Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 20

[19] Time for healing turned into horror in an instant

The kingdom of the beast man was full of beasts, though of course.

From my uncle to my young sister, they all wear cat ears and dog ears.

The beast man is fresh because he’s only seen boys before.

“Nevertheless, you are familiar with the kingdom of the beast, Ixis.”

“I’ve been in this city for quite some time.”

It’s Ixis walking ahead of us, describing the places around here.

In the first place, Ixis taught me that the art of connecting spaces can only connect places that I went on that leg once.

“It’s a familiar place, so we can connect the spaces and go in three days. A less familiar place takes time to capture the space. The map says it’s this florist.”

Ixis stopped and there was one florist ahead of him with his gaze.

Detectives told us that Dog Beast Man Gilbert was working here.

It is there and from the shadow of the building that we look at the florist.

A young man in his early twenties or so, with a large, pure-looking face, was watering the flowers.

A fat, lowering brow with a relaxed atmosphere.

Inside the slightly habitual hair with cream color, I see a peppery dog ear.

Though I can’t see the tail from here, it looked good in apron.

Perhaps if I made it a dog, it would be a golden retriever or a large species around there.

Probable air made me imagine so.

“Gilbert… you were alive!

Apparently, that young man is definitely in Gilbert.

The way Feather was impressed, he was speaking the name.

There was a little tear in his eyes.

He seemed sincerely pleased that his friends were living there.

Seeing how it went, I was sincerely glad to bring him in.


Claude went to Gilbert and attached a promise to meet me.

After Gilbert’s work, in the evening.

First I decide to talk to Gilbert.

Ixis is with me as an escort just in case.

Claude stepped into the private room of the store where he took it, thrilled.

“Dear Hilda!


Suddenly he’s about to get hugged and Ixis enters between Gilbert and me.

“Calm down. Don’t jump all of a sudden”

“… Ah, Mr. Heath, it’s been a long time!

If Ixis says so, Gilbert greets him as if he had just realized he was there for the first time.

I got the impression that she was polite or a little mypaced.

“Master Hilda, did you come to see me? Or to kill? Oh, I’m happy for both!

I thought you were resentful, but that seemed like a total misunderstanding.

Gilbert turns his sparkling eyes.

I’m staying on the spot because Ixis is sheltering me, but it conveyed the feeling that I was nagging because I wanted to hug Hilda.

“Boy, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Oh… you forgot about me, didn’t you? That’s all I’m happy for.”

In Hilda’s word, Gilbert shows us how happy he is that he no longer regrets his death.

I was pushed by enough momentum to say I was betta in love, and accidentally lagged behind.

I have amnesia… or I barely know Gilbert because he’s someone else.

What a light, mouthless atmosphere.

“Unfortunately, Gilbert. Hilda had amnesia. So I’ve forgotten about you, too. He’s here because he wants to know why he kicked you out of the mansion and why.”

If you’re worried about what to do, Ixis will give you a help boat.

You seem to have felt my confusion.

Only at times like this did I want to thank Ixis for his ability to read his emotions.

“So, about me too… have you forgotten?

Gilbert turns into a sad face and his guilt stings.

I have had great difficulty coping with it because it brings my emotions forward.

“I’m sorry. But you came here because you cared? Can you tell me from around there how I kicked you out?

To a sober Gilbert, say it as gently as possible, I get it, Gilbert nods.

Gilbert, who fell in love with Hilda, can now be transformed into an adult.

If I can keep my body connected like this, I’ll be a complete adult.

But Gilbert, who wanted to touch Hilda, was tied to Hilda when he was ready and grown up.

Gilbert apparently made it a lifelong memory of having someone he liked grow up with.

Looks like he was thinking of dying just like that.

I can’t stand being dumped by Hilda.

Before being dumped, Gilbert thought about having Hilda kill herself.

Cut your tail and give it to Hilda.

They killed themselves and asked me to keep my tail alone on your side.

“… cut your tail, gave it to you?

“Yes, I don’t have a tail to shake besides Master Hilda.”

If you don’t know what it means and say it, Gilbert snorts lightly.

What you’re saying to me with such ease that I don’t wasabi into sushi doesn’t amazingly come into my head.

Speaking of which, there was a mop in Hilda’s room that mimicked the dog’s tail.

I remember that.

