safely, these are also essential.

Moreover, cultural courses are also an important means of determining the next flight. Without sufficient cultural level, how can these planes operate reasonably, and how can these planes be able to judge problems in a timely manner? Once the plane is hit, you have to judge where it is broken and how you should deal with it. And this is without experience to say, because other professions may have experience, and may be able to win by experience. But in the aviation industry, either there will be no accidents, or the probability of survival if an accident occurs is very low.

So maybe many people think that they can accumulate experience slowly, but there is no experience to accumulate in flying at all. An accident often means death, so you must learn enough things before going to heaven, so that you can survive the danger as much as possible. This flying is a high-risk job. If you are not prepared, then you will go to the sky. Then this is just a “kamikaze”, not a pilot. Therefore, in order to prevent them from “sending death” after being sent to heaven, it is better to kick out those people with poor cultural quality, because it is impossible for him to slowly accumulate “experience” on the battlefield, because people with “experience” often have the risk of death It is very high, and no pilot wants to have this kind of “experience”!

Those people started to brush and write, but there were quite a few people who didn’t start to write.

“Why don’t you write?” asked the colonel.

“We can’t read!” someone said.

The colonel said directly: “Let’s go!”

Those guys also left in despair one by one, and those who were literate were also thankful that they were also literate, and this time it was finally over. But then, when they handed in those articles, it made the colonel who was born in engineering look very bad.

“You guys, let me go! What kind of article is this? It’s unreasonable. What kind of stuff is this? There are many typos, and the sentences are seriously colloquial, and all kinds of content are inappropriate. These rubbish. Even me, who studies engineering, is not as good as you, and you are simply unqualified!”

Soon, most of this group of people were driven away. Although these people can read and write, they are only “literate”, and there is still a long way to go before they are educated. These people’s cultural level is very poor, so of course they cannot be randomly selected for this training.

The remaining presentations will be reviewed again. And this language test has been passed, but there will be a math test next. And this math test killed many people, because the math test eliminated most of them. We must know that not many people study mathematics in this era. In the past, many people thought that mathematics was a cheap profession with no future. At present, it has only been a few years of compulsory education, so there is a serious shortage of mathematics talents, so there are not many people who know mathematics. This time, a bunch of people in Mathematics were also kicked out one after another, and most of them were solved.

As a result, only the last eight took part in the second exam. This is equivalent to the fact that only eight of the original 5,000 people can pass the second test, and there will even be a third test, which makes them feel a lot of pressure.

The faces of the remaining eight are not much better, because this is only the second level, and it is already equivalent to choosing one out of five thousand, such a ratio is very low. If they continue to be eliminated like this, they don’t know if anyone can pass the third level, which makes them feel very scary. If you can’t pass the third level, then this is really going to be eliminated.

“Okay, just because you have passed the second test does not mean that you can enter the third test. Because the third test will be more difficult for you, and it will even make you feel more painful.” The colonel said.

The remaining eight candidates did not choose to quit, because since they came, they had no reason to choose to give up. Because if you want a high income, you naturally have to pay a lot. They also know that this time the so-called pilot school is not so easy to get in. Too many people wanted to get in, but they were all kicked out. But now they don’t know what will happen, this cruel elimination rate has already made them feel very scared. They were even eliminated from 5,000 people. It would be a tragedy if they couldn’t pass.

But now they are not willing to give The more difficult it is to choose, the more cruel the process is, then they all want to keep going. Because it is already the third level, if you give up at this time, it will really be a waste of all previous efforts. Although they knew it would be very painful, they didn’t let them give up. Because this is the so-called blood reward, someone who is willing to take risks will naturally succeed. What’s more, it’s just pain, neither death nor disability, so of course they don’t want to give up.

So isn’t it just pain? As long as they can hold on, they will be able to pass the exam well in the future. Such a scholarship of 80 yuan per year, and even a minimum monthly income of 40 yuan after graduation, will make them extremely jealous. If they can get through this, then they don’t have to worry about it for the rest of their lives. They even enjoy the treatment of officers, which makes them feel even better. Maybe, after this, I can directly become an officer, that would be good too.

“Okay, since none of you gave up, I will let you all go in and take the exam. I have already conducted a physical examination on your body to make sure that you have no corresponding diseases, so that we can also make you have enough resistance. If you are going to take the exam next, then you will be one of the students of our flying club, and then you will enter training and study, and then your future is boundless! At that time, you may become very important people , you may be able to create history!” said the colonel. (To be continued.) 8

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