Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 7

[6] The basics are savings.

I got the adoption papers, and I was wondering if I was going to the bureau, and Claude stopped me.

I asked the other deacons to prepare the paperwork in confidence in anticipation of my absolute opposition.

I accidentally left it at my desk and they saw it.

“What are you thinking about adopting a brother or sister even though they have a headache!

Basically, Claude obeys me no matter what I say, but this just didn’t break me.

“Give me a hundred steps. They can do it, but not these four.”

Claude sorts out the paperwork and puts it out before me.

All four of them were beastmen and included all of those from the flower streets I particularly wanted to give back shields to.


“Because they are all slaves. The lady may have forgotten because of amnesia, but many beastmen are not equal to humans”

Claude tells me pale.

“When you suddenly become a nobleman something of a slave identity, you buy disgust. Your daughter’s position is at stake.”

I felt Claude’s words were perfect.

Nihon, where I was, didn’t have any slaves, and I kind of reflect that you were thinking too mildly.

“A lot of beasts. Does that mean some beasts of equal status?

“Yes, beastmen who graduate from a particular school will be given civilian status”

Claude answers my question, while adding that I know that’s difficult.

“Why is it so hard?

“Because no one bothers to admit beasts who are supposedly inferior to people, and few can graduate”

I remember Claude’s words about the Beastman child in the game.

He had arrived at his husband and was enrolled in that school.

There were many beasts in school as squire.

But I think he fell in love with the protagonist, grew up, asked his husband to register as a student, and went through hiding that he was an animal man.

Besides, beasts aren’t childish and intelligent until they can transform into adults.

That’s why I couldn’t even get into school, Claude seemed to want to say.

This would mean that to adopt an animal man, after graduating from school.

It’s quite a difficult job, but I was anxious to see if I could do it.


He said he wanted to adopt, only the children, other than the beast, could leave the book.

So for now, the edge is done, and then it’s on hold.

It’s mocking that we can’t achieve our original purpose, but, well, it’s the only way.

They hire teachers to teach them from general reading and writing and basic knowledge, but they don’t seem to be doing well because they seem to be bored with the basics.

Leave that for now.

The next problem is this territory owned by the Austin family.

The finances seem pretty bad.

So if you’re luxuriously threesome in such a gorgeous mansion, you buy grudges, too.

But the Austin clan is worse than Hilda about this.

Looks like Hilda’s husband was the main one, but he didn’t rule in a loco way.

By the way, since my husband’s death, my Lord’s brother has been running this territory on Hilda’s behalf.

He has entered the nobility of other territories as his son-in-law and has no inherent right to rule this territory.

But the Austin family has no other legacy.

From Hilda, seventeen years old and young at the time of her husband’s death and annoyingly stinking of territorial management, it seems he took on aggressively.

It seems that nobility ruling the two territories is not inherently good from the concentration of power.

Still, how he governs this territory… this is also terrible.

Even though the weather was poor this year and crops could not be made, taxes are as usual.

Besides, I’m not sure why. I’m putting up more taxes.

It feels like there’s more to bad governance.

The impression that this territory does not even have a particularly prominent industry, but is plain.

Looks like there’s even Slam Street.

I’m not out of the mansion, so I don’t know what it’s like.

I thought I’d put it behind me, but in this situation, I think I should get my hands on it early.

But you don’t have much confidence that I can do something like that politically that I’ve been mediocre all this time, do you?

That’s why, for now, from what I can do.

I decided to try my hand at it from the basic savings.

I was asked to show my previous spending in order to review if there was anything I could sharpen.

… a terrible amount of money had disappeared into Hilda’s shopping.

What did you buy? If you think so, it’s the boys, clothes and hobbies.

Clearly, it’s too much to waste.

When I was led to Hilda’s clothing room, a ton of gorgeous costumes were asleep, so when I sold most of them, it turned out to be a pretty good price.

Then she changed from a dress to a lightweight outfit.

Claude can’t do that, ma’am. She said it was hard to move.

