Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 118: Incense Fire Golden Body

As time accelerated and the number of furred people increased, the incense energy Noah Ji absorbed grew day by day.

Gradually, a faint golden hue appeared on Noah Ji’s trunk, a result of the daily accumulation of incense energy.

The increase in incense energy made him feel several new supernatural powers emerging within himself.

He could even use his powers to help when the furred people encountered fierce beasts they couldn’t handle.

As more and more furred people prayed, Noah Ji absorbed countless strands of incense energy daily.

However, this incense energy was now multicolored, unlike the pure white it initially was.

Noah Ji noticed but didn’t mind, as the more incense energy he absorbed, the stronger he felt.

This strength wasn’t just in power but also in his size.

Initially, he was only a hundred feet tall, but he grew rapidly, his trunk height breaking through a thousand feet, ten thousand feet, and still growing with no sign of stopping…

From a distance, he looked like a giant golden pillar piercing the sky.

As his trunk grew taller, Noah Ji’s vision extended further, yet even at this height, he couldn’t see the end of the wild world.

But Noah Ji wasn’t worried; he was no longer the same as he was seconds ago.

He grew quickly, very quickly.

The fierce beasts he once saw were now as small as ants in his eyes.

He didn’t even need to act; a mere thought would have the furred people below handle it for him.

At Noah Ji’s current growth rate, it wouldn’t be long before he could see the true nature of this world.

This thought stirred a rare excitement in his otherwise calm heart.

This was his most successful deduction yet.

Centered around Noah Ji, the furred people living under his shade had expanded their territory, becoming a dominant force in the wild world.

His spiritual energy gradually enlightened these furred people, teaching them to think and innovate, even improving their primitive weapons.

The incense energy Noah Ji absorbed daily had formed a colorful river, dyeing his trunk a brilliant gold.

Even without actively commanding the furred people to pray, he could absorb the incense energy they produced from their prayers, no matter where they were.

With this abundant incense energy, Noah Ji was close to reaching the end of the wild world, just a few feet away.

As Noah Ji was about to uncover the mysteries of this world, a new line of text suddenly appeared before him:

[You have absorbed too much incense energy. You are dead!]

In Noah Ji’s shocked gaze, his once brilliant golden trunk gradually turned black, exuding a decaying aura.

The once proud and sturdy trunk collapsed with a thunderous crash.

Noah Ji desperately tried to mobilize his roots stretching for miles underground to salvage the situation, but it was futile. His once strong and solid roots had rotted without him realizing it.

As the mighty structure crumbled, the furred people living under the tree fled in terror.

Noah Ji tried to struggle, attempting to use incense energy to stop the collapse, but he found the incense energy uncontrollable, no longer obeying his commands.

Moreover, Noah Ji sensed countless thoughts from the furred people within the incense energy:

“Why don’t I have as much strength as him? It’s not fair! Sacred Tree, please make me stronger.”

“Why does he get more than me? It’s not fair! Sacred Tree, please give me more food.”

“Why is he the leader of the tribe? It’s not fair! Sacred Tree, please open your eyes and see!”

The once pure prayers had somehow become mixed with the furred people’s grievances.

The Sacred Tree, which was supposed to carry their beautiful wishes, had now become a vessel for their dissatisfaction.

“Incense energy is toxic!”

As the massive trunk collapsed and the world before him shattered, this was Noah Ji’s final thought.

In the Ancestral Hall, Noah Ji finally broke free from the vision and returned to reality.

The impact of the wild world left him with a sense of loss.

If he could bring that version of himself to this world, even if the Chen Clan had only a few people, they could become the most powerful clan here.

But Noah Ji chuckled softly to himself.

A moment of joy couldn’t compare to the tranquility of long years.

Though he was weak now, it didn’t mean he couldn’t grow to that level.

[Deduction complete!]

[You have comprehended a new technique: Incense Fire Golden Body]

[You have comprehended a new technique: Spirit Devourer]

[You have comprehended a new supernatural power: Enlightenment]

[You have comprehended a new ability: Omnipotence]

[You have comprehended a new ability: Boundary Breaker]

Incense Fire Golden Body: Absorb incense energy to forge an unparalleled golden body.

Spirit Devourer: Absorb the free spiritual energy of heaven and earth, converting it into your own spiritual power.

Enlightenment: You can consume a certain amount of vitality and spiritual power to awaken the intelligence of creatures, accelerating their growth (Note: Only for creatures without awakened intelligence).

Omnipotence: You are stronger in all aspects.

Boundary Breaker: You are no longer confined by growth height.

The results of the deduction made Noah Ji gently sway the sophora leaves on his branches. This deduction seemed quite fruitful.

However, when Noah Ji saw the Incense Fire Golden Body technique, his heart skipped a beat.

But he still carefully examined the technique.

By cultivating the Incense Fire Golden Body, he could absorb the incense energy produced by the clan’s prayers, forging his sophora tree golden body.

The more people in the clan, the stronger he would become, with no real cost to the clan, just a daily prayer.

Combined with the clan’s beast sacrifices and his ability to absorb lunar eclipses, his growth would be incredibly fast.

Moreover, the Incense Fire Golden Body was very powerful. As long as he absorbed enough incense, he could develop numerous miraculous supernatural powers. To say he wasn’t tempted would be a lie.

But despite his temptation, Noah Ji didn’t act.

He hadn’t forgotten that in the wild world, he died because he absorbed too much incense energy. Otherwise, with his strength at the time, he wouldn’t have collapsed.

The final scene still filled him with fear.

Incense energy was indeed good, but it was full of impurities.

Even the unenlightened furred people in the wild world had such thoughts, let alone others.

The key was that once he started cultivating, he couldn’t refuse.

But he couldn’t guarantee the purity of the incense energy, which would inevitably lead to the same disastrous end.

From another perspective, incense energy might never be pure. Even the most sincere prayer represents a thought in the heart of the one praying, regardless of its nature.

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