Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 28

[27] The honorable sacrifice of the user demon

Jimmy was still asleep, although he went to his room as soon as Ixis and I got back to the inn.

“If I don’t wake up all day tomorrow, I’m going to call a doctor. They’re going to say it’s nothing like it was before.”

Claude whines with a cloudy face.

Jimmy in front of me just seemed asleep, and it wasn’t like he was pale.

“Jimmy, it’s time to wake up”

Speak up and hold hands.


For a moment, I felt a shake in Jimmy’s appearance, as if noise had run on the TV screen.

“What’s up? Lady.”

“Yeah, I think it was my fault”

I tried rubbing my eyes, but there Jimmy just rests and sleeps easily.

It’s the day after tomorrow, and it’s been three days since Jimmy slept.

What comes to mind behind my brain is a letter Jimmy gave me.

Though he has handed it to me with an enlightened look, as if he knew this would happen.

… Tomorrow, you’ll wake up, won’t you?

With anxiety, I fell asleep that day.


The next day, and the morning after that, Jimmy didn’t wake up.

The weather outside was rough and the room was dark, so turn on the lamp.

Me, Claude, and Ixis wait on Jimmy’s side because Eagle Beast Feather says he’ll fly in and get a doctor.

“What if I don’t wake up like this… Jimmy, if I don’t wake up for three days, please read the letter to me”

I got scared to hold it by myself, and Claude and Ixis looked at this one if I spoke of the letter’s existence.

“… that’s kind of ominous”

“What does it say? Let’s open it.”

Claude groans anxiously, and Ixis proposes.

I headed to the door to pick up a letter from my room.

At that time, it sounded like something was rubbing.

The window in the room shook out rattling.

Has it been raining harder? If I was thinking about that, I would shake repeatedly that the flame on the lamp was stronger or weaker even though there was no wind.

“Ma’am! Jimmy’s looking good!

If you thought it was kind of creepy, Claude raised her voice.

If you look at the bed in that voice.

There was something strange happening to Jimmy’s body.

Noise runs on the part, and he looks like a doll in the blink of an eye.

The brake gradually grew larger and Jimmy’s body changed visibly.

By the time the noise subsided, a doll was lying where Jimmy was.

“What’s this all about?

Right in front of you, Jimmy. Exquisitely crafted doll just like that.

Its glassy eyeballs are opened and the joints of the fingers have joints.

My skin was as elastic as a person, but I can’t feel the temperature.

Whatever you thought, Ixis started taking Jimmy’s clothes off.

There’s a magical tattoo carved on its back, and I groan that there’s enough ixis to confirm it.

“This… is a magic doll”

“Magic doll?

Ixis explains the words to me repeatedly.

A magic doll is a doll that, as its name suggests, moves powered by magic.

It was said that it would be used as a vessel when using objects that existed in the spiritual body, without entities such as spirits.

“So you’re saying Jimmy was a spirit or something?

“Don’t be like that. Spirits are rare and difficult creatures to find… Hilda could do it.”

Ixis, nodding at my words, looked puzzled.

Jimmy is the spirit.

I had no idea it was such a big thing.

To be honest, the shadow is thin… no, it’s even worse because he was too normal a kid.

“Well, but if you find out it’s a magic doll, it’s also easy why you were asleep. You’re out of the magic Hilda was giving you. I haven’t had a magic supply since Hilda lost her memory.”

“So if you give me magic, Jimmy’s gonna wake up, right?

If I asked Ixis, I nodded that it was probably so.

That’s a quick story.

You just have to let me give you magic.

Then I wish you would have told me so, but why did Jimmy keep quiet?

“Wait a minute! I’ll read the letter!

Maybe it says how to replenish magic there.

Hurry back to the room, open the envelope and fetch the note (Bin Bin), thinking that I would hate it if it said something about the will.

‘You won’t have to worry if I fall. I’m just like you in the first place, a mental body, and a dead ghost in the first place. Its body is also a magic doll, not a person’

Apparently, as Ixis put it, Jimmy’s body was a magic doll.

They were just ghosts, not spirits.

A ghost… a ghost, huh?

Feeling something a little scratchy, I wonder if it says how to do magic replenishment, lowering my gaze downwards.

As I proceeded to read it, it said that Jimmy was a ghost in the first place, caught by Hilda where he was about to disappear, trapped in a magic doll.

It also says that I slept a lot because I was always getting magic supplements from Hilda, but I couldn’t take them anymore and ran out of residue.

This was also what Ixis expected.

“I have to leave this body and do something. So please dispose of my body. If Hilda comes back while I’m gone… I know it’s unlikely she’ll be there at that time, but I’m glad you told her I’ve been happy ‘

Although I had finished reading it, it did not take any way to replenish the magic.

Yeah… I knew this was a will.

Round it up if it is not helpful and put it in the trash.

What does Jimmy give up when he can live if he replenishes his magic?

I don’t know about ghosts, but they’re still young and they exist in this world.

I don’t know about letting go of living so light when there are people whose death flag is ugly up like a mountain.

By and large, such a will should be said to Hilda herself…

There? I think.

It was like Jimmy’s sentence knew I wasn’t Hilda.

Spread the rounded paper and I realized the critical things I had overlooked there.

This letter… is Nihon in the first place.

– In the same spirit as you.

– I don’t think it’s very likely that Hilda will be there when she gets back.

The sentence seemed to indicate that I was another person in Hilda.

Perhaps Jimmy also knows that I’m a Nihon in Hilda.

Whatever it is, we need to talk to Jimmy once.

