Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 16

[15] My husband and servant

“I’m gonna jail Feather for once.”

I was unconsciously grabbing Ixis’ clothes when I said so and tried to walk away.

“… I’m fine. I’ll call Claude right away.”

Was Ixis’ clothing the ethnic clothing of the Dragon Nation or similar to the ethnic costume of Choogok in the original world?

It’s like a man’s version of a china dress, if you grab that long hem and look up.

Did Ixis feel my anxiety, and he tells me so in a caring voice?

“Are you all right, lady!?

As soon as Ixis scratched out in front of me, Claude came to me.

I can tell you rushed me to rough breaths and a hurry.

I felt the tension I was straining finally unravel at that look that was worrying me from the bottom of my heart.

I was scared. I thought they’d kill me.

Someone never pointed me directly at him like that.

I was about to be crushed by the hate emotions that pushed me.

That’s not me, it’s directed at Hilda.

Because I thought so. Until now, I have been sent to kill Feather.

Now, there was also an Ixis on the side, so even though it was a death flag-laden situation, there was not enough sense of crisis.

I was alarmed.

So, I was licking it.

I’m not the one who hates you.

I can’t forget Feather’s hateful eyes trying to detach Hilda in me that way.

Feather was seriously trying to kill me.

Because of the loose tension, I almost burst into tears, but I can enjoy it.

I thought Claude would never forgive Feather if I took care of him here.

“I’m fine. I’m fine.”

The fortified voice was trembling and Claude clouded his face.

“… lady, can you stand?

Trying to take the hand of Claude offered and stand up, mellow.

Claude has supported me with that, and I’ve been saying let’s give it a hug, but I reluctantly decide to just borrow my arm.

They take me to the bed, and I lower my back there.

After a while, Claude’s men brought a first aid kit.

Claude gives me a hand on the spot.

There were a number of abrasions and the medicine stained, but nothing big enough that I had to sew with a needle.

Claude’s face, handling each and every one of them, seemed to suffer as if he had been injured.

“Thank you, Claude”

“No. Excuse me, ma’am. I should still have arrived on your side.”

Still thanking him with a trembling voice, Claude shook his head to the side.

I’m glad you showed me, but I had myself in the corner of my head thinking that you were worried about Hilda, not that you were worried about me.

Still enough. Why do you think so attentively when it is?

I tell myself I have to hold on.

Hilda is being targeted for life, and the death flag is rolling a lot.

I should have known that.

“Ma’am, may I ask you to explain what happened and the situation?

Claude told me to explain the whole thing, and Claude frowned.

“That’s what happened when the shackle keys were being taken and Feather attacked the lady. What the hell was Ixis doing to the habit of guardian dragons?”

Claude squeaks in frustration.

“Don’t blame them both. Feather resents me for what I did to Gilbert. Regarding Ixis… I think it was the cause of my anger.”

“The lady is the husband of two. You have no right to go against them, and it is all in keeping with the lady’s intentions. Not to mention you can’t protect your daughter and you can’t hurt her.”

Claude tells me clearly to shelter me.

“The lady seemed to intend to return Feather to the kingdom of the Beast, but I think we need to consider disposing of it”

“… disposition means killing?


To the words that came out of the mouth of Claude, the gentle butler, cease.

I felt poked in front of me that this was a different world than the Nihon I lived in.

The beast man is not a person, he treats it the same way as an animal.

A dog who bites a person is followed to a health center and disposed of.

Same thing.

… Whether you’re a person or an animal, I don’t inherently have the right to take someone’s life.

But here, of course.

He seemed to be reminded that he was right to do so, even though he didn’t like it.

“I won’t dispose of it”

“Since I lost my memory, the lady has changed. Eliminating those who defy should have been the lady’s way to crush them thoroughly. Besides, the advantages of returning Feather to the kingdom of the Beast are not for the lady, but rather for the disadvantage.”

If you shake your neck to the side for a soothing suggestion.

Claude, who was on his knees in front of him, makes his point so that you can hear him out.

