Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 35

[34] Hilda and the village boy

I waited in the office with Ixis, and Claude came.

The face was serious in itself.

While we were in the kingdom of the Beasts, there was a strange outbreak in the territory.

“What kind of disease?

“That’s the disease that grows orange-colored cockerel in your body, and grass grows from it,” he said.

According to Claude, the first report appears to have been made five days ago.

The disease was confirmed in a small village on the edge of the territory.

He said there was already cockerel all over his body and grass was growing from it.

Then the damage has expanded, and the disease has been confirmed in the villages around it, apparently.

Orange cockerel grows on my fingertips and toes, and it keeps spreading.

But at that point, he’s fine and he’s not unwell.

After about a week, the grass grew from the place where the cockerel grew, and it became debilitating as if it had been inhaled with nutrients.

Hilda’s husband’s brother, who had asked to represent him at times of need, had sent a doctor to the village properly.

Although the investigation seemed to be the Lord’s dispatch rather than the treatment…, that is still sufficient.

However, according to the doctors, they’ve never seen a disease like this.

You’re lucky, and it didn’t do much good in the end.

But it’s quite different from not having a report.

The age of the sick villagers seems to be varied and there is a huge difference between houses that suffer from disease and houses that do not.

And rather than growing on the skin, the skin is degenerative.

It is difficult to peel it off.

Grass grows from the cockerel…… that point grabs my head.

“Claude. That cock isn’t yellow, it’s orange?

“Yes, it does, though. Is there anything you can think of?

If you ask, Claude tilted his neck.

An unlikely illness in a previous life Nihon.

But only the phenomenon of grass growing from cockerel, I remember.

In the maiden game “Crown of Dusk,” special cockerels can be collected when an event occurs only when the earthly attributes are elevated.

When you mix that cockerel of yellow, called kooko gokee, with the soil of the field and assimilate it with the magic of earthly attributes.

A grass with magic that only grows in the woods… makes it possible to grow demonic grass.

I was just thinking about cultivating magic grass as a specialty of the territory, so its presence immediately occurred to me.

Although there are differences in the color of the cocktail, the fact that grass grows from the cocktail is very similar.

If the growing grass is magic grass, does it have anything to do with it?

“Do you have a sample of the cockerel or the grass that was growing?

“No, but it looks like Keefa got the disease.”

If you ask, Claude clouds his face.

Keefa wasn’t at the breakfast table today, that’s the name of the star group boy.

I come from a village in the territory controlled by this Austin family that Hilda has been married to, and I am fifteen years old.

I hate the Austin family from the bottom of my heart doing whatever bad governance I want, and she can be a very defiant kid to Hilda.

He was a Keefa who refused to eat dinner with me from time to time, so he didn’t care that it was the usual thing, but he was sick.

Claude stopped when I tried to observe the medical condition with a quick visit.

“Please wait. It’s also a disease that I don’t really know how to infect. The doctor also seems to have said it’s the first disease he sees, and it’s not a good idea to approach the mumps”

“But I don’t know what the symptoms are until I see them.”

I also know what it’s like to be vigilant Claude, but I don’t know what I’m not going to look at.

“Are there any other infected ones in the mansion?

“No, not at the moment. Keefa only.”

Claude answers Ixis’s question.

They didn’t see any infected people in the city around the mansion, and it was said that Keefa must have gotten sick when he returned to his village.

Apparently Keefa has been stuck in the room all this time.

Claude went to check on him this morning and discovered he was suffering from a disease.

It seems that it has already been more than a week since the cockerel grew, and the grass has also grown from it.

The kid in the room was Jimmy, so Keefa was alone while we were in the land of the Beasts.

In addition, there was something like a lone wolf, and they just stuck it in the room, so nobody noticed anything strange.

I knew that if I didn’t see the real thing, I wouldn’t be talking about it, and the three of us would visit Keefa’s room.

“You smell like vanilla strong. Are you burning incense?”

“No, it smells like cockerel.”

If you open the door, you’ll get a dark vanilla scent, and Claude answers the facetious Ixis.

Even cookies with too much vanilla essence don’t smell so good.

Instead, I have heartburn levels.

To the lid, Koukougoke reminds me that when it smells slightly like vanilla, it was written in the item drawings in the game.

A drawing page that most players would be skipping reading, but I liked the alchemy elements in the game I was loading quite a bit.

But this doesn’t seem like a slight level…

He stood on the side of Keefa lying on the bed with a claude lying on his side that opened the window and started venting.

“Keefa, are you okay?

“What are you… you’re back…”

Keefa opens her mouth weakly if she speaks.

Keefa looked thinner than before.

He is fifteen years old, but he looks about ten years old with a short, child-faced face.

Tickling eyes on flax colored hair. He’s an idol face who’s always been evil to Hilda but not compelling at all and even looks adorable how angry he is.

“Hey, I’m sorry.”

If you say so and roll the blanket, Keefa’s arms and legs are covered in surprise.

From there the grass had already grown.

