Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 19

[18] Seems far from the ideal kiss

“What’s an ideal kiss like?

The night before I went to the kingdom of the beast man.

I thought it was time to go to bed, and Ixis asked me something weird.


Answer me.

I can’t think of anything right away if you say so.

I was confused as to why he had suddenly asked me that, but Ixis’ face was serious.

“In a classroom with no one, or with Waldon in the office? And the view’s in a beautiful place… or something?

“Waldon? Well, I know where it is. What kind of kiss do you want there?”

If you answer me even though I don’t want you to be such an embarrassment, even more Ixis will cover the question.

“That’s kind of passionate…… what the hell is this question”

“The first kiss was considered scattered. At least for a second kiss, I’ll make Meiko’s hopes come true. For now it’s a beautiful place with beautiful views, passionately? You didn’t put your tongue in the first time, but you were more right as Mako to let it in, weren’t you?

If I frowned and asked, Ixis was trying to give me a hell of a lot of attention.

And with a true face.

I don’t seem to be making fun of you.

“Because it’s normal!

“Is that my normal?

If you accidentally turn bright red and scream, Ixis tilts his neck.

“No… the normal thing about Ixis…”

There’s going to be endless differences in experience.

The person type of Ixis, a dragon, looks about eighteen years old, but I’m not sure how old he is actually.

Well, she seemed used to it.

“Then tell me what kind of kiss you want me to do. I’ll make it happen.”

Ixis shrinks the distance all the time.

When I only hear the dialogue, they say something amazing.

When I realized it, my chest rattled in vain and my face got hot.

The golden eyes of Ixis stared at me.

That thumb came through my lips.

“You couldn’t just kiss me. You want me to tickle a nice place in your mouth and make him feel good? Or do you prefer to be so intense that you can’t breathe?

Glossy Ixis whispers.

Imagine the content of it and the hot air almost came out of my head.

“Pfft, your eyes are too round. You’re a real child.”

Ixis blows out.

… So I finally realized that they were playing along the way.

“Already! Ixis!


If you try to flat-handed as funny, you can laugh and avoid that.

“Yes, I’ve eaten it many times. So what do we do? I don’t care if they mess with me like that again.”

“… when that happens, I’ll do it.”

Ixis shrugging his shoulders, laughing hilariously at Niyanya.


“No, I’m looking forward to an adult kiss”

If you try to beat the blatantly browned ixis, you will be avoided again.

“Oh, my God, I treated you like an adult because I’d be mad if I told you I was a kid.”

“Make a real fool out of me!

If you say that to Ixis disguised as the wind that you don’t know why you’re angry, Ixis goes out the window to the balcony.

“I didn’t do anything stupid. It’s interesting though. Still, you’re so thrilled just to think about kissing, what can you do to me from yourself?

“Don’t read your emotions!

“Don’t be impotent. Because you don’t have to read it in the first place. Look in the mirror. It’s bright red, right?

I know you don’t have to tell me that.

When this dragon is real, there’s not enough delicacy.

Close the window so that Ixis can shut down.

I slept early that day in preparation for the next day.


Today is a good day for sunshine and a very good day for travel.

Going to the kingdom of the beast man is me and the covenant dragon Ixis, eagle beast man/feather on the deacon Claude.

And the other one.

In addition to Claude and Ixis, Hilda has a contract.

The child was also to be taken because too far away from Hilda could lead to death.

Only one child is allowed to enter Hilda’s room freely.

I mean, Hilda’s favorite.

He’s a moon boy, and his name is Jimmy.

The face is Nihon style similar to the original me.

She has dark hair and a friendly atmosphere, she’s about thirteen years old, but when she says she’s a beautiful boy, she’s not.

When they say you were in the same class, it’s like I’m starting to feel like that.

A face that is neat, but not very impressive, or, honestly, plain.

Yamada, Sato, etc. sounds like such a good last name…… sorry Yamada Sato from all over the country.

Well, it’s plain, and I hope it’s easy to remember Jimmy and his name.

Like this, I don’t feel like Hilda’s favorite has any luxury.

Instead, I was surrounded by all the beautiful boys, so I wonder if they wanted this kind of healing.

But this Jimmy, he’s like one of the first members to be picked up, isn’t he? It means I’ve been around for a long time before Harlem, the beautiful boy.

I have no personality problems and feel like I’m going to be everywhere.

However, when I interviewed him, I asked him about his qualities, which are quite a lot of mysteries.

Jimmy doesn’t remember anything before Hilda picked him up.

“Now you’re a wasp thing. So stay on your side the whole time. You get it, right?

That’s what they said, and when they noticed it, they said it had a crest engraved on top of their heart.

Sounds like he definitely signed a magic contract with Hilda, but Jimmy doesn’t know what it’s all about.

Then I don’t see how he cared at all. I am relaxed.

In the meantime, it was decided that these five would go to the kingdom of the Beast Man.


“Hurry up, or they’ll be waiting in the yard, okay?

Currently, just before departure.

I was with Ixis in the flower garden he used to bring me to.

In front of me is a people-shaped ixis sitting and waiting for my kiss.

I hate being a nigga.

