Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 131

[Baton 6] Bird x Yuzl (Yuzl Perspective)

My sister is cute.

God gave it to me for what my sister wanted.

Dongyun (Shinome) House, the famous house of the Retired Ghost.

My parents were busy, though my house was terminal.

It’s not like I never had love, but I was left unattended.

Good point. I can do anything I want.

The world was boring and boring to me.

If I had brothers and sisters, would it change a little?

I wanted something to become obsessed with, and when I turned twelve, I tried being a brother and sister to my parents.

Then my parents picked up the baby from somewhere.

Baby of a weak and dying woman.

That’s what I adored about my sister named Yayoi.

As weak as I have to protect you. [M]

I also enjoyed being filled with my heart and swinging selfishly if I took care of it.

But Yayoi is – the doctor is also incurable.

If you spit crystals out of your mouth in agony, it weakens.

One day when I turned twelve, at last, Yayoi’s soul… disappeared from its body.

I was ready that day might come.

So when I saw my soul, I was going to use the technique that I could grasp to connect my soul to that body and stop it.

But Yayoi’s soul… slipped through my hand.

The light of flutter and soul floated before me sinking into disillusionment.

– Has Yayoi’s soul returned?

Though I thought so, the soul was different in color and shape from Yayoi’s.

Fluffy and it sucked into Yayoi’s body.


Slowly, you opened your eyes.


“Yayoi, look, uh?

“That’s how much you can eat yourself, brother”

The new ‘Yayoi’ was a child who wanted to be himself.

Take the spoon to your mouth, but you won’t eat it reluctantly.

But if you look depressed with Shun, you look in trouble… and eat it out of my hand if it’s just a little bit.

“Come on, Yayoi. Shall I suck out the magic today?”

“Yeah, please”

What I’ve figured out since the new ‘Yayoi’ came along.

Yayoi’s body is special, and it seems that magic accumulates more easily than others and is easier to crystallize.

The crystals that spit out of my mouth seemed to be a mass of magic.

If I used my technique to suck that power out, I’d feel better enough to get out of the futon. [M]

Although I have to suck magic out of my body once a day as a daily routine.

Still, I’m just saying I can walk outside…… big deal.

I never had a case like this before, so the doctor figured it out.

Yet you called it the new Yayoi – you knew.

… I wonder who you are?

From time to time, you look lonely and look out at the sea.

Yayoi liked the book before, but now you seem to be reading the book with some purpose rather than like it.

You’re looking for a book about the other side of the ocean.

Our country is an island country, a little closed, so we don’t talk much across the ocean.

I asked him why he cared about the other side of the ocean, and he got teased somehow.

It’s like a caged bird burning in the sky.

I’m sure if you didn’t have a sick body, you’d fly right out of my sight.

I want you to fulfill what ‘Yayoi’ wants now.

Because it doesn’t matter if you’re not my real sister. [M]

Losing Yayoi and being unstable for me, you play ‘Yayoi’.

I can’t wait to like the moment your brother and you call me.

The original Yayoi called me ‘brother’, and my personality was more childish.

Everything is completely different, but I would never say that.

If you say that, you will stop being my ‘sister’.

I know you’re a sweet girl.

I know – it’s sweet.

Not only do you let me burn your care, but you care about me.

It’s just a strange ‘brother’ to you. [M]

I’m glad you’re worried about me like this.

A little more in this cage if you can.

Though I would like you to stay by my side.

When you flew away, I decided to help.


They haven’t been able to take care of ‘Yayoi’ right now, and they try to do the laundry themselves, and even cook.

They don’t suit their sexuality to be hit with anything.

I’d rather burn my care, so that’s a little too bad – it wasn’t too bad to be taken care of.

“How come my brother doesn’t cook his share when my share is lavish!

“I just wanted Yayoi to eat something delicious and forget about me.”

Sometimes when I’m obsessed with it, I forget about other things.

That’s all, but you looked incredible. [M]

“I don’t care about me, your brother thinks more about himself!

“I always think about Yayoi for me. Because that’s what makes me happy.”

That’s how I get angry, and you cook rice for me.

You’re scolded, but your cheeks loosen.

Glad you could figure it out…… oh my god.

If I tell you the truth, though I won’t tell you because I get extra stunned.

