Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 48: Secret passage?

Joshua Li examined the map in his hand once more, his mind already made up.

Change route, take a detour.

Although this would delay them significantly, it was a small price to pay compared to encountering that Innate Realm beast.

He could gamble and hope they wouldn’t run into the beast, but he no longer had the luxury to take such risks.

Even a one-in-ten-thousand chance of encountering that beast was too high a risk.

Thankfully, there was some good news: they hadn’t sensed anyone tracking them in recent days.

Either the Chen Clan hadn’t discovered they had left through Disordered Burial Mountain, or they simply hadn’t pursued them.

Joshua believed the latter was more likely, which meant they had ample time to take a detour.

Joshua stood up, ready to explain the new route to the people of the clan and to boost their morale, letting them know there was a high chance of successfully leaving Disordered Burial Mountain.

Just as he was about to speak, Jay Li’s expression changed suddenly, and he urgently said, “Joshua, there’s a late-stage Blood Condensation Realm beast approaching from the southeast.”

Joshua’s face tightened. He couldn’t afford to explain further and quickly put away the map, signaling everyone to evacuate immediately.

Their current group might be able to contend with a late-stage Blood Condensation Realm beast, but that was a last resort!

The clan members, though reluctant to move, understood the gravity of the situation and quickly got up, moving away swiftly.

“Phew, it’s gone!”

Jay Li leaned cautiously against a large rock, letting out a sigh of relief.

The other clan members also collapsed to the ground, exhausted.


“Uncle, could you move aside?”

Joshua suddenly noticed something peculiar about the rock Jay was leaning against and began to examine it closely.

Jay, puzzled, moved aside to take a look as well.

Upon closer inspection, they quickly realized the rock was unusual. It seemed deliberately placed there, and on either side of it were faint marks—handprints left by warriors moving the rock.

Though barely noticeable, the marks were clear upon closer inspection. Additionally, the rock emitted a faint but familiar scent.

“Wood Lotus Powder!”

Both exclaimed simultaneously, their eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

“Joshua, step aside, let me handle this!”

Jay, noticing the human traces, began to move the rock. The other clan members gathered around, curiosity evident in their eyes.


Jay soon moved the rock aside.

As the rock was moved, a large secret passage entrance appeared before them.

The sight elicited gasps from the clan members. They hadn’t expected to find such a passage hidden deep within Disordered Burial Mountain.

Seeing the passage, Joshua’s mind suddenly cleared.

Only one of the three major families in Disordered Burial Mountain could have built this passage.

The Liu Family had only recently established themselves in the mountain, and this passage seemed old, clearly not their work. It couldn’t have been built by the Li Family either, leaving only the Chen Clan.

No wonder, even after besieging the Chen Clan, they never seemed to lack food. They must have used this passage for hunting in Disordered Burial Mountain.

Jay’s eyes flickered with various thoughts.

He guessed that this passage likely led to the Chen Clan’s Ancestral Hall. If they launched a counterattack now, could the clan seek revenge?

But Jay quickly dismissed the idea.

Since the Chen Clan hadn’t pursued them, there were likely at least four Blood Condensation Realm warriors left in the clan, including two in the late stage.

With just their current group, there was no way they could be a match. Entering the passage now would be walking into a trap.

Jay had another reason for hesitation: the Sophora Leaf he had seen earlier.

He still wondered what that Sacred Tree, which had caused their clan’s downfall, looked like. If circumstances allowed, he truly wanted to see it.

“Joshua, what should we do?”

Jay, having guessed where the passage led, clenched his fists, ready to fight at a moment’s notice. But recalling their previous battle, his expression changed, and his anger subsided.

“Since the Chen Clan hasn’t pursued us, they must have given up. This passage should be safe for now. Let’s let the clan rest here for the night and decide tomorrow.”

With that, Joshua led the way into the passage.

The clan was exhausted, and a safe place to rest for the night was a welcome relief.

This secret passage might be their opportunity in the future, so they couldn’t let the Chen Clan discover them now.

Entering the passage, they remained cautious.

Not sensing any movement from the other side, they finally relaxed.

As night fell, the passage was pitch black. Most of the clan had fallen asleep, but Joshua stared into the darkness, deep in thought.

“Joshua, have you thought about the clan’s future after we leave Disordered Burial Mountain?”

Jay, who hadn’t slept, suddenly asked.

Joshua was momentarily stunned, then nodded.

“Uncle, as long as we leave Disordered Burial Mountain, I am confident I can restore the clan’s prosperity.”

Jay smiled, relieved.

“Good, good. With you, the clan is in safe hands.”


Hearing Jay’s unusual tone, Joshua straightened up, looking at Jay with some confusion.

“You’ve seen the clan’s current state. Let me ask you, after we leave Disordered Burial Mountain, how confident are you in avenging the clan? How many years will it take?”

Joshua compared their current clan to the Chen Clan and fell silent.

Leaving Disordered Burial Mountain meant losing all their cultivated lands and hunting resources, starting from scratch.

Though he had the courage and confidence to rebuild the clan, facing the thriving Chen Clan, he couldn’t estimate how long it would take to seek revenge.

Decades? Perhaps centuries? Or maybe, never?

Thinking of the Sophora Leaf, Joshua’s eyes filled with uncertainty.

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