Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 55

[54] Dragons, lace and mouth and

The brothers of Ixis invite me out to the meadows.

Spent the fourth day in the dragon.

Today, he seemed to race that it was annual.

Sounds like an event I’m bound to do at this time of year when my brothers are all here.

In the basket held by the daughter-in-law of the first dragon, the brothers of Ixis put fruits like golden walnuts.

“Could that be the fruit of Corda?

“That’s right! You know damn well!

She looks surprised at my question in a slightly younger way.

In the game, the fruit of Corda is considered to be on the verge of extinction.

Eating it was a valuable item that could raise your status to the bottom.

Even I played scattered games, I’ve only gotten them about twice.

I read and knew in the drawings that its actually very delicious.

Apparently, I’m going to give this fruit now, and race.

All my brothers became dragons, and I took the wheel of a flower that I had only one on an island far overhead and went back and this would be ok.

They’re all hanging like jewels on their chests, and if they break this one, they disqualify.

It’s a game of assault and obstruction.

The dragon who brings back the wreath is given the fruit of the corda and a kiss from the bride as a second prize.

Apart from the family of Ixis, there are many dragon tribes in the square.

Anticipating who to bet on, the daughter-in-law of the second and third dragons had received the stakes from everyone with a living face.

They’re no longer turning it into a kind of event.

The dragons seem to be hungry for entertainment.

The second dragon brother seems to be having fun with Nico.

The third dragon brother looked tired before the battle began. From your third brother, you smell like a struggler somehow.

“So it’s time to do it!

That’s what your second brother says and turns it into a dragon for everyone to signal.

Same dragon, face and look, quite different.

The brothers of Ixis are red, blue, yellow, gray, and so on.

Something with thick tails or smaller wings.

The shape of the corner is pointing upwards or the face is lumpy.

Even when I said dragon in a word, I had personality.

“Ouga will be a dragon, too, won’t he? It’s kind of weird.”

Talk to the Ouga who is lying down.

Because I thought I was a person, I felt uncomfortable that Ouga could be a dragon.

In the last four days I’ve finally gotten used to horns and wings growing ooga.

“You don’t like me being a dragon?

“I don’t, but I know Ouga, like I don’t know Ouga. I’m sorry. You don’t know what you’re talking about!

Asked, he laughs and mouths to delude.

Something like a little Moya, it was on my chest.

The unknown part of the person I thought was very close to.

Ouga had so many mysteries, I didn’t think he was telling me anything, though I wasn’t willing to pry.

Seems like they’ve been hiding things for a long time…… I was feeling a little lonely.

“Whatever you look like, I’m me. Because it’s a dragon… you don’t like me anymore?

Ouga asks with a slightly troubled, anxious face.

“No way! That’s not what happened, you could have told me about it, right? I just thought so!

I think I was probably surprised, and I wouldn’t have believed it where you told me.

I also know exactly why Ouga kept her mouth shut… well, I mean, I just felt like a bully.

“… Meiko!

“Hey, what’s wrong Ouga!?

Ouga hugs me by calling my name like I’m impressed.

I panicked and tried to let go of my body, but noticed that Ouga was crying a little and stopped.

“… Ouga, why are you crying?

“I didn’t think you’d accept me that easily. Even dragons were known and I was afraid they would stop treating me the way I’ve always been… I wish I had been brave sooner if this were the case”

If you ask while confused, Ouga whines with a complex voice of regret and joy.

The big body was shaking a little.

Ouga finds out that I was a dragon and was very afraid of being hated.

“I know that would surprise you, but I wouldn’t avoid an ouga about that. Of course, right?”

“Meiko… thanks”

If you sneer and sigh by accident, Ouga will free me from my arms and break my face.

“Mostly whatever Ouga is, it’s important to me… because I’m my best friend. I’d rather be angry at what they thought I’d hate to that extent.”

I try to hide it in a fuzzy, scolding tone and convey an embarrassing but subtle friendship.

The corruption since high school, I don’t know what to say.

That’s why I thought Ouga was my best friend, over age and between men and women.

“… kind of, honestly, I’m not happy anymore. It’s complicated.”

People said they showed corner friendship, but I didn’t seem too happy when I was in Ouga.

It makes me a little sad that I’m the only one who thought I was your best friend.

“Don’t look like that. I’m glad you said you were my best friend, but that’s not all I’m asking for.”

That’s what I say in a slightly lonely voice, and Ouga strokes my head with a shin.

The same goes for Ixis, but they had a habit of stroking their heads a lot.

I look up at Ouga’s eyes and think that Ouga liked me.

As usual, Ouga treats me, so I tend to forget to follow.

I almost apologized, but I thought Ouga probably wouldn’t like that, so I decide to be stroked without saying anything.

“What are you doing with Augusto? Come here.”

Ixis calls me in a low, grumpy voice and I go that way.

If you get close, Ixis has pulled my hand and kept my body close.

“Mako, I’m gonna kiss you.”

“What, yeah”

He whispers and nods in his ear.

I had talked to Ouga about it, but Ixis couldn’t look like a dragon without my kiss.

Ixis keeps lifting my jaw and layering my lips.

A kiss to gain the power of a treasure ball, needed to be a dragon.

The kiss of Ixis is deep, even though it should be enough to touch his lips softly.

It was as intense as it would take away, and my eyes were tiny on that unforgiving mouthpiece.

“Ah! Brother Ixis, no! Even though the bride’s kiss is the privilege of the winner!

“I’ll win anyway, I just got it first.”

To the voice of the youngest dragon who condemns, Ixis looks remorseful and releases his lips.

The saliva that draws between them is twisted and frizzy with the lips so that it is wiped with the belly of the thumb.

I couldn’t help myself and it seemed like I was floating in heat.

Ixis laughs in my ear when it took me a long time.

“Are you glad you can’t help it?”

“… Huh!

They say mean things, they get stuck in words.

Although I usually complain about kissing like this in public.

The setting of lovers and the need to become dragons makes it easier.

Even though Ixis has plenty of room, only I seem to be flirting…… I regretted it.

“You have a good gut to show in front of me, Ixis. Mako is also my bridesmaid candidate. I’m supposed to have the right to win and get a kiss from Mako.”

“Give up, Augusto. You can’t do this to me.”

Ixis laughs invincibly at Ouga as he turns his aggressive gaze.

There was a spark between them.

Ixis becomes the figure of a dragon.

Red and big dragons have beautiful golden eyes.

Disappointed feet or sharp nails.

That look that makes me feel powerful makes me think I look better than any other dragon.

In the same way Ouga became the figure of a dragon.

Black body and deep blue eyes.

The figure was two melons, an Ixis, apart from color.

“They both look like dragons,”

‘Cause they’re twins.’

If you whine by accident, Ouga and Ixis answer at the same time.

I was convinced that they were twins if they looked like dragons, although they looked completely different.

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