So well made a dog-tailed mop that Feather was shown to his enemies and mistakenly thought it was Gilbert’s tail.

Just the same color as Gilbert’s hair, I always put it on the desk in the office and used it.

… That’s a mop, isn’t it?

I just thought it was a healing gut to use or even fumble when the cuss came out on the desk, no?

Sure, it was texture-real, but it had a handle or something on it, arr.

When I found Feather’s case later, the handle was broken.

Even though the ribbon on the roots was gone and it only looked like a tail.

Hey, no.

Let’s not…

My healing time will be coloured with horror.

I can’t believe that’s really the tail of a dog…

Or Mr. Hilda.

What do you mean, you mop Gilbert’s proof of love!?

And Hilda’s crazy, but Gilbert’s probably right too!

You look obedient wanker, but I don’t care what you think. You’re sick of that behavior.

I can tell you for sure!

If I replaced it with a human, it wouldn’t fit the ring I got from anyone but you, so it’s like cutting off a drug finger and giving it away?

Hilda picked up her tail for some reason, ribboned it and mopped it, but I usually don’t pull it off!

Gilbert, who talks to me in front of me, speaks with a face like a page of two memories, but he’s not that raw and sweet.

What you’re doing is pretty eggy, or pretty heavy.

But Gilbert normally talks about every such hounding thing, doesn’t he?

You used to walk in the park holding hands, with a knoll like that.

When Gilbert mouths it like that, which is pure and decent, and people seem to be good, it makes me wonder if I’m reacting wrong this way.

Could this be normal as an expression of love in this other world…… or what?

When I thought so and saw Ixis, he was donning as well as I was.

Apparently my senses were normal, I’m relieved.

Looks like a pure wanker, Gilbert looks like a pretty yandere.

I no longer wanted to giveup at this point, but if you listen further.

Hilda didn’t fulfill Gilbert’s wish to kill me.

“You are the property of a wasp. I wonder if I’m allowed to scratch that on my own. It’s unpleasant. It’s not even worth killing.”

With that said, Hilda gave Gilbert only one package and threw it into the outside world.

What was inside was a piece of paper that said how to get to the kingdom of the beast man and the money to get there.

That, along with the travel certificate, and the registration card for the Beast Man.

“Master Hilda is a gentle and cruel man. In the kingdom of the beast as punishment, he commanded me to wait. I know it’s harder for me to stay away from Master Hilda than to die. You understand everything about me and give me the greatest punishment…”

With a lukewarm face, Gilbert speaks, though.

… had reached an area that I no longer understood.

If you look at Ixis like you ask for help, you’ll see each other.

The face said, “Oh, shit, I don’t understand what this guy’s talking about. Help me,” he said to me, relieved to find each other.

All right, let’s just calm down.

My head is going to spark at the love that’s too hounding.

This is more than Mr. Hilda dumped Gilbert.

Didn’t Hilda just keep Gilbert away because she couldn’t stand too much heavy love!?

“Master Hilda, you forgot me. I can’t believe there’s more punishment than getting away from you…… I didn’t even see it. That’s right… it’s Hilda.”

Why are you blushing there, exhaling and excited, Gilbert?

I don’t even want to know, but maybe Gilbert feels a little m!?


… Something’s already starting to hurt my head, so I cut up a conversation with Gilbert early and left the room.

Outside, Feather waited nagging.

Tell him I should go, and he’ll be happy to walk into the room.

“Ma’am, and Ixis doesn’t seem to have a superior complexion either, is there something wrong?

Claude called me with a worried face.

That freakishly stained my mind.

A decent claude looks like a kind of sober.

Me and Ixis couldn’t stand what we held in our arms.

Ask Jimmy, who was with Claude, to take his seat off because it’s too irritating.

I explained to Claude the upside of the matter.

“I see. Is that what happened?”

“… Claude, aren’t you surprised?

I was sure you would sympathize with me and Ixis, but when I was Claude, I listened and was flat out.

“The lady treats the things she once possessed as her own until the end. I’m glad you gave yourself up, my lady.”

Put your hands on your chest, Claude mouths to bite.

… I don’t think that was such a beauty story.

Claude, who thought he was decent, might actually be pretty arrogant.

If you look to the side with that in mind.

Ixis was like me, sending a gaze to Claude to see the unfortunate.

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