Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 70: Inquiry

Hearing Ethan Chen’s inquiry, Elijah Chen scratched his head.

Seeing this, Ethan understood immediately. Elijah must have learned it too. Ethan let out a sigh.

“Alas, this combat skill goes against the natural order. If it spreads, it will harm the clan more than benefit it.”

“Even though the clan has the Sacred Tree that can exhibit divine power, whether it can completely heal the aftereffects of this combat skill is still unknown.”

Hearing Ethan’s words, Elijah couldn’t help but frown.

Indeed, he had been too simplistic in his thinking earlier. The reason the clan members were eager to learn this Five Organs Ascension Technique was because they had witnessed the Sacred Tree’s divine power recently.

But if the Sacred Tree couldn’t reverse the damage caused by this combat skill, wouldn’t the clan fall into further decline?

Losing any one of the five organs would cause immense harm to the body, and the combat skill described the consequences of such losses.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Elijah immediately spoke up:

“Clan Chief, we should still have time to remedy this. I’ll go gather the clan members who have learned this combat skill right away…”

But Ethan just waved his hand and said:

“Forget it. Most of the clan members have already learned it by now. It’s probably too late.”

“How about this, I’ll consult the Sacred Tree tonight and see what it says.”

Elijah nodded in agreement.

If the Sacred Tree could resolve the aftereffects of this combat skill, the clan’s strength would significantly increase, even allowing them to unleash immense power in critical moments.

Ethan had his own thoughts as well. If it were before today, he would have taken measures to seal this combat skill again.

But now, with the Liu Family making moves, even though they hadn’t clashed with the clan yet, he sensed a hint of crisis.

He needed to prepare for the worst.

With the Sacred Tree’s help, the Five Organs Ascension Technique might not be a bad combat skill after all.

Ethan then remembered the Blood Rice in the fertile fields, feeling a headache coming on.

Problems kept piling up, making him feel powerless.

Tonight, he had to ask his father for any good solutions.

“Five Organs Ascension Technique?”

In the Ancestral Hall, Noah Ji was astonished upon learning about this combat skill.

Through Elijah’s account, Noah finally understood what Lucas Chen had been sneaking around for after his worship in the Ancestral Hall last month.

Knowing the effects of this combat skill, Noah couldn’t help but think to himself:


He couldn’t imagine which genius had created this combat skill. Using it was almost akin to committing suicide.

Even though Noah wasn’t a warrior, he knew the importance of the five organs to the body.

His vitality had strong healing effects, but if the brain or heart were lost, no amount of vitality could save the person. He could heal injuries but couldn’t bring the dead back to life.

However, for the other organs, it might not be impossible.

Noah pondered.

Now he had the One Leaf Hindrance, which could temporarily boost the clan members’ strength.

The two might differ in form—one directly transmitting vitality, the other converting vitality into Qi and Blood through supernatural power.

But their essence was the same. Whether using the One Leaf Hindrance or healing clan members’ injuries, both consumed vitality.

If the Five Organs Ascension Technique had better effects and conserved more vitality, it could be a way to enhance the Chen Clan’s strength.

But its specific effects still needed to be tested.

Below, Ethan Chen, having finished his account, silently awaited the Sacred Tree’s response.

Seeing no movement from the Sacred Tree for a long time, Ethan’s heart sank.

It seemed even the Sacred Tree couldn’t manage it.

In that case, he would have to consider how to retract the spread combat skill tomorrow and carefully warn those who had learned it not to use it.

Just as Ethan was pondering how to resolve the aftermath, several green specks floated down, landing in his hand before disappearing.

Seeing the Sacred Tree respond, a hint of joy appeared on Ethan’s face.

If using the Five Organs Ascension Technique didn’t have severe aftereffects, the power the clan could unleash in dire situations would definitely surprise their enemies.

However, Ethan also noticed that only four green specks had fallen.

Was the Sacred Tree telling him that they could only afford to lose four organs at most?

But this also gave Ethan some confidence.

Then, Ethan began to recount the recent clan affairs and asked how to solve the Blood Rice growth problem and how to deal with the Liu Family.

This time, however, Ethan wasn’t praying to the Sacred Tree but was speaking to the air in front of the tree trunk.

Unseen by Ethan, several living souls were attentively listening to his account.

This was something Benjamin Chen had told him in a dream, saying that the deceased clan members resided in the Ancestral Hall.

To save time in the dream, Ethan decided to speak out the issues before sleeping. In the dream, his father would then tell him the discussed solutions, making it more efficient and convenient.

Above, Noah naturally heard Ethan’s account as well.

He knew nothing about Blood Rice; he had never farmed before.

He had only seen Blood Rice and thought its color was nice, but he couldn’t help with its cultivation.

However, upon hearing the description of the Liu Family, Noah became serious.

Especially when Ethan speculated that the Liu Family might also have a clan totem.

Clan totems were unique to this world.

Noah had understood this when he first became a tree, but his memories on the topic were limited.

After Benjamin and other Chen elders were resurrected, they occasionally talked about it, giving Noah a general understanding of clan totems.

Clan totems came in many forms, not limited to one type. They could be flowers, trees, or even inconspicuous objects like stones.

But the essential element of a clan totem was that it had to possess a spirit.

Only something with a spirit had the potential to become a clan totem.

Though the world was vast, spirit-bearing objects were rare, extremely so. If found, they would be seized by major clans, not left for smaller ones. This seemed to be an unspoken rule among the major clans.

In theory, places like Disordered Burial Mountain wouldn’t even know what a totem was, much like the Li Clan.

If the Li Clan had a totem, the Chen Clan might not exist today.

The Chen Clan was an exception, having been a major clan a hundred years ago, with some lingering benefits.

The Liu Family in Disordered Burial Mountain shouldn’t be underestimated either, and they were likely not native to the area.

Having a clan totem wouldn’t be surprising.

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