I guess my tension is telling me to take it in my hand.

“You don’t have to be so uptight about anything else, just enough to touch it. Then Meiko can do it, right?

I guess the Ixis in front of me says that out of kindness.

Somehow I know that…

– There’s no way I can kiss Meiko as an adult.

I’m kind of angry that such a ridiculous atmosphere can be transmitted at the same time.

Because I have a little experience, you ixis.

You think you’re better up there.

I don’t like how it’s just that spare attitude.

I’m dying to make you say geeky.

“Ixis, close your eyes!


Ixis follows me and closes his eyes.

Put your hands on that shoulder, stand back and put your face closer.

Beautifully shaped eyebrows, smooth nose muscles, long slices.

After all, Ixis is aesthetically shaped, and when I think I’m about to kiss it now, my chest gets noisy.

It’s a breathtaking distance, so it’s painful to stop breathing.

I get kneeling in front of Ixis once I change my position and try to challenge him.

Take a deep breath and calm your mind.

Women are brave. I don’t care about one or two kisses.

Don’t because you are aware that Ixis is a man. The main body is that giant dragon. If I thought I was going to kiss that, I wouldn’t be fine at all.

Reach into Ixis’ face and stretch out a little.

Here I was ready, closing my eyes all the time, pulling as close as I could and pressing my lips.


It’s too much momentum, and it hurts when it hits my teeth.

But I kind of felt like Ixis was going to laugh at me for this, so I broke Ixis’ lips to delude him and plugged his tongue in.

Open your eyes like Ixis was surprised.

After something, I can’t pull it off and move my tongue.

When it comes to being in people’s mouths, disgust is not surprising.

If I was watching Ixis react even though I was wondering if this was okay.

Ixis laughed with his nose all the time, drawing my hips all the way.

“Ugh, ah…”

Ixis’ tongue comes into my mouth and tickles my mouth.

It tickled and comfortable but came at the same time, where I couldn’t figure out why, I got my tongue tangled, sucked, and my head creaked.

“This is how you do kisses. I’m from Meiko, and don’t get mad at me for that next example, okay?

I just finally exhaled and laugh that’s what Ixis still tells me to get confused.

“Ixis sketchy dragon. You won’t have to kiss me like that!

“You’re about to say hi, you know. They’re even more amazing, aren’t they?

To my protest, Ixis speaks as if nothing had happened.

To my face, I’ve noticed a tremendous possibility.

It’s a possibility that kissing right now is a common greeting level kiss in this world.

The flower set kids don’t kiss often.

Hilda is free for sex, too.

Watching Ixis’ attitude makes me feel like it could be, too.

What a horrible world.

From me, the clingy Nihon, that’s a hell of a story.

“What’s going on, Meiko? Too bad you’re scared?

“… that’s not true! Ixis, how come you haven’t transformed!

If he tries to slap Ixis for saying a hell of a thing, he can easily stop his hand.

“I thought I’d transform in front of them. Most guys have never seen me turn into a dragon, so you know it’s better to show it to them, right?

I do convince myself that if Ixis turns into a dragon here and returns to the mansion, there may be a child who will be wary.

“Kissing doesn’t transform you right away.”

“I’m just saying I can do it if I want to be patient. You’re like putting up with sneezing. Here we go.”

Hugged by a man-shaped ixis, he returned to the mansion.


Ixis becomes a dragon in front of everyone.

I was surprised Claude could really transform without any treasure balls.

Maybe he was a little half-hearted.

Incidentally, Claude explains that the treasure ball itself does not give it away, but only gives it strength.

I have not taught you how to give you any specific powers.

Kiss Ixis… what can I say.

Because I am absolutely angry and decided to take the munchies out of somewhere.

Attach riding equipment to the back of the dragon-like Ixis.

The one where Ixis was in his own different space. It’s like a four-dimensional pocket for a cat-type robot. It’s convenient.

Then I held the feather that made me look like an eagle and sat on its back.

Just as Jimmy and Claude sit behind me.

Let’s go.

The voice of Ixis sounds and the space on the diagonal rips vertically.

An unnatural hole had been made in front of him as if he had pulled down the zip.

In the back there is a space as if sprayed with green or purple on the starry sky.

“Come on, what’s this! Is this the crack in space?

“Do you see anything in the lady’s eyes?

In response to my surprise, Claude raises a bewildered voice.

Apparently Claude doesn’t see the sole in front of him.

“? I can’t see anything, but what the hell are we talking about”

Feather, which is hugged by me, tilted his neck as well.

“The crack in space only seems like a man with talent for manipulating space.”

That said, Ixis starts winging.

The giant floats and the crack of space approaches our eyes.

I thought the silence had come enough to make my tinnitus, I was flying through the starry sky.

The sky, which runs everywhere as hard as it can see above and below, was fantastic and beautiful with a mixture of colors as it was sumptuous.

“It’s time to get there”

“Not fast!? I don’t think it’s been half an hour!

I think he said it would take three days or something, but Ixis told him so lightly.

“There’s a different flow of time in space. It’s been three days since I went outside.”

In front of me, I see a crack in the space where white light plugs in.

We finally descended into the kingdom of the Beasts.

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