Red Alert 1895

Chapter 992

Chapter 995 – Material Issues (Part 1)

After Wang Guorui started to manufacture the aircraft, the aircraft could be mass-produced, and even the red alarm system could be mass-produced if he wanted. But it is useless, because this aircraft is easy to manufacture, but pilots cannot manufacture it in large quantities, and people who are qualified as flight instructors cannot manufacture it in large quantities. Because the pilots are all military officers, this own red alert system can’t produce clones who can play with airplanes at all, so this one still has to be cultivated by itself. However, the training requirements for pilots are too high, and with the stunned appearance of those clones, they are not qualified to use aircraft or even command air combat in the future.

“Your Majesty, the biggest weakness of our current aircraft is in terms of materials. We are currently extremely short of lightweight metal materials. If we can use aluminum alloy, then we can avoid using this kind of wood as an aircraft. Even if we can use A layer of alloy skin, so that we can make the aircraft more protective. This can avoid enemy bullets and protect the pilot as much as possible. We all know the difficulty of pilot training, so we must protect the pilot as much as possible. And If the pilot is in the air, it will be easy to be hit by the enemy’s rifles on the ground, so we must have a metal base. At least it must be able to resist the enemy’s bullets, even if it cannot be completely resisted, it must be able to prevent those bullets from penetrating the interior as much as possible. To buffer the power of bullets. If a pilot dies, it will be more painful than losing a plane in the future!” said the officer of the equipment department.

The current pilot is actually the few test pilots at that time. Although the few test pilots already know how to fly the plane, but for these few test pilots, the price spent by other troops is already very high. Training a pilot is almost equal to their body weight. In this era, this kind of propeller plane does not have to be so high, but it is not too low either. So a pilot is definitely much more expensive than an airplane, which is inevitable in any era. Moreover, aircraft can be produced quickly through the assembly line, but it takes at least ten years to grow a pilot from small to large. So no matter what, the pilot will be much more expensive than the plane, especially in the war, the consumption of the pilot is the consumption of the pilot, not the consumption of the plane. It is better to lose the plane than the pilot.

“With the armor installed, can our plane still fly?” Wang Guorui tried to ask.

The technician from the equipment department replied: “There is no way. We can only install armor on the reconnaissance plane, and it must be light metal armor. We can only try to use aluminum to make the armor, but the aluminum armor is obviously not enough. hardness, so we tried to use this aluminum alloy to make armor. However, our results were very poor. At present, we can only make this armor very thin, and we cannot completely block the rifle bullets outside. Big does power, and then makes them unable to penetrate too deep.”

“If iron armor is used, it will be too heavy. Even if we install two engines, we will not be able to drive it. And according to technical requirements, we will use twin engines, which can protect the life of the pilot as much as possible. But the iron armor is too heavy. , if the iron armor is installed, the twin engines may be able to fly, but once one of the engines has an accident, I am afraid that only one engine will not be able to carry the load effectively, so it is actually the same as a single engine. Our current engine You can’t carry too heavy armor yet, so that’s the biggest problem.”

“So since we can’t make rapid progress in the engine in a short period of time, we can only study light alloys, but this light alloy may be too light to have enough hardness. But it is often too hard. The heavy ones cannot be driven by the engine. This is our embarrassment, and we can only let the Institute of Materials be responsible.”

Wang Guorui also closed his eyes. Even before he traveled back then, he knew that airplanes were the highest embodiment of a country’s industry. An aircraft represents the most concentrated area of a country’s industry. Although it is just an aircraft, it concentrates engine technology, various power technologies, and even various machinery manufacturing, as well as various mechanics, etc. It is almost industrial Every aspect of is also covered. Even this material science is involved, and this material science is the most terrible thing.

Wang Guorui even read online novels in later generations. A master of industry once wrote that many things can be manufactured in China in later generations. But the material is not up to standard, this material is not up to standard, which makes it very difficult for them. This material is not enough to prevent China’s fifth-generation fighter jets from being mass-produced, and even if it is produced, it will not be worth the loss.