It’s tense to see and wear a beautiful dress, but it’s just depressing when it’s your daily life.

Now I wear a blouse and trousers for men, and my hair fits properly on top.

I truly wish I had a jersey.

Uniforms at my house, a relaxing dish.

You think it’s the strongest clothes, ideal for moving or gobbling, personally. It’s easier than anything.

… let’s make it special order. Though Claude seems angry.

So I thought you might have it with the villa, so I figured I had a lot of it and sold this out too.

Hey, I’m glad someone bought it for a good price.

Let Claude look into the market and put it on for a high price first.

Appeal to people who come for the price that there are others who want to buy it.

That’s what makes me look attractive, so I give the guy who’s been eating me an omelet that I can put this on now, too.

I also said I would give you a discount and I succeeded in selling it at this one’s preferred price.

This kind of rush is fun, isn’t it?

The point is that not only is there a good thing about the item, but it also adds trust by telling you the shortcomings properly.

So smile and serve the customer.

Mr. Hilda, you’re beautiful, so you increase your bargaining power when your opponent is a man’s person.

I couldn’t use it in my previous life, beauty exclusive skills.

I feel like I can use this in the future.

And then Hilda seems to have been a hobby in collecting gems, and I sold some of that too.

I only took more gems and put them away, but the reason was that they were set to save magic in the world of this game.

Besides, it was also expected that the value of the jewels would rarely fluctuate even if the value of the money dropped.

Since this has made some room for money and I intend to refrain from luxury, there should be no problem with a slight reduction in taxes.

Our brother was quite reluctant to lower taxes, but the right to decide that is inherently in Hilda.

I was given my surrogate’s position back, so I’m in charge now, both in honor and honor.

Territorial troubles are piling up, too, but leave that alone for once.

Although they are the boys in question.

It is impossible for me to look after all thirteen exactly.

So I decided to divide it into three groups and take care of each one.

Me, Claude, and another man-looking man in the mansion.

These three took the form of responsible undertakings for each of the children in the group.

I intend to take turns taking care of the group from time to time while exploring the education that suits each of them.

Each group was given the names Star, Flower, and Moon groups in an understandable manner.

I don’t have to think it’s like Treasure Tsuka.

Stars first.

Some scholarly children, including Abel, and groups of older children. To see its qualities and character, it’s just a bunch of kids.

Claude is in charge.

I plan to ask them to primarily study and assist Claude with her deacon duties to improve her skills in the future.

Next, a floral group.

A group of people from Flower Street is the focus of the flower group alone. All beasts.

It makes me think that my academic skills are low and I need to do something about it, mainly porn.

This is my call.

And finally, the moon group.

A group that brings together kids who don’t seem to be in the two groups, with less of a problem.

The moon group decided to ask someone named Mr. Sebastian.

Sebastian is the caretaker for the kids, or babysitter, and she’s been taking care of the kids all by herself.

Mr. Sebastian is an old gentleman with a tender face.

His real name is Sebastian, and his name and butler’s clothes look great on him.

He also seemed heartbroken by how the boys were doing, and he seemed to have been paying attention to them until now.

For that reason many of the boys were nostalgic to Mr. Sebastian.

Abel, who is a target of attack to kill himself. If you’re going to do something about it, I think you should take care of the star group.

But the flower set has various problems, can’t leave it alone.

I’m trying to do something horny to greet you.

It’s really too unsound already.

Equal not loved by Hilda, returned to the store.

Yeah, they seem to think about it, and they’ve been actively appealing.

I’m tired today, I think I’ll go to bed and the naked boy will come and eat me.

If I take a bath, I will flush your back and it will come.

Sometimes they get a flat kiss, they’re pretty colorful even though they’re young.

I don’t have a shota hobby.

But when a beautiful boy does something like that, it’s still beating me or it’s bad for my heart.

It’s not good for my mental health, and I still don’t think my kids should do this.

I’m sure the only one who can fix it is Hilda.

I can only teach them the right way here.

All right, and I’m in the mood.

In the meantime, I went to the clothes store to order jerseys for everyone.

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