“Feather tried to kill her husband, the lady. What are you going to do if you let it go wild and the lady gets targeted again? What if we return to Heta to the kingdom of the Beast and that kingdom turns to the enemy of the lady? I’m not going to miss the danger to your daughter.”

What Claude says is also understandable by his head.

Since I told him I was going to the kingdom of the Beastman, Claude didn’t seem to think very well.

While realizing that, Claude was helping me out, just because it was a strong decision.

“But you can’t kill me because of that. Feather is a child, and I did that because of all the work I’ve done.”

The bad part is me (Hilda).

That being said, Claude has no way of listening to it at all.

Hilda is my husband and Feather is my servant.

Claude says there’s a big separation here.

Even the same creatures are never equal.

Claude is right from common sense in this world.

I know that, but I definitely didn’t like it.

I can’t believe there’s still a chance we can settle it, but we can abandon it, kill it, solve it.

That can’t be acceptable.

“Dear Claude, we’ve cleaned everything, including the rats.”

The room was knocked and Claude’s men told him so.

Claude lets me stand up and takes me outside the room.

When they took me to another room and sat at the table, Claude made me some tea.

I feel that the sweetness of the drink has stained and the sensation has returned to my fingertips.

“Hey Claude. Cleaning, you were cleaning this room just now?

The mansion is always kept clean.

Yet there was no room for rats to leave?

“No, it wasn’t, and that’s what I meant earlier when I ended up with a useless escort knight.”

If asked in doubt, Claude would say something like that.

– That it’s no longer in use.

Doesn’t that mean he’s dead?

“It’s not even a useless escort. We’ll have someone new ready soon, so there’s no need for the lady to worry. Feather has been put in a cabin, and the collaborators have been killed, but if you’re worried, we’ll add about three more escorts.”

Claude apologizes to me with a sorry face.

Values for death are different from mine.

You should have known, but maybe I was pretending not to see it.

Gradually, I feel worse.

Claude’s words of apology had more anger at his failure to protect me than his consideration of the departed guardian knight.

This world, death is lighter than my world.

The knight of the escort looked familiar.

I don’t talk that much, but good luck and all that. I said hello every day.

“… Feather killed him?

“No. To see the body, it seems to be the kind of assassin who killed it from its vivid M.O. Those guarding the garden were killed with the same M.O.”

Claude answered if he asked terribly.

“You mean Feather has a collaborator?

“Yes. But don’t worry. Some of the words” cleaned earlier “include” assassins “.

Claude smiles at me to calm me down.

I felt uncomfortable with Claude, who said something noisy with a soft expression.

“Ixis, I’d like to ask you what’s going on, too. Are you there?

If Claude says so, Ixis shows up on the spot.

“Why did you endanger your daughter while you were here?”

“… he was magically jammed so Hilda’s emotions wouldn’t get through to me. I thought you remembered to close your emotions exactly, but you came back with a heartbeat. I was so worked up that I couldn’t even connect the spaces, I ran and Feather attacked me.”

Ixis answers Claude as she stares, wearing red hair with a regrettable face.

“I’m sorry you couldn’t come any time soon. Are you scared?”

He comes near me, and Ixis strokes his head with a rambling trick.

“Are you in a position to hold the head of your husband, the lady!

Ixis ignored it, though he raised his voice as if there was no way Claude could have been on his side.

“… you can cry. Your anxiety is well conveyed.”

To me looking up, Ixis says so with a blurry attitude and gently hugs me over the shoulder.

I felt they were saying it was just useless to stretch out at those words and glances that were directed at me, not Hilda.

“Ugh… Ixis…”

“I’m fine. Now you’re not going to be so unconscious.”

Ixis gives me a powerful word to brave me to speak a weak voice.

I was relieved, I cried out.


After crying, I decided to go back to Hilda’s room and sleep a little.

The room is already clean, and it sounds like it’s a lie that Feather targeted me for my life here.

“Good night, lady”


Claude and Ixis leave the room.

Sleeping alone is delicate.

I was round with the futon over my head, and I felt signs of someone on my side.

“I’ll stay and go to sleep.”

Once outside, Ixis’ back squeaks like that when he comes back.