“The material is unqualified?” Wang Guorui asked again.

The technician replied: “Your Majesty, yes, the material is not good. Whether it is the alloy of the engine or the skin of the aircraft, there cannot be qualified materials. We require all kinds of light alloy materials, and they must be hard enough, otherwise In this way, we can make the aircraft obtain better performance and defense. And various alloys are the means for us to solve various needs. And the research and development of this alloy is actually a matter of materials science. And this material science, There are almost no shortcuts. Material science can only test one by one, and then test the corresponding parameters. And these materials have various special effects, some are very hard, and some are soft enough. But the hardness Higher is not necessarily the best, high hardness may be more brittle, and the yield is obviously not good. The same is true for artillery. Too hard alloys are not suitable for artillery barrels, because this kind of barrels will either not explode. But once the chamber explodes, it will be an irreparable result, because this artillery is too hard without any flexibility and yield, so it is easy to explode the chamber.”

“It is necessary to conduct the same analysis on various alloy materials, even alloy and non-alloy materials, and various metal and non-metal materials. Otherwise, we will not be able to effectively manufacture various materials and aircraft. Material research has no There are almost no rules to follow for shortcuts. Even in mechanical manufacturing, there are still mechanics and various references, but this material science is the most difficult, and there are almost no shortcuts to take, so we probably don’t have anything at present. Good way, only one material test can be carried out here.”

The material determines the development of the aircraft. What the aircraft needs is a light alloy, and it must have sufficient hardness and high temperature resistance, and even the ability to withstand high cold. Rockets are also the most important thing. Manufacturing rockets must not only resist high temperatures, but also withstand extreme cold. This is the most important ability.

There are almost no shortcuts for materials, and only “trial and error” can be carried out in the same way. Only after experiencing all the possible errors once can the trial and error be truly tested. This is too difficult, the investment is too large, and there are many basic materials that are insufficient. This has caused a bottleneck in aircraft development. If there is no suitable material in a short period of time, it will definitely be difficult to develop rapidly.

“Materials science can only rely on the accumulation of time, but what we lack the most is time. Although my red alert system can produce most of the products, what is the use of this? I can even obtain drawings, but these drawings It’s also useless. I can’t get the materials and process of the materials produced. Drawings are one thing, and being able to turn them into reality is a skill. Even if I can let the agents steal the British The most advanced shipbuilding technology, even blueprints can be obtained. But this is useless, even if I steal blueprints, it can only be produced in this red alert system, but in reality it is impossible to Let natural workers produce it by yourself. It is too difficult! This material, maybe the material of the same chemical element, has undergone different heat treatment processes, which have completely different effects. These heat treatment methods are also bound to be used. Hidden, never announced.”

“Some materials may only be treated There are tens of thousands of heat treatment methods in later generations, and it is impossible to make a careful judgment. In ancient times, horse urine was even used as a heat treatment method, which is really a trap Dad, these materials are deceiving people! Where do we have time to slowly trial and error, if we continue to trial and error slowly, I am afraid that there will be no effect for more than ten years, this is really too deceitful.”

However, at this time, someone came over immediately.

“Your Majesty, the British are here. They want to come over to discuss what kind of technology we want in China. According to the previous agreement, they have selected some technologies from those technology lists, and then exchanged technology for our Chinese market. Britain The Germans and Germans are here, what technology do we want, the emperor, would you like to see if he accepts their request?” Quan Zhixian asked.

After Wang Guorui heard this, he immediately laughed and said: “This time is really interesting, what we lack, they will send something, so we don’t kill them well, then we are really sorry for such a good person.” Here’s our chance! Since they’ve come to our door, we won’t be afraid of anything. What if we don’t slaughter fat pigs? When they beg us, we want to see how we come to kill three men again! They don’t dare to refuse , because they need our Chinese market.” (To be continued.)

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