Yes, I thought.


The letter was not helpful, so I’ll ask Ixis and Claude how to do the magic replenishment.

“I know that then. You can easily replenish magic with a kiss.”

That’s what Claude said lightly.

Invisible powers like magic or something like that seem to transfer to the other person by direct contact.

Use the power of Claude’s flowers to increase the opponent’s magic, which meant that kissing was the easiest way to give power to the opponent.

… You love kissing this world!

No, I don’t care if you read a fairy tale or something, you’re kissing the princess off her curse, and is this the basics of the magical world?

Or is it the effect of that maiden game, The Crown of Dusk (Odin), challenging the age limit criticality and having a lot of kissing stills in vain?

Well, Jimmy’s thirteen, and in this case, his life is at stake.

You can think of it as artificial breathing, and there’s no particular resistance.

Above all, no matter where you look from, Jimmy was more of a doll than a person right now.

I’m sleeping in bed. Sit by Jimmy’s side, get yourself out of here for a second.

I tried to mouth it, but it grabbed my shoulder.

“What, Ixis?

“You don’t have to replenish it from your lips, just focus on the magic formation on your back and you’ll be fine”

“Really? Well, that’s better.”

Follow Ixis’ advice to roll Jimmy’s clothes and touch the magic formation on his back.

“By the way, how am I supposed to instill magic?

“I feel like I don’t want to smash him.”

It was a mistake to ask Ixis.

If you turn your gaze to Claude, you’ll look in trouble.

Apparently Claude couldn’t use magic, and he didn’t know how to do it.

“I thought kissing was faster.”

I have done it twice for Ixis to return to the figure of a dragon if I kiss him.

I’m sure the handover of power is fine like that.

If I thought so and put my lips close, Ixis stopped me again.

“Now what?

“… you hated me so much when I was you. Why are you trying to kiss him like that?

For a moment I wondered what Ixis was talking about.

He frowned unhappily and said that to me, unwittingly pounding.

“Ixis. Did you, or did you force the lady to kiss you?

I heard a voice that sounded low.

If you look back at the unpleasant feeling, Claude’s eyes are narrowed and cold colored.

Soon the hand is gripped with munchies.

“No, you’re not, Claude! That’s what I need!

“No way, did you and Ixis…?

I rushed to defend myself, inadvertently digging a grave.

Claude’s eyes open to surprise.

Shit, I did the trick of holding my mouth down, but it shouldn’t have gone any further.

You can also delude Claude if that’s not what this means, Claude’s face gets tense.

“… I give up that it is the only thing a lady can do to kiss or relate to the boys. But why are you kissing Ixis, an adult! The lady should only be interested in the boy!?

Scream like Claude was desperate.

But I want you to realize that the dialogue is all kinds of strange.

No… Hilda’s the one who’s weird.

Boys are good and adult equis is usually the opposite. It’s a crime!

I’m not sure why Claude looks so sad!

“It’s the only way. This is the only way to gain strength and become a dragon without removing treasure balls from different spaces.”

“I see. You used that reason as a shield, you took the lady’s lips. This wasting dragon. Even if I wanted you to use the power of flowers, you said you’d never been kissed…!

Claude’s eyes are frightened against Ixis, who speaks with a floating mouth.

And there’s too much power in the second half.

“Now’s not the time! We have to replenish Jimmy with magic!

If I put the two together and tried to mouth Jimmy again, this time they grabbed me by the shoulder for a long time and stopped me.

“Ma’am. Jimmy has a massive lack of magic. So use the power of my florists to increase their magic before replenishing them.”

Claude says that with a desperate face.

“No, but that’s…”

“You can kiss Ixis and I can’t…?

At last, Claude looks sad to me.

“I didn’t kiss Ixis because I wanted to.”

Are you trying to tell me you didn’t want to kiss me?

If I try to say no, Ixis gets upset and looks a little hurt.

What? What am I supposed to do with this?

Claude stares at me with a loud eye to break it, and Ixis looks like he’s hurt, and Jimmy won’t wake up.

“That’s right! Can Ixis use magic?

“Oh. What’s wrong with that?”

If you ask, Ixis squeals.

“Then if Ixis focuses his magic on Jimmy’s magic formation…”

“If the magic and quality inside is different, Jimmy could break”

I thought it was a good idea at the corner, but it doesn’t seem to work.

I knew it had to be Hilda’s magic.

“So what are we gonna do? Do you kiss Jimmy or Claude? You are.”

Ixis is going to say it as if he despised it.

When I got frustrated why I had to be told that way, the door to the room opened and the feather came in.

Feather, who flew in the rain and called the doctor, was soaking wet.

“I’ve got a doctor for you!

There was something much more flashing in my head when I saw Feather.

This is it. I can do this!

I found hope and I grabbed Feather’s shoulder.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Look straight into the bewildered Feather’s eyes and take Feather’s hand.

There was a sign of the devil.

“Feather! Will you kiss Jimmy!?

“Ha!? What are you talking about? You!

Feather as well as Claude and Ixis on my suggestion had the face that they didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Feather is my demon and gives me water attributes. The quality of magic should be exactly like mine!

How could I not have noticed there?

That solves the problem.

“… I see you had that hand. That’s your first job as a demon, Feather.”

“Then you don’t have to bother the lady.”

Ixis and Claude mutter to each and look at Feather.

“What. Why are you approaching me? Don’t… Huh!

Feather was scared, but this is for Jimmy too.

If I kiss you now, it’s gonna be tough.

It’s bad for Feather… but I got him sacrificed.

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