That made my mind lighter and I was asleep when I realized it.


When I woke up, Ixis was sitting in bed looking the same.


“Oh, you’re up.”

If you call me by name, Ixis told me about this feather.

‘You didn’t like kissing me so much, you disgusted me. I’m sorry.’

It seems that Ixis said that to me in the garden and then was angry and out for a walk far away.

That said, Hilda and I didn’t have that much space to stay away from each other, so we slept on a hill outside the city.

– If that’s what you want, I’ll ignore you too.

With that in mind, Ixis seems to have been overwhelmed with frustration that doesn’t fit.

The moment I threw my words at him, Ixis was reading feelings of regret from me.

I swore to my heart that I wouldn’t kiss you until I asked for it if you didn’t like it so much.

This way, we lost our way to the kingdom of the Beastman for a short time, and we thought it was me who would be in trouble.

– By now, you’ll be reflecting on your attitude towards me.

Think so, Ixis tries to explore my emotions.

From earlier on, I realized that I had not conveyed any of my emotions to myself.

– Maybe you remembered how to close your emotions?

Ixis was confused.

Are you so rejected that you find a way to do it yourself?

That’s what I thought at first, and I think I was shocked.

Though I don’t mind that, I really don’t think they hate me that much.

I was curious. Ixis secretly went back to me and thought about watching how things were going.

But they couldn’t connect the space directly to Hilda’s room.

If I had a strange heartbeat and flew directly into the sky and back into the mansion, there would have been a line in my room.

I forced it open, and I just went inside.

That I was being attacked by a feather.

“So you didn’t just give me all your love and not come and help me?

“When Mako dies, I die too, okay? If you’re going to abandon it to that extent, it’s weird that you haven’t seen the odds of the first day.”

When I checked it, it was returned at a rate that you would know if you thought about it a little bit.

“Thank you for your help, Ixis. And I’m sorry for being mean… it’s not that I didn’t like kissing Ixis, but I was just angry that I was the first one.”

“I didn’t know I was sorry I took this one in that way… I’m thinking. You should have thought about it.”

Once again thank you and apologize, Ixis looked like a bad bat.

“So what are we going to do? Are you willing to take Feather to the kingdom of the Beasts?

“… yeah, I’m going to. I made this happen because it was Hilda’s fault.”

Ixis sighs that you’re sweet in my words.

But I don’t care what it is to be sweet.

I don’t like making decisions that I don’t like and living with regret.

That’s about it. Make a decision you think you’re right, fail or accept and move on.

That’s how I do it.

“Where do I need to be so nice to the one who tried to kill me? Clearly, I don’t understand.”

“Still, I don’t like it as it is. Take me to the cabin.”

Stand up and proclaim, and Ixis will look frightened.

“… really, you’ve got a troublesome husband. I Honestly, Hilda was more of a mattomo.”

“What’s that!? I’m more normal than Mr. Hilda, who’s a pervert at Shotacon, right?!?

I was unconvinced and ate it, but Ixis seemed to really think so.

“Normal guys don’t tell themselves they’re normal. Besides, Hilda was the worst guy, but unlike Meiko, she was my master. How can you be so desperate to protect someone who tried to kill you when you were crying and shaking like a rat just now?”


If you try to explain, if you don’t want it, you’ll be blocked by your hand.

“From what I’ve heard, my true meaning remains the same. But I’m Meiko’s guardian dragon, and it’s a one-sided fate community… so I’m going out with you. I don’t care what happens to the kid, but your sweet, helpless, friendly husband takes care of himself when he looks away.”

Ixis smiles at his accomplice.

Those eyes have a color that I prefer.

Although this dragon is nice to me, I don’t think you realize that you are.

I have a bad vibe, but I like to take care of it.

“Thank you, Ixis!

“I’ll tell you what, it’s not for Mako. Ultimately it’s for me.”

If he gets happy and carelessly hugs him, Ixis pushes in case.

“I know, I know! Thank you, Ixis!”

“… you really know that, don’t you?

Although Ixis was dissatisfied with my attitude in good shape.

I’m glad you were on my side, Ixis, and I sincerely thought.

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