In the grass that becomes the material for poisoning, what becomes the material for restorative drugs. In addition, it even grows mushrooms.

We need to go all the way to the woods. It’s a kind of plant called Demonic Grass with magic.

This is like a rich nursery in the woods.

And Claude was right, the coke was orange, not yellow.

The scent is very strong, and I think it might be an upgraded version of Kouko Goke.

“How did you get this disease, do you know what caused it?

Keefa shuts up.

That seemed affirmative.

“Wouldn’t you tell me, Keefa? This is important.”

“… sneaked back to the village while you were gone”

Keefa groaned blushly when asked.

You think you’re going to get slapped with a munch, Keefa looked like she was going to bite her lips off and endure something.

“I’m not going to be mad at you. From now on, you can call me or Claude and go home whenever you want.”

Keefa opens her eyes.

I guess I thought Hilda would never forgive me.

But I had already received a report from Claude.

Besides, I’ve always known Keefa would sneak out of the mansion from time to time and go to the village.

With some of the food and what Hilda gave him, Keefa returns to the village at a rate of about once every three days.

I knew it and I was letting it go.

When I say sweet, it’s a sweet procedure.

But this wasn’t my decision, it was Hilda’s instructions to Claude.

You miss Keefa getting out of the village and pretend you don’t know.

Yes, Hilda seemed to have told Claude.

Could Hilda be a good place to be…?

I don’t know what you thought.

“That kid won’t run away. Realize there’s no place over there, desperate over and over again. And then you realize you’re gonna have to keep me from loathing you.”

He said that and laughed contentedly, so the theory of a good person quickly disappeared.

Yeah, Mr. Hilda, you’re just a dos!

In the first place, what circumstances led Keefa to join Hilda’s Shota Harlem?

That seems to have been triggered by Hilda’s incident at the wedding.

At that time, the sunshine continued in this territory, and many of the villagers were starving.

Many aristocrats were invited to the grand wedding held in it.

Keefa apparently snuck into it somehow and threw mud dough at Hilda’s pure white wedding dress in front of the guests.

“Because of you, my family is dead. My brothers and sisters and all the villages are starving. So even I was dumped… ugh! And you’re the devil for a big wedding! Who celebrates!

Keefa hit Hilda directly for what no one in the village’s adults could give up everything and say.

The owner of the Austin family was furious with this and tried to execute Keefa, but Hilda stopped it.

“- You look good. The wasps will keep you.”

Hilda said so in a cruel grin.

The owner of the Austin family gave him the right to treat Keefa as he pleases.

With that circumstance, Keefa is here as part of Shota Harlem.

He wants to go back to the village, but I don’t do it because there is a past where Keefa was dumped by her family because of her mouth drop.

Keefa grew slowly because she was feeling malnourished when she was picked up.

Even though I’m fifteen, I only look like I’m about ten, and I was still pretty thin.

You’re the only one who can resist eating something delicious, and you only take a minimum of meal.

Every time Keefa takes a souvenir home in the village.

Claude had reported that the family was going to chase Keefa back as soon as they received it.

Apparently, Keefa’s family was blamed for what they did to the villagers after that incident.

Village taxes were raised by Lords of Austin and harassed by villagers.

The tormented family said they hated what Keefa did.

Still, I can’t say anything about getting exactly what I can.

Abandoned and even neglected by my family.

But only money and goods are exploited.

Keefa thinks of her family, and Claude tells me she can’t even have a decent meal, but she doesn’t.

Well, I know it’s me (Hilda), even if I can’t get a scratch in it, right?

“My father’s symptoms are worse than mine… please, get the doctor… he’ll die”

Keefa spins her breath constantly as well.

I found out that Keefa cared so much about her family that she even hated Hilda.

Whatever family it is, it must be important to Keefa.

Tears seeped into his eyes.

Sister, brother, or parent brother.

All Keefa’s family members were ill.

“Are you suffering from most of the villagers or disease?

“… about half. But the people next door didn’t get sick at all.”

According to Keefa, there are houses that cost less per house.

I wonder what the difference this makes.

Houses with sick people are mostly whole families, suffering from illness.

Most of the houses that are not there have not laid a single person ill, he said.

Doctors’ and Keefa’s reports were consistent.

“Didn’t you do something different?

“As usual, I gave my family something to give them and went home. But that day…”

“I don’t care if it’s trivial. Tell me!

“My sister gave me some water. Tell him to drink it because it’s hot. When I drank it I felt like I smelled a little vanilla.”

If you ask me, Pottori and Keefa said that.

“Thanks Keefa. I’ll take care of it later, okay?”

Engage firmly.

If there was anything I could do, I had decided to do everything in my power to do that.

Look at me with a face like Keefa was surprised.

Hilda and the others can’t hide the confusion.

Though I am a ghost and not a real Hilda.

As always, I am going to desperately lift up while I am this body.

In my own way, a little while ago.

If you can’t think of an answer, you just have to think about it later.

I cried in Ixis’ arms that day and my feelings became surprisingly light.

It was becoming considered natural that way.

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