Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 10

[9] Collaborators and labor and

Heath, my guardian dragon, tells me who I am and I get stuck in words.

Heath had noticed it wasn’t just amnesia after seeing all the impossible places in Hilda.

If this happens, I’ll have to tell you everything.

If I turned my stomach and opened it up, Heath shrugged that I was done listening.

“… you believe me?

“There’s more than one world, and it’s no strange thing to reincarnate from it into another. At least that’s what the Dragons believe.”

Heath spilled that the maiden game I saw must have been based on the memory of a reincarnation from this world.

“Well, thanks to you, I solved a little of that day’s mystery”

Heath shrugs her shoulders.

That day seemed to refer to the day Hilda was thrust by someone.

“I was always put on standby in enough space to react as soon as I was called. But that day, the space leading to Hilda was blocked. I don’t know if that’s what Hilda did to herself, or if someone added power to the space.”

Heath said he was late in reacting because of it and missed help.

“Plus Hilda was supposed to be as stuck down, not the kind to take the unconsciousness. I’m not the kind of woman who easily forgives people’s hearts, and that’s about it, I’ll magically wind them up and try to do enough to get them in shape.”

So Heath, who cut the words, poked his finger at the tip of my nose.

“Probably from Hilda to you the moment you were thrust down. So without magic, Hilda became unconscious and injured.”

To Heath the whole time, that seemed to be all but puzzling.

He looked just a little neat.

“I’m just worried about that timing as if I was after you. Well, let’s just say I put that away. If you’re not Hilda, there’s plenty to negotiate.”

Heath has been laughing, as she has been so powerless.

He’s the one who only showed a grumpy, carefree face, but when he laughs, he’s got a nostalgic vibe.

“You’re afraid Abel will kill you in five years, aren’t you? Then I’ll actively protect you in the meantime. At the dawn of your defense, break your contract and return your treasure balls.”

“That would be very appreciated… maybe with treasure balls and the way to cancel the contract is refreshing”

Heath’s terms were something I didn’t even wish for.

It would be more helpful to have a collaborator than to be protected reluctantly.

But I didn’t know how to use magic without a treasure ball.

“If there’s a treasure ball, it’s got a star on it. It’s in Hilda’s different space. But if you don’t know how to get that different space out, you can’t cancel the contract magic. Even Hilda’s body has amateur knowledge of magic.”

Heath took a big sigh.

“Sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations”

“Nothing good. It’s not your fault. Then after five years, I’ll help you learn magic.”

If you apologize, Heath has said that.

“Thanks Heath”

What a kind man…… a dragon.

If he thought so and stared with sparkling eyes, Heath frowned.

“Stop turning your gratitude. This is what you’re doing for me. I know you’re not Hilda, but you’re disgusting.”

Heath groans as if she was upset.

He seemed genuinely reluctant.

“And call me Ixis about me. Actually, Heath is the name Hilda gave me for harassment.”


Well Heath…… Ixis sighs.

“Heath is the name of a dumb dragon who appears in a picture book. You took it magically all the way to my name, and you lost it. Sounds like she’s disarmed now, but she was a really bad character.”

Abominably, Ixis shrugged.

“Yes, by the way, what’s your name? Let me call you Hilda in public, but it’s easier to do something if you know the name.”

“I’m Meiko. Nice to meet you!”

Ixis looks a little surprised if he offers his hand as he is asked and introduces himself.

I’m sure it’s still uncomfortable because I look like Hilda.

“Okay, Meiko. From now on, you’re my husband.”

Smile all the time, call me your husband.

At the same time as I had a reliable partner, I felt itchy about the sound of your husband.


Tell me what’s going on and re-contract with Ixis.

Since then, there has been an appearance of Ixis on my side.

Exactly that, and Feather isn’t attacking me either.

Unexpectedly, I have a pretty reliable companion.

There’s a little hope for the future!

I was called up by Claude, who looked scared, the arrow tip who thought that.

“Ma’am, you seem to be close to Heath lately, is something wrong?

Claude seemed suspicious that Ixis’ attitude, which had always been hostile to Hilda, had changed radically.

“I just made up a little bit. I can’t use magic without memory right now, and there’s a lot of enemies, right? Instead of being protected, I promised to cancel my contract and return the treasure ball in five years. I’d rather you actively defend me than reluctantly protect me.”

“… Really?”

Claude seemed convinced by the explanation, but his face could not be dismissed.

“Lady, you know…”


Claude stopped saying if you tilt your neck because you’ve been looking at me like you’re suing me, it’s nothing after all.

“What, tell me. I’m curious.”

“No, forget it. I know I shouldn’t say this…”

Urge, and Claude will lean down like a soothing.

People’s good-looking eyebrows in the letter (c) drool even more.

Say it, Claude.

“… why do you keep Heath on your side when I’m here?”

Claude mutters in a small, small voice if ordered by Hilda’s privilege.

He looked like an abandoned puppy.

“And call Heath Ixis. It sounds like the dragon’s real name to me.”

Apparently Claude is obstinate.

I had a face like this even though I was an adult and older, and I thought I was cute.

Because of all the star group care I’ve asked for, Claude and I have been spending very little time getting involved lately.

… Oh well, you’re like a boss who serves me if I try to be Claude.

I realize that when my men work hard, they are lazy even though it is like a boss’s job to work hard.

I was blessed with a good boss at a company in my previous life, which is why I kept on doing that tough company.

Claude was doing me a favor and struggling with a nasty star group opponent. The hardest you can do is definitely Claude.

It’s my butler, and I don’t know what it is because that’s my job, but I appreciate it very much.

I thought we should show this with a proper attitude.

“All right, Claude. Shall we have a good night tomorrow and have lunch with you? I can’t afford it!

– Let’s work Claude.

If you think so and say so, Claude, who handed me the whip, turned out to be a surprised face.

I’d really like to say to drink, but I’m only twenty and I haven’t had that much alcohol.

I’ll keep it for lunch, also thinking about the possibility of being out of shape.

If you go to the ramen or the cafeteria and even discuss your work stupidity, I’m sure Claude can exude everyday stress and be refreshed.

… Does this world have ramen in the first place?

I normally thought of the dining room or something, but I wonder if it’s a good place for Hilda, a nobleman, to go.

Well, we’ll figure something out over there.

What matters is how you feel about working for Claude.

And Claude, I can still tell you’re sorry that I didn’t have to take a stand.

Shall I hand you the whip as a matter of course and stop waiting for me to punish you?

Mr. Hilda’s body hurts the urge to swing when there’s a whip.

I’m talking about how much I’ve been able to wiggle my whip and use it so much that it stains my body!

You raw queen!

“I’m not sure where it is or anything, so I’ll leave it to Claude. What do you think?”

If I had any more whips, I’d say it was dangerous, whipping back into Claude’s hand, and I’d say so.

“Oh, is that… is it okay that the lady is going out with me”

Claude, who had been stiff for a while, dyed her face red for some reason and leaned down.

“Huh? Yeah.”

I wasn’t expecting that reaction, so I nodded a little confused.

“I’m glad. Looking forward to… I am”

As if the flowers were a maiden to be ashamed of, and Claude groaned so.

That look accidentally caught me blushing this way.

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