“My brother prioritizes me for anything, and I’ll put myself behind him. Are you going to die for me one day? No, I don’t want to!

You say it like you’re angry.

That must be a happy way to die.

I want to die, and I’m sure you’ll cry for me.

In that heart, you’ll always put me down.

But… I don’t really want to see your sad face.

I always wanted you to laugh. [M]


Since then, you’ve found your own way out of the world. [M]

Thanks to this, I feel better.

The need for me to suck the magic out of you is less than before… but I’d love it if you were well.

I just learned how to treat magic, and you… had more talent as a ‘retreating ghost’ than I imagined.

There are ghosts in our country.

Defeating ghosts coming from another world and sealing them off to the other side is an important profession to protect the country.

It was a dangerous job, albeit a family business of the Dongyun family.

I don’t want you to do anything dangerous, if you can.

But… I thought it would be different to take what you wanted and do what I wanted.

I don’t know what it is for Yayoi – it’s just that I want to do what I want with you after all.

So I thought I’d let you go free.

Of course, it’s only natural for me to protect you on my dear sister’s side to ensure that you’re safe.

All I had to do was be strong enough to protect you from any danger.


You wanted to study abroad.

Beyond the sea, there seems to be something called ‘magic’ that resembles the art of our country.

Though you said to be stronger… I’m sure there’s a different purpose.

Knowing that, I traveled with you to an exotic country. [M]

Your purpose seemed to be to attend the Twilight School of Magic.

I decided to work there as a teacher and rent an apartment with him.

Although it was originally an all-door school, my sister, Yayoi, has a disease.

If I filed an application, I could have gotten permission to do that.

Back at the end of day one, you… looked disgusting.

Crying eyes.

This morning, you had a strong face full of hope.

“It’s all right, brother”

“… something I can’t tell my brother?

You don’t always count on me. [M]

The problem tries to solve itself.

Don’t bother me, don’t get me into your situation.

I like being a hard worker, but I’m sad that you can’t rely on me.

“Maybe it has something to do with Yayoi not being Yayoi… after all”

You opened your eyes to my words. [M]

“I also realized that you were trying to behave for me as my sister. But I got sweet on that. I didn’t want to admit… that Yayoi was dead.”

Tell the truth.

Though the sorrow of Yayoi’s death is still in my heart.

The wound doesn’t hurt anymore, it’s just there.

Because you were there, I couldn’t break it.

“I don’t want you to cry. I don’t want you to feel hard. So tell me what I can do. Anything will help. I knew I was your brother.”

“Yuzul…… brother”

You still call me brother. [M]

I can’t wait to see that.

“Look, tell me. Because my brother will take out everything that clouds your face.”

If you ask nicely, you’ve told me everything you’ve ever done.


Your real name was Mako. [M]

That’s a very good name.

You come out of a world different from this one, Japan.

Mako, who came to this world with his soul alone, seemed amazing as the mistress of a mansion called Hilda Austin.

But you’ve been taken by your enemies because of your sweetness, and your soul has been flown from your body.

While he was amazing as a yayoi, he couldn’t help but worry about what happened to his buddies.

And today, at the Twilight School of Magic, to which those people were due to attend… you finally reunited with your people.

The long-awaited reunion.

But my people are cold with you.

You found out that some of your people were dead because you were gone.

My fellow reunited at school nearly killed me, and when I heard about the death of my dear friend – you were crying.

“So what does Mako want to do now? My brother’s always on your side.”

“Thank you, brother. It’s enough that your brother listened without surprise and accepted me.”

If you ask, you laugh.

I wish I didn’t have to mumble in front of my brother.

Ask him what he intends to do now.

Though he still looked like he hadn’t been able to recover from the shock, thinking sadly doesn’t make any difference.

No matter how much you want…… so that no real yayoi can live.

“I want to see with my own eyes what’s going on with the mansion”

That’s what you whined about.

Accept the hard things properly, too, so that we can move on.

Keep those strong eyes from clouding.

All I can do is lead and protect you as my brother. [M]

Just like you did to me.

Now it was my turn to help you.

“Why would your brother do that for me?

… Oh, my God, you say.

I can see that.

“Because I’m your brother!

Wouldn’t you? If you laugh like a prank and say it, as you ask.

You finally laughed at me.

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